laptop and a wrench


Attribute propagation for the 'phaseenergized' attribute of an electric line conductor in an electric utility network is occurring in the upstream direction, despite terminals set on the transformer to only allow for downstream flow.

Última publicación: January 26, 2023 ArcGIS Pro
Número de ID del error BUG-000155331
EnviadoJanuary 24, 2023
Última modificaciónAugust 31, 2024
Relacionado conArcGIS Pro
Versión encontrada2.9.5
Sistema operativoN/A
Versión de sistema operativoN/A
Versión corregida3.2, 2.9.9, 3.1.2

Información adicional

The ArcGIS Server 11.1 Utility Network and Data Management Patch 2 is now live on the support site. The URL is: The ArcGIS Server 10.9.1 Utility Network and Data Management Patch 6 is now live on the support site. The URL is: The ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 Utility Network Patch 11 is now live on the support site. The URL is:\

Solución alternativa

The ArcGIS Server 11.1 Utility Network and Data Management Patch 2 is now live on the support site. The URL is:

The ArcGIS Server 10.9.1 Utility Network and Data Management Patch 6 is now live on the support site. The URL is:

The ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 Utility Network Patch 11 is now live on the support site. The URL is:\

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000155331


  • ArcGIS Pro

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