laptop and a wrench


An error occurs when attempting to add a scene package or a scene service to ArcGIS Earth if the scene package is created in Esri CityEngine.

Última publicación: July 18, 2016 ArcGIS Earth
Número de ID del error BUG-000097805
EnviadoJuly 15, 2016
Última modificaciónFebruary 17, 2023
Relacionado conArcGIS Earth
Versión encontrada1.2
Plataforma del servidorWindows OS
Plataforma cliente7.0 64 Bit
EstadoIn Product Plan

Solución alternativa

The scene package and ArcGIS Online scene service are added successfully when created in ArcGIS Pro or Drone2Map.

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000097805


  • ArcGIS Earth

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