Patches and updates
ArcGIS Server 11.1 Utility Network and Data Management Patch 3
Esri announces the ArcGIS Server 11.1 Utility Network and Data Management Patch 3. This patch addresses several functional issues with the 11.1 utility network release. Apart from those explicitly listed, the patch also targets tracing, validate and update subnetwork subsystem of the Utility Network, with an emphasis on enhancing quality and performance. It is recommended for all utility network customers using ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1. This Utility Network and Data Management patch is cumulative and includes all fixes from earlier Utility Network and Data Management patches. These fixes are listed below under Issues Addressed with this Patch.
This patch can be uninstalled as outlined in the Uninstalling this patch on Windows and Uninstalling this patch on Linux sections below.
Additionally, Esri recommends developing a rollback plan before installing patches. For those utilizing a highly available environment, refer to the help topic on how to apply patches in a highly available environment for guidance.
Issues addressed with this patch
- BUG-000170589 - High memory utilization by the SAP HANA service when serving large numbers of spatial query requests.
- BUG-000169178 - Export Subnetwork and Trace JSON output do not properly serialize polygon curves
- BUG-000168781 - Fix memory leak when executing SQL using OCI.
- BUG-000168174 - The update subnetworks operation is not setting the subnetwork name correctly on boundary devices, which are subnetwork controllers.
- BUG-000168080 - Subnetworks are not being concatenated when a feature's terminal path is set to None.
- BUG-000168079 - Multiple terminal devices which have multiple subnetworks fail to get a concatenated subnetwork name.
- BUG-000167887 - The GetFeature operation on a WFS service referencing data from a SQL Server Enterprise Geodatabase fails to return any results unless the count parameter is included in the request after installing the ArcGIS Server Branch Versioning Data Consistency Patch.
- BUG-000167572 - Dirty areas with empty geometries are generated after validating a network topology.
- BUG-000166934 - SDESPATIALINDEXHINT is no longer working for paginated queries
- BUG-000165693 - The subnetwork does not get marked as dirty when opening or closing a medium voltage switch.
- BUG-000165556 - Concurrent update subnetwork processing deadlocks return the error message "Session Application lock in progress - operation not allowed".
- BUG-000164817 - Publishing a referenced map service containing data from two different database connections fails and returns the error, "Failed to create the service.: Updating the server connection string for layer failed."
- BUG-000164497 - The map service layer REST resource reports False for the supportsPagination flag for BigQuery datasets.
- BUG-000162691 - The workflow creates empty geometries without dirty areas.
- BUG-000162289 - Branch versioning query performance.
- BUG-000163235 - Slow performance when running ArcGIS Utility Network 'Upstream trace'.
- BUG-000162011 - Running a trace network trace in ArcGIS Pro with the result type set to Aggregate Geometry does not return partial features when a barrier is not placed in the same line segment as the starting point.
- BUG-000161976 - When using the Split Into COGO Lines tool on a feature service containing a parcel fabric, the Created By Record field of new parcel features is not populated.
- BUG-000160111 - Updates to fields being referenced in a layer definition query for a sync replica lead to two inserts of the same OBJECTID in the delta geodatabase and an error message, "UNIQUE constraint failed: T_6_Updates.OBJECTID" is returned during sync download.
- BUG-000160032 - The applyEdits operation with branch versioning updates inserted rows impacting the performance and throughput of the request.
- BUG-000158727 - Function barriers are leading to unexpected trace results when applied to junction objects with terminals and Use Local Values = False
- BUG-000158635 - ArcGIS Arcade error, unexpected null value when editing feature classes consisting of calculation attribute rules with the intersects function in ArcGIS Pro 3.1.x.
- BUG-000156349 - The reconcile process may timeout while an operation is being completed on Default.
- BUG-000152165 - Allow service-based writing/updating of associations in a utility network database, without the utility network rule-validation of these association updates.
To avoid conflicts this patch also addresses:
- BUG-000172544 - Millisecond values of timestamps are truncated in certain internal operation for SAP HANA transaction management model.
- BUG-000172543 - unexpected update to the layer's M (measurement) extent values during edit operation even if the layer has no measurement values.
- BUG-000172542 - Lock wait timeout setting in SAP HANA transaction management model may potentially cause failure in concurrent editing.
- BUG-000169178 - Export Subnetwork and Trace JSON output do not properly serialize polygon curves.
- BUG-000166704 - Serialize StopEditing REST Request to ensure a single writer.
- BUG-000166701 - Upgrading a geodatabase should resolve branch versioning metadata and data inconsistencies.
- BUG-000165688 - Enabling topology for UN data coming from the SAP HANA database causes ArcGIS Pro to crash.
- BUG-000165684 - Check for IDatasetImpl in FeatureServer.
- BUG-000165151 - Feature services accessing SAP HANA datastores allow multiple applyEdit operation calls on the same version in parallel.
- BUG-000164231 - Low performance with utility network maps in all JavaScript 4.x applications.
