laptop and a wrench


After removing a single choice grid from a group, republishing the survey, and adding it back into the group, any changes made to the single choice grid questions are given identical, generic schema names preventing the user from republishing the survey.

Última publicación: April 10, 2020 ArcGIS Survey123
Número de ID del error BUG-000126008
EnviadoOctober 15, 2019
Última modificaciónAugust 26, 2020
Relacionado conArcGIS Survey123
Versión encontradaN/A
Plataforma del servidorN/A
Plataforma clienteN/A
Version Fixed3.9

Solución alternativa

In My Surveys, save a new copy of the existing survey and make changes to the schema prior to publishing. Note that this creates a new survey and does not overwrite/update the existing survey.

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000126008


  • ArcGIS Survey123

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