Calculate an azimuth in degrees

Last Published: April 25, 2020


The sample script in this article measures the azimuth in degrees between two point locations.


Private Function ReturnAzimuth(pt1 As MapObjects2.Point, _
pt2 As MapObjects2.Point) _
As Double

'-- Enter two points. Function returns the azimuth
'-- in degrees from Point 1 to Point 2.

Dim x1 As Double, y1 As Double
Dim x2 As Double, y2 As Double

x1 = pt1.X
y1 = pt1.Y
x2 = pt2.X
y2 = pt2.Y

Select Case True
Case ((x1 = x2) And (y1 < y2))
ReturnAzimuth = 0
Case ((x1 = x2) And (y1 > y2))
ReturnAzimuth = 180
Case ((y1 = y2) And (x1 < x2))
ReturnAzimuth = 90
Case ((y1 = y2) And (x1 > x2))
ReturnAzimuth = 270
Case ((x1 < x2) And (y1 < y2))
ReturnAzimuth = 180 * ((Atn(Abs(x1 - x2) / Abs(y1 - y2))) / 3.14159)
Case ((x1 < x2) And (y1 > y2))
ReturnAzimuth = 180 * ((Atn(Abs(y1 - y2) / Abs(x1 - x2))) / 3.14159) + 90
Case ((x1 > x2) And (y1 > y2))
ReturnAzimuth = 180 * ((Atn(Abs(x1 - x2) / Abs(y1 - y2))) / 3.14159) + 180
Case ((x1 > x2) And (y1 < y2))
ReturnAzimuth = 180 * ((Atn(Abs(y1 - y2) / Abs(x1 - x2))) / 3.14159) + 270
End Select

End Function

Article ID:000002307

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  • ArcMap 8 x

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