Group multiple features based on attribute values in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer

Last Published: July 7, 2022


In ArcGIS Online, to ensure the layers are clearly presented, the features can be filtered, grouped, and symbolized by the desired category using the group layers in Map Viewer.

The image below shows an example of multiple features in a hosted feature layer. The workflow presented describes the steps to separate the features into different groups based on their attribute values. In this article, Forks and Crooks are used as the examples to be separated into two different groups.

The Features with various attributes grouped under one layer.


  1. Log in to ArcGIS Online and click Content > My Content.
  2. Browse to the hosted feature layer, click More Options The Options icon. and select Open in Map Viewer.
  3. On the Contents (dark) toolbar to the left of the page, click Layers The Layers icon..
  4. In the Layers pane, click the layer, click Options Options button is displayed. and select Group.
The Layers pane with the Group option under Symbology Grouping.
  1. Expand Group Layer for the sublayer, click Options The Options icon. and select Rename to change the name of the sublayer.
The Group Layer pane with the Rename option.
  1. Click the sublayer in Group Layer. In this example, the sublayer is Forks.
The sublayer Forks under Group Layer.
  1. On the Settings (light) toolbar to the right of the page, click Filter The filter icon.and click Add expression.
The Filter pane for the Forks sublayer with the Add expression option.
  1. In the Filter pane, under Expression, create a filter expression to filter the features. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Apply Filters (Map Viewer) for instructions.
The Expression section configured with a Defects expression.
  1. In the Layers pane, click the sublayer and click Styles on the Settings toolbar.
  2. In the Styles pane, click Style options to customize the feature layer. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Apply styles (Map Viewer) for further details.
The Styles pane with Styles options on the right.
  1. Group the remaining features.
    1. In the Layers pane, click Add layer.
The Add layer option in the Layers pane.
  1. Under My Content, select the hosted feature layer and click AddThe Add icon..
The Add layer pane with the hosted feature layer and the Add option.
  1. Repeat Steps 4 through 10 to filter and symbolize the remaining features.

The image below shows the features, Forks and Crooks, grouped into two different groups in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer.

The Layers pane and Forks and Crooks grouped and symbolized on the map.

Article ID: 000027423

  • ArcGIS Online

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