Unable to publish layers added from ArcGIS Living Atlas to ArcGIS Online in ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: September 7, 2021


ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World is an evolving collection of ready-to-use global geographic information. It includes imagery, basemaps, apps, and layers that are accessible in ArcGIS Online. However, when using an ArcGIS Living Atlas layer in ArcGIS Pro, publishing the layer as a hosted feature layer to ArcGIS Online fails, and the following error and warning messages are returned:

The error and warning messages displayed in the Share As Web Layer pane after failed to publish the layer added from ArcGIS Living Atlas.

00102: Map does not contain a required layer type for web feature layer
24078: Layer’s data source is not supported: <value>


This issue occurs when the ArcGIS Living Atlas layers are not stored as geodatabase feature classes in ArcGIS Pro. Sharing of non-geodatabase data is not supported in ArcGIS Pro.

Solution or Workaround

In ArcGIS Pro, convert the ArcGIS Living Atlas layer as a geodatabase feature class, and publish it as a web layer to ArcGIS Online.

  1. Open the ArcGIS Pro project.
  2. In the Contents pane, right-click the layer added from ArcGIS Living Atlas, click Data, and Export Features.

When right-click the ArcGIS Living Atlas feature layer, there are several selection to edit the layer. Select Data leads to another few selections including Export Features, Export Table, and Set Data Source.

  1. Configure the Export Features parameters as follows:
    1. Select the feature layer from the Input Features drop-down list. In this example, Lands is selected.
    2. For Output Location, click Browse…. The Browse.... icon. to specify the location of the output feature class.
    3. Specify Output Name.
    4. Click OK. The output layer is automatically added to the map.

On the Parameters tab, in the Export Features window, configure Input Features, Output Location, and Output Name. In the example, the Output Name is Lands_testinglayer. Click OK at the bottom of the Export Features window.

  1. In the Contents pane, right-click the layer added from ArcGIS Living Atlas, and select Remove to remove it.

When right-click the ArcGIS Living Atlas feature layer, there are several selection to edit the layer. Select Remove to remove the feature layer.

  1. Publish the layer to ArcGIS Online. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Share a web feature layer for steps to do this.

The image below shows the layer published successfully to ArcGIS Online as a web layer in ArcGIS Pro.

Attempting to publish the feature layer to ArcGIS Online success with notification displays at the bottom of the Share As Web Layer pane, 'Successfully published web layer'.

Article ID:000026249

  • ArcGIS Pro 2 8 x
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 7 x
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 x

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