Apply a selection to a related table

Last Published: April 25, 2020


This article pertains to ArcGIS versions 8.x and  9.x. Later versions of ArcGIS may contain different functionality, as well as different names and locations for menus, commands and geoprocessing tools.

Instructions provided describe how to apply a selection to a related table. In ArcMap, relates can be used to establish a relationship between feature classes and tables. Unlike joins, relates require a command to be issued before applying a tables selection to a related table. This example demonstrates how to programmatically apply a selection from a feature class to a related table in ArcMap using a relationship class.

Support for Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) for ArcMap and ArcCatalog ended with the ArcGIS 10.2.2 release, and Esri has not included VBA compatibility setups since version 10.5. See: ArcGIS Desktop and VBA Moving Forward


The sample requires a feature layer in a geodatabase, participating in a relationship class with a standalone table to be loaded into a new ArcMap session. This relationship class must be created in the geodatabase using ArcCatalog; the code does not work properly on relationships created by right-clicking the layer in ArcMap and choosing 'Joins and Relates > Relate...'

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. Create a new UIButtonControl: How To: Create a new UIButtonControl​
For more information on creating a UIControl, see the ArcGIS Desktop Help topic: 'Creating custom commands with VBA and UI Controls'
  1. Right-click the UIButtonControl and select View Source.
  2. Copy the following code into the UIButtonControl's click event.
 This code is intended for use in ArcGIS Desktop 9.x. To run this in ArcGIS Desktop 8.x, it is necessary to change one line of code. Please see the comment toward the top of the "GetRelSelection" routine.
Private Sub GetSelection()

    Dim pDoc As IMxDocument
    Dim pMap As IMap
    Dim pFLayer As IFeatureLayer
    Dim pFClass As IFeatureClass
    Dim pFSelection As IFeatureSelection
    Dim pRelClassColl As IRelationshipClassCollection
    Dim pRelClass As IRelationshipClass
    Dim pEnumRelClass As IEnumRelationshipClass
    Dim pStandAloneTable As IStandaloneTable
    Dim pStandtabcollection As IStandaloneTableCollection
    Dim pTable As ITable
    Dim pInSelSet As ISelectionSet
    Dim pOutSelSet As ISelectionSet
    Dim pEnumRelationshipclass As IEnumRelationshipClass
    Dim pStTab As IStandaloneTable
    Dim pStTabColl As IStandaloneTableCollection
    Dim pRelationshipClass As IRelationshipClass
    Dim pDataset As IDataset
    Dim pOClass As IObjectClass
    Dim pTSelection As ITableSelection
    Dim pTabWin As ITableWindow
    'Get the feature class from the map
    Set pDoc = ThisDocument
    Set pMap = pDoc.FocusMap
    Set pFLayer = pMap.Layer(0)
    Set pFClass = pFLayer.FeatureClass
    'Get the relationship class from the featureclass
    Set pEnumRelationshipclass = pFClass.RelationshipClasses(esriRelRoleAny)
    Set pRelationshipClass = pEnumRelationshipclass.Next
    Set pOClass = pRelationshipClass.DestinationClass
    Set pTable = pOClass
    'Get the selection set
    Set pFSelection = pFLayer
    Set pInSelSet = pFSelection.SelectionSet
    'Get the selection set for the related table
    Set pOutSelSet = GetRelSelection(pInSelSet, pTable, pRelationshipClass)
    'Get related table and add selection set
    Set pStTab = New StandaloneTable
    Set pStTab.Table = pTable
    Set pTSelection = pStTab
    Set pTSelection.SelectionSet = pOutSelSet
    Set pStTabColl = pMap
    pStTabColl.AddStandaloneTable pStTab
    'Create and open a new table window for the table
    Set pTabWin = New TableWindow
    Set pTabWin.Table = pStTab
    Set pTabWin.Application = Application
    pTabWin.UpdateSelection pOutSelSet
    pTabWin.ShowSelected = True
    pTabWin.Show True
End Sub
Private Function GetRelSelection(pFrSelSet As ISelectionSet, pToTable As ITable, pRelClass As IRelationshipClass) As ISelectionSet
    Dim pInSet As ISet
    Dim pOutSet As ISet
    Dim pCursor As ICursor
    Dim pRow As IRow
    Dim pOIDList() As Long
    Dim intOIDIndex As Integer
    Dim intCount As Integer
    Dim pOutSelSet As ISelectionSet
    Dim lngOID As Long
    ' Get the set of the selected rows
    ' NOTE: The following line of code is for 9.x installations. To make this work on 8.x,
    ' replace it with this line:
    ' Set pInSet = New esriCore.Set
    Set pInSet = New esriSystem.Set
    pFrSelSet.Search Nothing, False, pCursor
    Set pRow = pCursor.NextRow
    Do While Not pRow Is Nothing
    pInSet.Add pRow
    Set pRow = pCursor.NextRow
    Debug.Print pInSet.Count
    'Get the set of related rows and build an OID list
    Set pOutSet = pRelClass.GetObjectsRelatedToObjectSet(pInSet)
    If pOutSet.Count <> 0 Then
    Set pRow = pOutSet.Next
    ReDim pOIDList(pOutSet.Count - 1)
    intOIDIndex = pRow.Fields.FindField(pToTable.OIDFieldName)
    intCount = 0
    Do While Not pRow Is Nothing
      pOIDList(intCount) = pRow.Value(intOIDIndex)
      Set pRow = pOutSet.Next
      intCount = intCount + 1
    End If
    'Make a selectionset and add the OID's from the OID list - Option #1
    Set pOutSelSet = pToTable.Select(Nothing, esriSelectionTypeHybrid, _
    esriSelectionOptionEmpty, Nothing)
    If pOutSet.Count <> 0 Then
    For lngOID = 0 To pOutSet.Count - 1
      pOutSelSet.Add (pOIDList(lngOID))
    End If

'Make a selectionset and add the OID's from the OID list - Option #2 (uncomment to use and comment out Option #1)
    'Dim pOutSelSet As ISelectionSet 
    'Set pOutSelSet = pToDispTab.DisplayTable.Select(Nothing, esriSelectionTypeHybrid, esriSelectionOptionEmpty, Nothing) 
    'pOutSelSet.AddList pOutSet.Count, pOIDList(0)     
     Set GetRelSelection = pOutSelSet

End Function
  1. Make a feature selection from the loaded feature class and click the UIButtonControl.
  2. The selection is applied to the related table as defined by the relationship class. The standalone table is opened, displaying all of the related records.

Article ID:000007066

  • ArcMap 8 x
  • ArcMap 9 x

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