Patches and updates
ArcGIS 11.0 Maritime Server extension Patch 1
This is a general maintenance patch for ArcGIS Maritime Server extension. Please download and install this patch at your earliest convenience.
Enhancements and Issues addressed with this patch:
- GIT3262: Updates not being applied to unencrypted ENC reissue datasets.
- GIT3301: Updated S-62 agency code values through December 19, 2022.
- GIT3422: Missing elements in layout will cause export to fail.
- GIT3549: Unable to access context menu in Web AppBuilder Layer widget.
- GIT3550: Added released information to About menu in mcstpk.exe.
- GIT3551: Spot color separation values not mapped as expected.
- GIT3552: Inverted Maritime Chart Service image in PDF output.
Installing this patch on Windows
Step 1: Login with a Windows Administrator account.
Step 2: Select and download the patch file: MappingandChartingServer110Patch1.msp
CheckSum (SHA256): 44f2460586bb350aba0f28ce99a9f7b6a3aa6dd558003a40afeb1888b70ce6ac
Step 3: Double-click the msp file to start the installation process.
Step 4: When Setup starts, follow the instructions on your screen.
Step 5: Once the setup is complete, update your Maritime Chart Service and Custom Chart Builder deployments.
- This patch updates the MaritimeServer.soe and mcstpk.exe as well as the S57DataDictionary.xml configuration file, all of which will need to be redeployed.
- The Custom Chart Builder (CCB) ExportWebmap Geoprocessing Service has an optional redeployment.
- Before deploying the updated MaritimeServer.soe, make sure you update all the necessary configuration files for your MCS deployments. This includes those deployments of MCS that support CCB.
Update Maritime Chart Service (MCS)
Update your configuration files:
This patch updates the S57DataDictionary.xml configuration file.
Step 1: Sign in as a Server Manager by launching
Step 2: Click Services.
Step 3: Stop the map service with Maritime Chart Service capabilities configured.
Step 4: Move the S57DataDictionary.xml file from <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\maritimechartservice\controlfiles to a backup location. This location can vary depending on your implementation.
Step 5: Copy the new S57DataDictionary.xml file from <ArcGIS Install Directory>\MaritimeServer\Server<version>\maritimechartservice\controlfiles to <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\maritimechartservice\controlfiles. This location can vary depending on your implementation.
Note: Consolidate any modifications from the backup S57DataDictionary.xml with the new version.
Step 6: Delete the .senc files from <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\maritimechartservice\sencs. This location can vary depending on your implementation. The .senc files must be rebuilt after upgrading.
Step 7: Repeat steps x through y for each map service with the Maritime Chart Service capabilities enabled.
Update the MaritimeServer.soe
Now that you have updated your configuration files for each map services with MCS enabled, you will need to upgrade your ArcGIS Server Site’s MaritimeServer.soe.
Step 1: Login as a Server Manager by launching https://localhost:6443/arcgis/manager.
Step 2: Click Site.
Step 3: Click Extensions.
Step 4: Click Edit Extension under Action.
Step 5: Click Choose File and browse to the MaritimeService.soe file located in <ArcGIS Install Directory>\MaritimeServer\Server<version>\Bin
Step 6: Click Save.
Step 7: Click Extension Information under Action. Verify that Description includes Patch 1.
Step 8: Click Services.
Step 9: Restart your Map Service(s).
Update Custom Chart Builder (Optional)
After completing your MCS upgrades, you can now update your ExportWebmap Geoprocessing Service. For a new deployment follow the Deploy Custom Chart Builder (CCB) steps otherwise, follow the steps below.
Note: This step is optional because the fix for ExportWebmap’s Geoprocessing Service is only necessary if exports are failing because a dynamic element (unit, date or chart title) is deleted from the pagx files. If you do not have this use case, then there isn’t a need to redeploy the ExportWebmap Geoprocessing Service.
Publish the updated ExportWebmap service definition file
First, delete your existing ExportWebmap Geoprocessing Service:
Step 1: Sign in as a server manager by launching
Step 2: Click Services > Manage Services, choose the CCB folder.
Step 3: Click Delete (X) next to your ExportWebmap Geoprocessing Service to delete it.
Step 4: Click Yes.
You can now publish a new ExportWebmap Geoprocessing Service:
Step 5: Click Publish Service.
Step 6: Click Choose File to browse to the service definition you want to publish or type the path to the file.
The default location is <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\customchartbuilder\ServiceDefinitionFiles.
Step 7: Choose and click Open.
Caution: Do not change the name of the service. The web app does not work if you do so. The service definition is published to the server folder specified in the service definition configuration by default. If you want to change the folder where the service definition is published, choose a folder from the drop-down list or click New.
Note: All CCB service definitions must be in the same folder to properly deploy CCB. It is recommended that you create a folder to organize your CCB-related services. CCB is the recommended folder name.
Step 8: Click Next.
You need to specify properties for your new service. No additional capabilities are required to be selected.
Step 9: Optionally, check Existing and choose CCB from the drop-down arrow.
Step 10: Click Back or click Next as necessary.
Step 11: Click Publish. file update for Custom Chart Builder
Step 1: Navigate to the file which is typically located at <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\ maritimeserver\customchartbuilder\Tools. This is the shared_products_path where customchartbuilder will be deployed.
Step 2: Edit the following variables
- shared_products_path and output_directory: update machine name, domain and the path if you did not use default setting.
- output_url: Use localhost for testing only otherwise, update machine name, domain and the path if you did not use default settings.
Step 3: Save your updates.
Step 4: For the Gateway service copy the file to <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\arcgissystem\arcgisinput\CCB\ExportWebmap.GPServer\extracted\v101\tools.
Step 5: In ArcGIS Server Manager click Services and choose Manage Services.
Step 6: Click Folders and choose CCB.
Step 7: Restart your Calculator and ExportWebmap geoprocessing services.
Updated files according to their install folder
The parent install location will be <ArcGIS Install Directory>\MaritimeServer\Server11.0\
- MaritimeServer.soe
- Mcstpk.exe
- S57DataDictionary.xml
- ExportWebmap.pyt
- Update_pdf.exe (optional – for color separation only)
The parent install location will be <ArcGIS Install Directory>\ Server\framework\runtime\ArcGIS\bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-py3\Lib\
- Pdflib.pyd
How to identify which ArcGIS products are installed
To determine which ArcGIS products are installed, choose the appropriate version of the PatchFinder utility for your environment and run it from your local machine. PatchFinder will list all products, hot fixes, and patches installed on your local machine.
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