laptop and a wrench


A WFS service with transactions (WFS-T) can only be altered with a transaction with POST using the WFS 2.0.0 syntax, even when forcing the version in the request to 1.1.0.

Última publicación: March 23, 2018 ArcGIS GIS Server
Número de ID del error BUG-000111446
EnviadoFebruary 7, 2018
Última modificaciónJanuary 9, 2021
Relacionado conArcGIS GIS Server
Versión encontrada10.6
Plataforma del servidorWindows
Plataforma cliente2012 R2
Version Fixed10.6.1

Solución alternativa

Use the WFS-T 2.0.0 syntax to make edits to the WFS.Replace <wfs:Name>OWNERSHIP</wfs:Name> with <wfs:ValueReference>OWNERSHIP</wfs:ValueReference> and the update transaction succeeds.

Pasos para reproducir

ID del error: BUG-000111446


  • ArcGIS GIS Server

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