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Location Referencing (Pro 2.6 | Deskstop 10.8.1 | Server 10.8.1) Issues Addressed

Published: August 3, 2020


This announcement contains the list of issues addressed with the release of Pro 2.6, Desktop 10.8.1 and Server 10.8.1 specific to ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing and ArcGIS Roads and Highways.


Pro 2.6
  • ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing and ArcGIS Roads and Highways
  • BUG-000125592: Create LRS Network from Existing Dataset tool fails if XY Tolerance/Resolution are in degrees.
  • BUG-000126489: Generate Routes incorrectly updates the Order ID of a route after realignment.
  • BUG-000123539: Split Point results in a zero Length polyline when using the Split Centerline tool.
  • BUG-000129255: Apply Event Behaviors tool will acquire unnecessary event locks.
  • BUG-000126900: Using CreateLRSNetwork tool as a stand-alone python script fails if input is a feature dataset.
  • BUG-000128075: LRServer and Async GP tools are not following role rules properly.
  • BUG-000131347: A centerline feature class that is currently or has been associated with an LRS is not editable in Pro when unversioned.

Enterprise 10.8.1

  • ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing and ArcGIS Roads and Highways
  • GIT-339: Conflict Prevention: An error message is displayed when attempting to acquire a lock and the portal username includes the @ symbol.
  • BUG-000128075: ArcGIS Roads and Highways Event Editor web application does not follow proper role rules.
  • BUG-000130966: Data in spatial reference NAD 1983 CSRS UTM Zone 21N results in incorrect measures when using the measure picker tool in Event Editor.
  • BUG-000129457: LRS Data in spatial reference NAD 1983 CSRS UTM Zone 21N results in incorrect snapping location in Event Editor.

ArcMap 10.8.1

  • ArcGIS Roads and Highways
  • BUG-000127153: The Detect Measures Out Of Range tool does not report accurate results for events on gapped routes.
  • BUG-000128052: The Detect Measures Out Of Range tool returns incorrect results when run using a feature layer as an input rather than a feature class.
  • BUG-000127795: The Generate Events geoprocessing tool fails with multiple errors when run on LRS layers with Conflict Prevention enabled.
  • BUG-000130449: Reassigning whole multi-part physically gapped route where the route centerline is multi-part and parts are not in the same order as route calibration will result in a non-monotonic route.

Download ID:7820

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