Use the Time Slider in Portal for ArcGIS with data from ArcMap

Last Published: August 20, 2024


This article describes the steps to use the Time Slider in a Portal for ArcGIS web map, and reconcile issues with non-spatial data and inconsistent time formatting in the source data. In this example, there is a Microsoft Access Database that includes a table with the following data:

  • longitude
  • latitude
  • altitude
  • date data

However the data is stored in a non-spatial table, and the time format is not consistent throughout the records.


  1. From the MS Access database, export the table to Excel.
Image of exporting the MS Access database table to Excel in MS Access.
  1. Add the exported table to ArcMap. Refer to ArcMap: Adding tables to ArcMap for more information.
The Excel table added to Catalog in ArcMap.
  1. After adding the table to the map, right-click it in the table of contents and click Display XY Data.
Image of Display XY Data in the context menu.
  1. Select the fields with longitude and latitude values for the X Field and Y Field respectively.
Image of the fields selected for X Field and Y Field.
  1. After displaying the X,Y points, export the layer, and add it to the map. Refer to ArcMap: Exporting features for more information.
Image of Export Data.
  1. Use the Define Projection tool to provide the layer with a spatial reference. In this example, the 'GCS_NAD_1983_2011' coordinate system is used.
Image of selected coordinate system in the Define Projection dialog.
  1. Open the attribute table. In the attribute table of the layer, note that the date style in the 'DATEUTC' field is not consistent, as shown in the image below.
Image of the attribute table showing inconsistent date style.
  1. Click the Table Options button. Click Add Field.
Image of Add Field from the Table Options.
  1. Create a new Date field. In this example, the new field is named DATE_UTC_NEW.
Image of the field name and type in Add Field dialog.
  1. Export all of the data from the old date field ('DATEUTC') to the new date field ('DATE_UTC_NEW').
  1. Open the Field Calculator on the new field.
Image of Field Calculator from right-clicking the field.
  1. Double-click the old date field ('DATEUTC') field in the Fields list to add it.
Image of Field Calculator with the DATEEUTC selected.
  1. Click OK. Notice the consistency in the date style of the new date field ('DATE_UTC_NEW').
Image of the attribute table with consistent date style.
  1. Go to Layer Properties and check Enable time on this layer. Refer to ArcMap: Enabling time on your data for more information.
  2. Set the time properties of the layer. Refer to ArcMap: Setting the time properties on data for more information.
Image of the Time tab in Layer Properties.

The layer is time-enabled. After publishing the layer and adding it to a web map, the Time Slider is at the bottom of the page:

Image of the Time slider at the bottom of the web map.

Configure the Time Slider by pressing the settings icon on the right side of it and clicking Show Advanced Options.

Image of Time Settings from clicking Show Advanced Options.

Additionally, the Time Slider widget can be added to a web application in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder.

Image of the Time Slider widget in a web application in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder.

Article ID: 000023292

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