Install ServletExec for IIS 4/5 and ArcIMS 3.1 on Windows

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Instructions provided are for the installation and testing of the ServletExec Servlet Engine on IIS Web server and ArcIMS 3.1.

Evaluation versions of ServletExec are not supported and do not work with ArcIMS.

Check that the version of ArcIMS shown in 'Software' in the title bar above, matches the version you are using. Do not continue if these do not match. Refer to Related Information, below, for an article providing the installation on a more recent version of ArcIMS, or return to the ESRI Online Support Site to locate the instructions you require.


If ServletExec and JRE are already installed, refer to the Related Information link below, called "Updating ServletExec to use a new version of JRE", before installing ArcIMS 3.1.
  1. Install jdk 1.3.0_02 from the Sun Web site and accept all the defaults.
  2. Install ServletExec:

    A. At the Welcome screen, click Next.

    B. At the License screen, click Yes.

    C. At the Information screen, click Next.

    D. At the Choose Destination screen, navigate to the location where ServletExec is to be installed or accept the default. Click Next.

    E. Click OK at the warning.

    F. At the InstallShield Wizard Complete screen, uncheck the Display ReadMe box and click Finish.

    G. Stop and start IIS.
    A. Open IIS Manager:

    --For IIS 4.0:
    Click Start > Programs > Windows NT Option Pack > Microsoft Internet Information Server > Internet Service Manager.

    --For IIS 5.0:
    Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Services Manager.

    B. Highlight Default Web Site under your localhost name:
    1. In the toolbar, click the Stop button (square icon).
    2. Click the Start button (arrow icon).
  3. Verify the ServletExec installation was successful:
    A. Open a browser window and type: http://machine/servlet/TestServlet

    If you see the TestServlet Outlet screen, the installation was successful. If the TestServlet Outlet screen doesn't appear, repeat installation.

    B. To License ServletExec, click Start > Programs > New Atlanta > ServletExec 3.1 ISAPI > ServletExec Admin to open ServletExec Admin.

    C. In the License key box, type the license and click Enter License Key.

    D. Close ServletExec Admin.
  4. Install ArcIMS 3.1:

    A. Run ArcIMS setup.exe.

    B. At the Welcome screen, click View Readme to read about last-minute changes to the ArcIMS installation instructions. Close the window when done. Click Next. At the License Agreement screen, click I Agree.

    C. At the Installation Type screen, click Typical and click Next.

    D. At the Installation Directory screen, click Browse to change the installation directory, if desired, and click OK. Click Next.

    E. If JRE 1.3.0_02 is not installed or not detected, a Java Runtime Environment Installation screen displays. You must have JRE installed to install and run ArcIMS Manager and the Java Viewers.
    The setup program looks for a specific registry entry to determine if JRE is installed on the computer. Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.3 does not create the registry entry even though it contains a valid JRE.

    Click OK to begin JRE installation or Browse to an existing JDK location. After JRE installation, click Next to continue ArcIMS installation.

    F. At the Host Name and Working Directories screen, choose a protocol and change the Web Server Host Name, if needed.

    If setting up an Internet Web site or a multiple ArcIMS Spatial Server configuration, include your domain name; for example: If the Web server has a port number other than the default HTTP port (80), then it should have the syntax webservername:port number; for example:

    G. For the Web Site Working Directory, accept the default location to store Web pages and ArcIMS output, or click Browse to change the directory.
    If choosing the default, after installation you must create virtual directories for output and website. See Step 7 below for instructions.
    If navigating to the location of the Web server root directory, there is no need to create virtual directories for output and Web site.

    H. For the User’s Working Directory, accept the default location or click Browse to navigate to another location. Click Next.

    I. At the Application Server Information screen, change the Registry Port and Connector Port, if desired.

    The ArcIMS Spatial Server, Monitor, and Tasker communicate with the ArcIMS Application Server via the Registry port.

    The Servlet Connector and ArcIMS Application Server communicate via the Connector port. Click Next.

    J. At the Servlet Connector Directory screen, navigate to the location of the Servlet directory; for example: \Program Files\New Atlanta\ServletExec ISAPI\Servlets.

    If you don’t know this location, click Help for a list of the most common Servlet directory locations.

    If you are unsure, use this location: <ArcIMS Installation Directory>\Connectors\Servlet and contact your system administrator. In this case, the servlet connector (com directory and associated files) must be moved from <ArcIMS Installation Directory>\Connectors\Servlet to the appropriate Web server directory before using ArcIMS. See Step 5 below for details.

    K. Click Next.

    L. At the Windows Services Authorization screen, change the Domain\User Name, if necessary. The User Name and Password must be for the installation account and must have administrator privileges.

    This information gives ArcIMS the ability to start Windows services: ArcIMS Application Server, Monitor, and Tasker, and gives the ArcIMS Spatial Server the necessary privileges to access resources on the local computer and/or network.

    M. Type the Password for the selected User Name and type it again to confirm it. Click Next.

    N. At the Summary of Installation Information screen, verify that the information is correct. After installation, it is written to a log file located at <ArcIMS Installation Directory>\Common\InstallSummary.log.

    Click Next to begin installation.
    Microsoft’s Java VM 3186 or later is required for the ArcIMS Windows Services. The installation prompts you to update the system if Microsoft Java VM is not detected or if is is an older version.

    O. At the Installation Successful screen, click Finish to restart your computer.
    You must restart the computer to complete ArcIMS installation.

    P. After ArcIMS installation, it is recommended updating the Services file. This file contains a record of ports in use. It is typically located at <drive>:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc.

