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Technical Paper

ArcIMS Metadata Services

This paper describes ArcIMS Metadata Services, which provide for a central online repository of metadata. Metadata Services are accessible to anyone with access to the Web. They are similar to a search engine but geared specifically toward geographic data. The primary goals of Metadata Services are sharing data, allowing data producers to easily publish their metadata to a central repository, and allowing data consumers to easily search for metadata in a central repository. [PDF-146 KB, 14 pages

This paper describes ArcIMS Metadata Services, which provide for a central online repository of metadata. Metadata Services are accessible to anyone with access to the Web. They are similar to a search engine but geared specifically toward geographic data. The primary goals of Metadata Services are sharing data, allowing data producers to easily publish their metadata to a central repository, and allowing data consumers to easily search for metadata in a central repository. [PDF-146 KB, 14 pages]

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