laptop and a wrench


The Layer to KML tool reverses the X and Y coordinates of a polyline feature in KML.

Last Published: May 6, 2015 ArcGIS for Desktop
Bug ID Number BUG-000082492
SubmittedOctober 8, 2014
Last ModifiedJune 5, 2024
Applies toArcGIS for Desktop
Version found10.2.2

Additional Information

Duplicate of NIM099978


KML created using 'Quick Export' tool in 'Data Interoperability Tools' toolbox preserves the x and y coordinates if the Data Interoperability extension is available.Select the 'Quick Export' option and input a layer (shapefile). Browse for 'Output Dataset' option and select the 'Google Earth KML' format.

Steps to Reproduce

Bug ID: BUG-000082492


  • ArcGIS for Desktop

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