- BUG-000162973 - Remove the option recompile from branch versioned query statements.
- BUG-000162360 - Performing an isolation trace with a directional device near the isolated section returns incorrect trace results.
- BUG-000162289 - Branch versioning query performance.
- BUG-000161813 - Honor directional devices when calculating flow direction in loops.
- BUG-000161112 - Reduce the memory footprint of ArcSOC by not cloning class definition.
- BUG-000161000 - Incorrect line numbers are reported for invalid Arcade expressions.
- BUG-000160150 - Allow applyEdits with UseObjectIDsForAdds to accept adds without object ids.
- BUG-000160068 - The batch calculation evaluation does not reset Validation Status to validationRequired.
- BUG-000159579 - In ArcGIS Pro, the Utility Network connected traces do not honor User Defined Barriers when Filter Function Barriers are configured.
- BUG-000159117 - The Export Subnetwork tool does not include domain descriptions in the JavaScript object notation (JSON) for text or string fields included in the Result Fields.
- BUG-000158963 - Improve the performance of trace when returning aggregated geometry results.
- BUG-000158962 - Improve the trace performance when returning results that contain a large number of associations.
- BUG-000158886 - In UN Branch Versioning, the branch versions appear under the user's name. The versions are neither created by the user nor assigned to them knowingly by any other user, and appear as 'private' rather than 'public'.
- BUG-000158867 - Allow extracting a subset of a full model utility network for tracing in the field.
- BUG-000158628 - A downstream trace runs indefinitely in an infinite loop when specifying a target tier in some scenarios.
- BUG-000158474 - Feature service with utility network and stand-alone topology fails to reconcile, and the following error message is returned, "ERROR: code: 500, Error in handling operation reconcile, Internal server error".
- BUG-000157992 - Phase propagation loses phase in certain 'loop' situations.
- BUG-000157838 - When using the Validate Network Topology tool, an edit operation failed and returns a General Function Failure error.
- BUG-000157809 - Validating a topology fails and the following error message, "Edit operation failed. ERROR: General function failure [Topology entry (edge eid: xxxx) not found for feature" is returned.
- BUG-000157709 - In ArcGIS Utility Network, the dirty area of an updated subnetwork which intersects other sub-network geometry invalidates all intersected sub-networks and makes them dirty.
- BUG-000157672 - When working in a utility network, an asynchronous validation at the full extent timeouts after two hours.
- BUG-000157087 - Saving a versioned edit session should update all previously saved edits to the new version moment.
- BUG-000156763 - Post must obtain the current list of modified tables for a version prior to the posting operation.
- BUG-000156421 - Provide a more informative error message when failures are encountered with a large number of starting points when running the Trace tool.
- BUG-000156349 - The reconcile process may timeout while an operation is being completed on Default.
- BUG-000156042 - Passing privileges on a feature class in SAP HANA through database roles does not work in ArcGIS Pro.
- BUG-000155331 - Attribute propagation for the 'phaseenergized' attribute of an electric line conductor in an electric utility network is occurring in the upstream direction despite terminals set on transformer to only allow for downstream flow.
- BUG-000155261 - The Conflict Manager fails to display conflicts when a subtype group layer is published as a referenced feature service.
- BUG-000155010 - STArea() value is showing different results based on viewing representation (for example, all records view versus show selected records view).
- BUG-000154794 - Subnetwork traces stop unexpectedly by associations not present in the network index
- BUG-000154758 - Improve query performance during the update subnetwork operation.
- BUG-000154369 - Avoid rewriting the element associations pages when not necessary.
- BUG-000154328 - The Evaluate Rules geoprocessing tool does not consider selected rows from tables.
- BUG-000152139 - ArcGIS Enterprise Data Store's update password process breaks layers that are referencing a geodatabase.
- BUG-000149393 - The Validate Network Topology tool fails and returns the error message, "Error building network: Topology Engine::query from_to_ junctions(): Topology entry not found".
- BUG-000149291 - The utility network error is not created when a structure junction is placed coincident to a shared endpoint by electric lines with a different asset type.
- BUG-000149046 - The Ignore Barriers At Starting Point parameter is not honored for Filter Barriers placed on line features.
- BUG-000148398 - Poor asynchronous validate performance at the full extent in the Default version.
- BUG-000148077 - The downstream trace across tiers does not reach the target tier in some cases. (#8927) /
- BUG-000147333 - Unable to export the data for the hosted feature layer view in Portal for ArcGIS 10.9.1 when some fields are hidden.
Installing this patch on Windows
On Windows, the release date order of the patches does not matter when installing multiple patches. If an older patch is installed after a newer patch, the newer patch takes precedence and the fixes from the newer patch will remain. The ArcGIS Enterprise Patch Notification tool, when the option to install all available patches is activated, installs multiple patches in order of release date starting with oldest to newest.
