Determine which symbol properties are overridden in the annotation feature class

Last Published: April 26, 2020


Instructions provided describe how to determine which symbol properties are overridden in the annotation feature class by using VBA code. The code displays the overridden values in the VBA immediate window.

The Override field in a 9.x annotation feature class is a uneditable field that is maintained by ArcGIS. When the override value is 0, the annotation feature displays using the SymbolID text symbol that it references and no display properties are stored in the record. When the override value is greater than 0, the annotation feature uses the SymbolID text symbol as a base display and applies the overridden properties to that symbol.

If the annotation feature does not reference a symbol in the symbol collection, the override value will always be 0 and the value of the SymbolID field for the feature will be -1. See the table below for a list of these possible values. The values that are seen in the attribute table are a sum of these values:

Override value	Overridden property
1 		XOffset property
2 		YOffset property
4 		Horizontal Alignment property
8 		Vertical Alignment property
16 		Flip Angle property
64 		Size property
128 		Color property
512 		Character Spacing property
1024 		Character Width property
2048 		Word Spacing property
4096 		Leading property
8192 		Bold property
16384 		Italic property
32768 		Underline property
65536 		Background Symbol
131072 		Font property
For example, if the override value is 65, then both the XOffset (1) and Size (64) properties are overridden (1+64=65).


Use the code sample below to display which properties have been overridden for each annotation feature id.
  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. Open the Visual Basic Editor.
    In ArcMap, select Tools > Macros > Visual Basic Editor.
  3. In the Project Explorer window, expand Project.mxt and navigate to ArcMap Objects > ThisDocument, right-click, and select View Code.
    [O-Image] Visual Basic Project  Explorer
    Code in the Project's ThisDocument code module only runs in the current map document. To store the code in all map documents, open the Normal.mxt ThisDocument code module instead.
    1. Copy the following code into the code module:
      Public Sub GetFeatureandReportOverrides()
      Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument
      Dim pFL As IFeatureLayer
      Dim pFeature As IFeature
      Dim pAnnoFeat As IAnnotationFeature
      Dim pElement As IElement
      Dim pSymbolCollectionElement As ISymbolCollectionElement
      Dim pQF As IQueryFilter
      Dim pFeatureCursor As IFeatureCursor
      Dim OID As Long
      Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument
      Set pFL = pMxDoc.ActiveView.FocusMap.Layer(0)
      If TypeOf pFL Is IAnnotationLayer Then
      Set pFeatureCursor = pFL.Search(pQF, False)
      Set pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature
      Do Until pFeature Is Nothing
      	OID = pFeature.OID
      	Set pAnnoFeat = pFeature
      	Set pElement = pAnnoFeat.Annotation
      	If TypeOf pElement Is ISymbolCollectionElement Then
      		Set pSymbolCollectionElement = pElement
      		If pSymbolCollectionElement.SymbolID = -1 Then
      			Debug.Print "Feature " & OID & " does not reference a symbol in the symbol collection"
      			ReportOverrides OID, pSymbolCollectionElement.OverriddenProperties
      		End If
      	Debug.Print "Feature " & OID & " is not a text element"
      	End If
      Set pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature
      Debug.Print "The first layer in the map is not a Geodatabase Annotation layer"
      End If
      End Sub
      Public Sub ReportOverrides(OID As Long, lngOverrideVal As Long)
      Debug.Print "Feature " & OID & " has the following overrides:"
      	'lookup the overrides
      		If (lngOverrideVal Xor esriSymbolOverrideEnum.esriSymbolOverrideXOffset) <= lngOverrideVal Then _
      			Debug.Print "X Offset"
      		If (lngOverrideVal Xor esriSymbolOverrideEnum.esriSymbolOverrideYOffset) <= lngOverrideVal Then _
      			Debug.Print "YOffset"
      		If (lngOverrideVal Xor esriSymbolOverrideEnum.esriSymbolOverrideHorzAlignment) <= lngOverrideVal Then _
      			Debug.Print "Horizontal Alignment"
      		If (lngOverrideVal Xor esriSymbolOverrideEnum.esriSymbolOverrideVertAlignment) <= lngOverrideVal Then _
      			Debug.Print "Vertical Alignment"
      		If (lngOverrideVal Xor esriSymbolOverrideEnum.esriSymbolOverrideFlipAngle) <= lngOverrideVal Then _
      			Debug.Print "Flip Angle"
      		If (lngOverrideVal Xor esriSymbolOverrideEnum.esriSymbolOverrideSize) <= lngOverrideVal Then _
      			Debug.Print "Size"
      		If (lngOverrideVal Xor esriSymbolOverrideEnum.esriSymbolOverrideColor) <= lngOverrideVal Then _
      			Debug.Print "Color"
      		If (lngOverrideVal Xor esriSymbolOverrideEnum.esriSymbolOverrideCharSpacing) <= lngOverrideVal Then _
      			Debug.Print "Character Spacing"
      		If (lngOverrideVal Xor esriSymbolOverrideEnum.esriSymbolOverrideCharWidth) <= lngOverrideVal Then _
      			Debug.Print "Character Width"
      		If (lngOverrideVal Xor esriSymbolOverrideEnum.esriSymbolOverrideWordSpacing) <= lngOverrideVal Then _
      			Debug.Print "Word Spacing"
      		If (lngOverrideVal Xor esriSymbolOverrideEnum.esriSymbolOverrideLeading) <= lngOverrideVal Then _
      			Debug.Print "Leading"
      		If (lngOverrideVal Xor esriSymbolOverrideEnum.esriSymbolOverrideBold) <= lngOverrideVal Then _
      			Debug.Print "Bold"
      		If (lngOverrideVal Xor esriSymbolOverrideEnum.esriSymbolOverrideItalic) <= lngOverrideVal Then _
      			Debug.Print "Italic"
      		If (lngOverrideVal Xor esriSymbolOverrideEnum.esriSymbolOverrideUnderline) <= lngOverrideVal Then _
      			Debug.Print "Underline"
      		If (lngOverrideVal Xor esriSymbolOverrideEnum.esriSymbolOverrideBackground) <= lngOverrideVal Then _
      			Debug.Print "Background"
      		If (lngOverrideVal Xor esriSymbolOverrideEnum.esriSymbolOverrideFontName) <= lngOverrideVal Then _
      			Debug.Print "Font Name"
      Debug.Print " " 'a space for formatting
      End Sub
  4. Run the code by selecting Run > Run Sub/User Form.
  5. The code displays the overridden values in the VBA immediate window. To open this window, go to View > Immediate window in the VBA editor.

Article ID:000008340

  • ArcMap 9 x

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