Unable to edit a feature class not registered with the geodatabase

Last Published: January 5, 2022


Enterprise geodatabases work with a variety of DBMS storage models and support native SQL spatial types for all supported database management systems. Third-party applications or SQL can be used to create spatial or non-spatial tables in the database management system (DBMS), and these datasets can be viewed and queried in ArcGIS Pro.

browsing geodatabases in Pro

Attempting to edit these datasets in ArcGIS Pro results in the error message 'No editable layers', as seen in the image below.

Create feature dialog, No editable layers


Clicking on the information icon next to the error message, provides more detailed information is provided as to why these datasets can't be edited in ArcGIS Pro, as seen in the next image.

example errors

Datasets in an enterprise geodatabase are only available for editing if they are registered with the geodatabase.

When you create spatial or non-spatial tables in the database management system (DBMS) where your geodatabase is stored using structured query language (SQL), the tables are not automatically registered with the geodatabase.

Solution or Workaround

To use any geodatabase functionality, such as topology, replication, archiving, networks, or versioning, you must register it with the geodatabase. To edit datasets stored in an enterprise geodatabase using ArcGIS Pro, the data must be registered with the geodatabase.

To register a dataset with the geodatabase use the Register with Geodatabase geoprocessing tool. To do this, you must connect as the owner of the input dataset.

right-click the database, and click Manage > Register with Geodatabase

Registering a table with the geodatabase records information about the table in geodatabase system tables, including the extent, the spatial reference, and the feature type (such as point, line, or polygon).

Geoprocessing registration dialog

Once the datasets are registered with the geodatabase, editing as well as other geodatabase functionality is enabled and available in ArcGIS Pro and other ArcGIS clients.

Create features dialog now with editable layers

Article ID: 000026901

  • ArcGIS Pro

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