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ArcGIS Velocity Issues Addressed List – June 2023

Published: November 2, 2023


This page contains a list of issues addressed in the June 2023 update to ArcGIS Velocity that were logged through Support Services.


Defect Number


BUG-000153860Cannot connect to the feature layer using the default data store for sampler and execution when the map image service is deleted.
BUG-000156295The ArcGIS Online folder option is not displayed when creating a new feed after a schema is manually derived.
BUG-000156724ArcGIS Velocity bug supporting the Parquet format data with x or y fields.
BUG-000157259If geometry does not exist in the schema, before a Calculate Field or Map Fields tool, the analytic tool fails.
BUG-000157261Multiple Detect Incidents tools in a real-time analytic lead to periodic failures.
BUG-000157436The HTTP output node label loses its label after the node is edited.
BUG-000157442A GeoJSON query request of a big data feature layer created in ArcGIS Velocity returns a "500 Internal Server error" message if records are missing geometry.
BUG-000157605Following a ArcGIS Velocity subscription level upgrade, old feeds cannot be added to a real-time analytic.
BUG-000157870The analytic options returns an error which is exceeding the maximum velocity for a period equal to the feed uptime rather than exceeding the allowed rate.
ENH-000153750Require the user to reenter their password before proceeding to the next page when configuring the text and email outputs.
ENH-000154269Improve the RSS feed type logs when the location type is set to none.

Download ID:8139

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