Exporting a feature class or table to a textfile fails in some locales

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Exporting a feature class or table on a computer in which the locale is set to something other than English fails in many cases.


ArcGIS uses the Microsoft ODBC Text File driver. The Microsoft ODBC Text File driver defaults to a comma as the delimiter. This conflicts with the locale's decimal delimiter, also a comma, and the create table fails.

Solution or Workaround

Change the delimiter.

The delimiter can be changed using either of the two methods below. Method #1 does not require administrator access, and Method #2 does.

Method #1

Open the 'schema.ini' file in a text editor. If the 'schema.ini' file exists, add the following lines to it:


Where 'your_file.txt' is the name of the file to be created. If the 'schema.ini' file does not exist. Create a text file named 'schema.ini' and add the same lines.

This must be done for each file to be exported. Search the Microsoft Website for 'schema.ini' for more information on the 'schema.ini' file.

The instructions below include making changes to essential parts of your operating system. It is recommended that you backup your operating system and files, including the registry, before proceeding. Consult with a qualified computer systems professional, if necessary.
ESRI cannot guarantee results from incorrect modifications while following these instructions; therefore, use caution and proceed at your own risk.

Method #2

In the Windows registry:

Change the value of Format at


to Format = TabDelimited.

    Article ID:000010904

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