    Open the Services file in a text editor, scroll to the place where the port numbers fit, and add the Connector and Registry port numbers to the file; for example:
    esri_conn    5300/tcp    #ArcIMS connector port
    esri_reg     5353/tcp    #ArcIMS registry port

    Save the file.

    This tells the system administrator which ports are in use, so they will not be duplicated. The port numbers are listed on the ArcIMS Summary screen; this information is written to a summary log file located at <ArcIMS Installation Directory>\Common.
  5. Configure ServletExec to work with ArcIMS:

    A. Verify that the following items are at: \Program Files\New Atlanta\ServletExec ISAPI\Servlets:

    · com directory
    · Esrimap_prop
    · jaxp.jar
    · parser.jar
    · WMSEsrimap_prop

    If not, stop IIS. Then navigate to <ArcIMS Installation Directory>\Connectors\Servlet and copy those items to that location.

    B. Provide read/write access to the ServletExec Data directory:
    1. Stop IIS.
    A. Open IIS Manager:

    --For IIS 4.0:
    Click Start > Programs > Windows NT Option Pack > Microsoft Internet Information Server > Internet Service Manager.

    --For IIS 5.0:
    Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Services Manager.

    B. Highlight Default Web Site under your localhost name:
    1. In the toolbar, click the Stop button (square icon).
    2. Click the Start button (arrow icon).

    2. Navigate to the ServletExec ISAPI directory in the ServletExec installation folder, for example, \Program Files\New Atlanta.
    3. Right-click the ServletExec ISAPI directory and choose Properties.
    3. Click the Security tab.
    4. Click Add.
    5. In the Look in dropdown list, select the computer name.
    6. Double click IUSR_<computer name> and click OK.
    7. Highlight the user, Internet Guest Account(MYMACHINE\IUSR_<computer name>).
    8. For Write access, choose Allow, and click OK.
    9. Restart IIS.

    C. Open a browser and type “http://localhost/servlet/admin”
    to start ServletExec Administration.

    D. Click the classpath link under Virtual Machine located in the index
    frame on the left.

    E. Click inside the empty classpath text box and type:

    “<drive>:\Program Files\New Atlanta\ServletExec ISAPI\Servlets\jaxp.jar”

    Click Submit to add the entry to the classpath settings, click inside the empty classpath text box and type:
    “<drive>:\Program Files\New Atlanta\ServletExec ISAPI\Servlets\parser.jar”

    Click Submit to add the entry to the classpath settings.

    F. Open \Program Files\New Atlanta\ServletExec ISAPI\ServletExec Data in a text editor, find the line

    and verify that the version is 1.0. Save the file.

    G. Restart IIS. Close IIS Manager.
  6. Use the Diagnostics tool to test the ArcIMS installation:

    A. Click Start > Programs > Esri > ArcIMS 3.1 > ArcIMS Diagnostics. The ArcIMS Diagnostics displays.

    B. Select the Web server protocol, type the Web server name including domain, and type the port number. The default is 80.

    c. Click Test to test the ArcIMS Servlet Connector and ArcIMS Application Server.

    If this test is successful, the ArcIMS Application Server and ArcIMS Servlet Connector are configured correctly.

    If an error message appears, select the error number in the dropdown list and click View. The error number and a description display. Follow the instructions in the description to fix the problem and try the Diagnostics tool again.
  7. Create virtual directories on IIS:

    A. Open IIS Manager:

    · For Windows NT, click Start > Programs > Windows NT Option Pack > Microsoft Internet Information Server > Internet Service Manager.

    · For Windows 2000, click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Services Manager.

    B. Under the localhost name, find Default Web site. Click to highlight it.

    C. Click Action in the toolbar.

    D. From the dropdown menu, point to New and click Virtual Directory. The New Virtual Directory Wizard displays.

    E. Type 'Manager' for the alias and click Next.

    F. Click Browse to select the ArcIMS Manager directory at
    <drive>:\Program Files\Esri\ArcIMS3.1\Manager or the alternate location you selected during installation, click OK, and click Next.

    G. For IIS 4.0, check Allow Directory Browsing and click Finish.

    For IIS 5.0, check Browse and click Next.

    Manager appears in the virtual directory list.

    Now create virtual directories for output and Web site.
    If you browsed to the location of the Web server root directory to create directories for output and Web site during ArcIMS installation, skip to Step 7R below. 

    H. Click Default Web Site to highlight it.

    I. Click Action, point to New, and click Virtual Directory.

    J. Type 'output' for the alias and click Next.

    K. Click Browse to select the ArcIMS output directory located where you placed it during installation, for example, C:\ArcIMS\output. Click Next.

    L. Check Allow Directory Browsing and click Finish. Output appears in the virtual directory list.

    M. Click Default Web Site to highlight it.

    N. Click Action, point to New, and click Virtual Directory.

    O. Type 'website' for the alias and click Next.

    P. Click Browse to select the ArcIMS Website directory located where it was placed during installation; for example: C:\ArcIMS\website. Click Next.

    Q. Check Allow Directory Browsing and click Finish. Website appears in the virtual directory list.

    R. To change file security, in the left panel, click Scripts. In the right panel, right-click ServletExec_ISAPI.dll and choose Properties.

    S. Click the File Security tab and click Edit to change the Anonymous access and authentication control.

    T. Verify that Anonymous access is checked. For IIS 4.0, uncheck Windows NT Challenge/Response and click OK; for IIS 5.0, uncheck Integrated Windows Authentication and click OK.

    U. Close the console window. Click Yes at the Save Console settings prompt.
  8. See "Step 5: Configure ArcIMS" in the ArcIMS 3.1 Installation Guide for the final step required to get ArcIMS running.

Article ID:000003995

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