Find Place returns results, but does not load into Map Viewer

Last Published: April 25, 2020


When using the Find Place functionality in the GIS Portal Toolkit's (GPT) Map Viewer, the Find Place returns results but when a result is clicked, the Map Viewer does not zoom in on the selected location or reload. This problem occurs in Firefox.


The Find Place functionality in the MapViewer uses the Find Place functionality of the Portal application. Due to more stringent cross-browser scripting rules in Firefox, the browser may not be allowing the Portal's Find Place functionality to interact with the Map Viewer if the placefinder_url variable in the file (located at <TOMCAT DIR>\webapps\arcexplorer\WEB-INF\classes) is set incorrectly.

Solution or Workaround

Verify that the placefinder_url variable is pointing to a URL that matches the exact URL with which the Portal itself is launched.

  1. Open the file and scroll to approximately line 49 where the placefinder_url variable is defined.
  2. Note the 'server name' part of the URL. This appears after http:// and before /Portal/ptk...
  3. The server name part of the URL must match the server name exactly with which the Portal is launched in a browser. If the Portal is launched with an alias to the server name, or with a port number following the server name, this placefinder_url variable must reflect these URL characteristics equally.
  4. Save the file with its changes and restart Tomcat.
  5. Open the Portal in a new browser window and launch the Map Viewer again to perform a gazetteer test.

Article ID:000009632

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