Can a secured KML service be displayed in Google Earth?
Last Published: April 25, 2020
No, a secured ArcGIS for Server Keyhole Markup Language (KML) service cannot be displayed in Google Earth. Only KML services created from unsecured map services are accessible in Google Earth.
In some instances, unsecured KML services cannot be displayed in Google Earth when accessing the services through HTTPS instead of HTTP. This is because the SSL certificate used by ArcGIS for GIS Server is not trusted by Google Earth. As a workaround, access unsecured KML services using HTTP and not HTTPS,
When displaying a secured KML service that is created using the ArcGIS Server authentication (ArcGIS tokens), use ArcGIS clients such as ArcGIS Earth and ArcGIS Explorer for Windows Desktop. For secured KML services created using the web-tier authentication, access the service using Explorer for ArcGIS. For more information, refer to the following ArcGIS for Server Help document: Configuring ArcGIS Server security
Article ID: 000012923
ArcGIS Server
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