Build Geocoding Indices with IndexBuilder using the command line option

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Instructions provided describe how to build Geocoding Indices with IndexBuilder using the command line option.

This can also be done in ArcIMS Author when selecting the geocoding style.


When data is changed or ArcIMS is upgraded it may be necessary to rebuild the Geocoding Indices.

ArcIMS uses an executable called 'IndexBuilder' to build the geocoding indices. It takes in two arguments, 'AXL file' and the 'layer ID' to build the indices. The output is two files with extensions .gci and .xrf.

  1. If there are running map services pointing to the AXL file for which the Geocoding Indices are rebuilt, delete the map service in ArcIMS Administrator.
  2. If the indices already exist, navigate to the directory and move the .xrf and .gci files to a back-up location or delete them.
  3. Open a command prompt and execute the following command:

    "<ArcIMS Installation Directory>\IndexBuilder\aimsindxb.exe" "<location of axl file>\<axl file name>.axl" <layer id>



    "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcIMS\IndexBuilder\aimsindxb.exe" "C:\ArcIMS\AXL\geocode.axl" 2

    In the above example, geocoding indices will be created for the layer with id=2 in geocode.axl file.

  4. The location of the geocoding indices can be specified in the AXL file inside the WORKSPACE tag:

    When using SDEWORKSPACE the attribute 'geoindexdir' defines the location of index files.



    <SDEWORKSPACE name="sde_ws-0" server="test" instance="port:5151" database="sde" user="sde"
    encrypted="true" password="KMQZGB" geoindexdir="C:\temp\" />

    In the above example, the .gci and .xrf files will be placed in 'C:\temp' directory.

    When using SHAPEWORKSPACE, the geocoding indices are built where the data resides.



    <SHAPEWORKSPACE name="shp_ws-0" directory="C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcIMS\Samples\TutorialData" />

    In the above example, the .gci and .xrf files will be placed in 'C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcIMS\Samples\TutorialData' directory.

    It is important to note that these index files should be available to the Spatial Server for the map service to return geocoding results correctly.

Article ID:000007624

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