Check the count of a choice from a select_multiple question in Survey123 for ArcGIS

Last Published: April 27, 2022


Survey forms may be designed in Survey123 Connect where a ‘select_multiple’ type question is placed within a Repeat. The Analyze tab in Survey123 website displays the count of a particular survey choice. However, this can also be checked within the survey itself by the following steps.


  1. Create a select_multiple type question in the survey sheet inside of a repeat.
    For example:
    • Question - alphabet_select
    • Answer: A, B, C (where, multiple choices can be selected)
  2. Within the repeat, add a calculation to return the value '1' if answer ‘A’ has been selected. For example:
  1. Set the bind::type column to int.
  2. Outside the repeat, add a calculation to sum the value from the above question.

Article ID:000021063

  • ArcGIS Survey123 Connect

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