com.esri.arcgis.datastore.common.DataStoreException: Attempt to configure datastore failed.. Extended error message: Database upgrade failed.. Extended error message: Failed to start relational data store

Last Published: December 23, 2020

Error Message

In the ArcGIS Data Store Configuration wizard, attempting to configure a relational data store returns the following error on the Prerequisite Check page:

com.esri.arcgis.datastore.common.DataStoreException: Attempt to configure datastore failed.. Extended error message: Database upgrade failed.. Extended error message: Failed to start relational data store
Image of the error message


The following are possible causes:

Solution or Workaround

To resolve this issue:

The following solution wipes data from the data store. It is recommended that the data is backed up before proceeding with these steps.
  1. Run the Windows Command Prompt as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to the ArcGIS Data Store utilities folder located at:
C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\DataStore\tools
  1. Run the unregisterdatastore command utility to unregister the relational data store using the following command:
 unregisterdatastore.bat –stores relational –prompt yes
  1. Uninstall ArcGIS Data Store.
  2. Navigate to the following directory on the machine:
C:\Program Files\ArcGIS
  1. Rename or delete the contents in the DataStore folder.
  2. Navigate to the following directory on the machine:
  1. Rename or delete the contents in the arcgisdatastore folder.
  2. Reinstall ArcGIS Data Store.
  3. Navigate to the Data Store Configuration Wizard for the primary ArcGIS Server machine, and re-register the primary Data Store. The following is an example of the Data Store Configuration Wizard directory:

Article ID: 000023168

  • ArcGIS Data Store
  • Portal for ArcGIS

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