Fix multiple label errors in a polygon coverage using ArcEdit

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Properly managing polygon attributes requires exactly one label point per polygon. Instructions provided are to find and fix multiple label errors in a polygon coverage.


If all labels in each polygon have the same attributes use the ARCEDIT BUILD command with the NODUPS option to remove duplicate polygon labels.
If the labels in each polygon have different attributes follow the steps below to delete duplicate labels.

  1. Select polygons that have multiple label points and assign a flag attribute to the label points.

    Arc: arcedit
    Arcedit: edit soils polygon
    Arcedit: drawenvironment polygon label ids
    Arcedit: draw
    Arcedit: additem flag 1 1 I
    Arcedit: select $labels gt 1
    Arcedit: drawselect
    Arcedit: selectput label
    Arcedit: calculate flag = 1

  2. Set the edit feature to label and draw the selected labels.

    Arcedit: editfeature label
    Arcedit: drawselect

  3. Select a polygon with multiple labels. Set the map extent to this polygon.

    Arcedit: select
    Arcedit: mapextent select

  4. Delete all labels for this polygon except the one that contains the attributes to be maintained. Reselect the polygon's remaining label and calculate the FLAG item to 0.

    Arcedit: select
    Arcedit: list
    Arcedit: delete
    Arcedit: select
    Arcedit: calculate flag = 0

  5. Select all of the labels where FLAG item equals 1. Reset the mapextent to the extent of these selected polygons and display the selected labels.

    Arcedit: select flag = 1
    Arcedit: mapextent select
    Arcedit: drawselect

  6. Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5 for each polygon with duplicate labels.
  7. Save the coverage and QUIT ArcEdit.

    Arcedit: save
    Arcedit: q

  8. BUILD the coverage and run LABELERRORS to verify that the duplicate labels have been removed.

    Arc: build soils polygon
    Arc: labelerrors soils all

  9. Use the DROPITEM command to delete the FLAG item.

    Arc: dropitem soils.pat soils.pat flag

Article ID:000005598

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