Search inside territory for ZIP Codes

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Instructions provided describe how to get a list of all of the ZIPs in a territory when a territory is not comprised of ZIP Codes.


It is possible to search inside a territory for point data, but not the ZIP polygons. Follow the instructions below for a method to search for the ZIP Codes inside of a territory.

  1. Export the 5 digit ZIP Code database from the ZIP5 layer and save it as a new file name.
  2. Open the database in Excel and right-click the column. Select Format Cells and format as TEXT. Do this for the Post Office, County, and State columns.
  3. Save the database. It can be saved in Excel (.xls) format or dBase (.dbf).
  4. Add this database to a map by selecting Layer > Add Database from the main menu and selecting the file just created.
  5. In the Add Database dialog box, it is suggested that 'NO SYMBOL' is selected as the symbol type. Uncheck the 'DISPLAY LABELS' box.
  6. Right-click on the desired Territory in the Territory window and select Search Inside.
  7. From the pop-up menu, select this new ZIP5 database layer that was brought into the map as the layer to search for. The resulting ZIP Codes display in the Database window.

Article ID:000010846

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