Unable to publish a hosted feature layer using an Excel file to ArcGIS Online

Last Published: September 29, 2021


Attempts to upload a Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) file and publish it as a hosted feature layer in ArcGIS Online return the following error message on the layer's item details page:

The error message showing 'undefined'

On the My Content page, the Excel file is uploaded successfully.

The My Content page displaying the uploaded Excel file and its hosted feature layer.

However, when clicking the hosted feature layer of the uploaded file, the item details page shows the options to open the layer in Map Viewer, Scene Viewer, and ArcGIS Desktop are unavailable.

The item details page displaying the options to open the hosted feature layer in Map Viewer, Scene Viewer and ArcGIS Desktop are unavailable.


The data in the .xlsx file cannot be read accurately by ArcGIS Online in the current format.

Solution or Workaround

To resolve the issue, convert the Excel file format to a comma-separated values (CSV) text file (.csv) format before uploading it to ArcGIS Online.

  1. In the Excel file, click File > Save As.
  2. On the Save As page, click the desired folder.
  3. In the Save As window, click the Save as type drop-down menu, and select CSV (Comma delimited). Click Save.
The Save As window displaying the Save as type format options.
  1. Upload the CSV file to ArcGIS Online to publish it as a layer. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Add files from your device for instructions.

Article ID: 000026503

  • ArcGIS Online

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