The ArcGIS product listed in the table must be installed on your system before you can install a patch. Each patch setup is specific to the ArcGIS product in the list. To determine which products are installed on your system, please see the How to identify which ArcGIS products are installed section. Esri recommends that you install the patch for each product that is on your system.
Step 1: Download the appropriate file to a location other than your ArcGIS installation location.
ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1 | |
ArcGIS Server | ArcGIS-111-S-UNDM3-Patch.msp |
Checksum (SHA256) |
721B10A386F818F7E7C57459DB9A1FA141D7448C076921166F331B33C191363F |
Step 2: Make sure you have write access to your ArcGIS installation location.
Step 3: Double-click ArcGIS-111-S-UNDM3-Patch.msp to start the setup process.
NOTE: If double clicking on the MSP file does not start the setup installation, you can start the setup installation manually by using the following command:
msiexec.exe /p [location of Patch]\ArcGIS-111-S-UNDM3-Patch.msp
Installing this patch on Linux
On Linux, the release date order of the patches matters when installing multiple patches. If an older patch is installed after a newer patch, the older patch will replace the newer patch and the fixes in the newer patch will be removed. The ArcGIS Enterprise Patch Notification tool, when the option to install all available patches is activated, installs multiple patches in order of release date starting with oldest to newest.
Complete the following install steps as the ArcGIS Install owner. The Install owner is the owner of the arcgis folder. This patch should be installed on all ArcGIS Server installations related to the ArcGIS Server site.
The ArcGIS product listed in the table must be installed on your system before you can install a patch. Each patch setup is specific to the ArcGIS product in the list. To determine which products are installed on your system, please see the How to identify which ArcGIS products are installed section. Esri recommends that you install the patch for each product that is on your system.
Step 1: Download the appropriate file to a location other than your ArcGIS installation location.
ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1 | |
ArcGIS Server | ArcGIS-111-S-UNDM3-Patch-linux.tar |
Checksum (SHA256) |
AB6B339F194D5D6F8520D1EB36FD9D169E3A604A5150549EEB6E116D5BA61978 |
Step 2: Make sure you have write access to your ArcGIS installation location, and that no one is using ArcGIS.
Step 3: Extract the specified tar file by typing:
% tar -xvf ArcGIS-111-S-UNDM3-Patch-linux.tar
Step 4: Start the installation by typing:
% ./applypatch
This will start the dialog for the menu-driven installation procedure. Default selections are noted in parentheses ( ). To quit the installation procedure, type 'q' at any time.
Upgrade a geodatabase
When a hotfix or patch for ArcGIS has been applied, it may also be necessary to upgrade your geodatabase depending on the nature of fixes included. See the Upgrade the Geodatabase section on the Geodatabase management page for your individual DBMS platform for more information. Executing the steps below will not cause any harm if your geodatabase is already at the required level, so the recommended approach is to follow the steps as outlined. If your database is already at the required level, you will get a message indicating so.
Upgrading from ArcGIS Server requires the use of Python. If you are working with ArcGIS Server on Windows or Linux, you can access the appropriate Python 3 environment by using the python.exe which is included with the framework/runtime components of ArcGIS Server. Additionally, on Windows a script batch file is available to launch the Python 3 environment.
To perform the upgrade, create a script using this example Python syntax, and name the script
import arcpy
arcpy.UpgradeGDB_management(Connection_File_Name_full_path, "PREREQUISITE_CHECK", "UPGRADE")
On Windows, run the upgrade script explicitly using the Python 3 environment. If ArcGIS Server is installed to the default location, the script can be executed with either of the following commands:
"C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\framework\runtime\ArcGIS\bin\Python\scripts\propy.bat" C:\temp\
"C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\framework\runtime\ArcGIS\bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-py3\python.exe" C:\temp\
On Linux, launch the Python 3 environment using the following commands:
source /<arcgis_server_installation_directory>/arcgis/server/framework/etc/arcenv
And then execute the upgrade script with the following command:
wine "Z:\<arcgis_server_installation_directory>\arcgis\server\framework\runtime\ArcGIS\bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-py3\python.exe" <path_To>\
Uninstalling this patch on Windows
To uninstall this patch on Windows, open the Windows Control Panel and navigate to installed programs. Make sure that "View installed updates" (upper left side of the Programs and Features dialog) is active. Select the patch name from the programs list and click Uninstall to remove the patch.
Uninstalling this patch on Linux
Navigate to the <Product Installation Directory>/.Setup/qfe directory and run the following script as the ArcGIS Install owner:
The script allows you to uninstall previously installed patches or hot fixes. Use the -s status flag to get the list of installed patches or hot fixes ordered by date. Use the -q flag to remove patches or hot fixes in reverse chronological order by date they were installed. Type removepatch -h for usage help.
Restart your ArcGIS services.
How to identify which ArcGIS products are installed
To determine which ArcGIS products are installed, choose the appropriate version of the PatchFinder utility for your environment and run it from your local machine. PatchFinder will list all products, hot fixes, and patches installed on your local machine.
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