Patches and updates

ArcGIS 10.9.1 Maritime Server extension Update 2

Published: July 13, 2022


This is a general maintenance patch for ArcGIS Maritime Server extension. Please download and install this patch at your earliest convenience.



  1. Login with a Windows Administrator account.
  2. Select and download the file.
    Update file Checksum (SHA256)
    MappingandChartingServer1091Update2.msp 0c09a9b69c96d657350cba63da9adfdbb2ca6eb3f4785d7627c18ad25a717596
  3. Double-click the msp file to start the install process.
  4. When Setup starts, follow the instructions on your screen.
  • This patch updates the MaritimeServer.soe and mcstpk.exe as well as several configuration files all of which will need to be redeployed. See below for updated and new configuration files.
  • The Custom Chart Builder (CCB) web application and ExportWebmap Geoprocessing Service will need to be redeployed.
  • Update the configuration files for your MCS deployments before deploying the updated MaritimeServer.soe. This includes those deployments of MCS that support CCB.

Update the Maritime Chart Service (MCS)


  1. Update Configuration Files:
  2. Sign in as a Server Manager by launching
  3. Click Services.
  4. Stop the map service with Maritime Chart Service capabilities configured.
  5. Backup the controlfiles folder by moving it. The location of the controlfiles folder can vary depending on your implementation. For example, <ArcGIS Server install>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\maritimechartservice\controlfiles.
  6. Copy the new controlfiles folder from <ArcGIS Server install>\MaritimeServer\Server<version>\maritimechartservice to the controlfiles folder location for your implementation. For example, <ArcGIS Server install>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\maritimechartservice.
    • Notes:
    • Consolidate modifications previously made to the backup control files with the new control files. See the list of new and modified configuration files below.
    • If adopting Blue Light Sectors, complete the Blue Light Sector Configuration steps below before the .senc files are rebuilt.
    • If the map service was configured to read S-63 encrypted datasets, copy the S-63 user-permit.txt file from the backup controlfiles folder to the new controlfiles folder.
  7. Delete the .senc files. The .senc will automatically be rebuilt when the Map Service is restarted as part of Update MaritimeServer.soe. The location of the .senc files can vary depending on your implementation. For example, <ArcGIS Server install>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\maritimechartservice\sencs.
  8. Repeat the steps above for each map service with the Maritime Chart Service capabilities enabled.


  1. Update MaritimeServer.soe:
    Now that you have updated your configuration files for each map services with MCS enabled, you will need to update the MaritimeServer.soe of your ArcGIS Server Site.
    1. Login as a Server Manager by launching https://localhost:6443/arcgis/manager.
    2. Click Site.
    3. Click Extensions.
    4. Click Edit Extension under Action.
    5. Click Choose File and browse to the MaritimeService.soe file located in <ArcGIS Server Install>\MaritimeServer\Server\Bin.
    6. Click Save.
    7. Click Extension Information under Action. Verify that Description includes Update 2.
    8. Click Services and restart your Map Service(s).


  1. Blue Light Sector Configuration:
    Make sure the new configuration files have been deployed to all map service(s) with Maritime Chart Service capabilities enabled as outlined above in Update Configuration Files before updating the light sectors from magenta, the default S-52 color, to blue (COLOUR = 5).
  2. Navigate to the colalib folder. The location of the colalib folder can vary depending on your implementation. For example, <ArcGIS Server install>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\maritimechartservice\controlfiles\S52PresentationLibrary\colalib.
  3. Edit the .clr files.
  4. Search for the LITBL colour token which is set to RGB value CHMGD by default.
  5. Update the value to the desired colour.
  6. Save the file.
  7. Repeat the process for each .clr file.
  8. Note: Updates to the .clr files will require the .senc files to be rebuilt for the changes to be applied. The .senc files will automatically be rebuilt if the steps documented above in Update Configuration Files are followed.

Update Custom Chart Builder (CCB) and Web App:

Update the CCB components and web app after the Maritime Chart Service has been updated. See Update the Maritime Chart Service (MCS) steps above.


  1. Update CCB deployments:
    1. Ensure Maritime Chart Service has been upgraded, see Update the Maritime Chart Service (MCS) steps above.
    2. Backup the customchartbuilder folder by moving it. The location of the customchartbuilder folder can vary depending on your implementation. For example, <ArcGIS Server install>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\customchartbuilder.
    3. Copy the new customchartbuilder folder from <ArcGIS Server install>\MaritimeServer\Server<version>\ to the customchartbuilder folder location for your implementation. For example, <ArcGIS Server install>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\.
    4. Consolidate modifications previously made to the custom chart builder files in the backup customchartbuilder folder with the files in the new customchartbuilder folder. See list of New and Updated Files below.
    5. Publish the updated ExportWebmap service definition file:
        • Sign in as a server manager by launching
        • Click Services
        • Click Manage Services
        • Choose CCB folder.
        • Click Delete (X) next to the ExportWebmap Geoprocessing Service to delete it.
        • Click Yes.
        • Click Publish Service.
        • Click Choose File and browse to the service definition you want to publish or type the path to the file. The default location is <ArcGIS Server instal>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\customchartbuilder\ServiceDefinitionFiles.
        • Choose .
        • Click Open.
          Caution: Do not change the name of the service. The web app will not enabled if the service name is changed.
          Note: All CCB service definitions must be in the same folder to properly deploy. To help organize your CCB-related services you can create a folder called CCB to hold all the CCB Service definitions.
        • Click Next.
        • Choose Existing and CCB from the drop-down. If CCB does not exist click New to add a CCB folder.
        • Click Next.
        • Click Publish.
    6. Update the file for Custom Chart Builder:
      • Navigate to the file located at <ArcGIS Server install>\arcgisserver\directories\ maritimeserver\customchartbuilder\Tools. This is the shared_products_path where customchartbuilder will be deployed.
      • Edit the following variables:
        -shared_products_path and output_directory: update machine name, domain and path if you did not use the default settings.
        -output_url: Use localhost for testing otherwise, update machine name, domain and path if you did not use the default settings.
      • Save the updates.
      • Copy the updated file to <ArcGIS Server install>\arcgisserver\directories\arcgissystem\arcgisinput\CCB\ExportWebmap.GPServer\extracted\v101\tools for the Gateway Service.
      • In ArcGIS Server Manager click Services and choose Manage Services.
      • Click Folders and choose CCB.
      • Restart the ExportWebmap geoprocessing service.

  1. Update the Custom Chart Builder (CCB) Web App:
  2. Prerequisites:
    • Updated map service with Maritime Chart Service enabled.
    • Updated file and restarted ExportWebmap geoprocessing service.
    • Optionally the updated Notes.gdb. See in New and Updated Files below.
  3. Backup the ccb web application folder by moving it or renaming it. The location of the ccb folder can vary depending on your implementation. For example, for IIS it would be the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ccb folder.
  4. Navigate to <ArcGIS Server Install>\MaritimeServer\Server<version>\WebApplication and copy the new ccb folder to C:\inetpub\wwwroot if using IIS to deploy your web application.
    The folder name will be the name of the application you access over the web.
  5. Consolidate any modifications from the historic ccb web application with the new ccb web application. See New and Updated Files list below for modified files that impact the web application.
  6. Custom Chart Builder web app is ready for use.

Update an Existing Notes Database: If you want to take advantage of point or line geometries in your Notes geodatabase, you will need to add these new feature classes to your existing Notes geodatabase. If you haven’t already started using a Notes geodatabase, follow the Deploy Custom Chart Builder (CCB) steps.

New and Updated Files

Updated files are located in the following folders which are installed to <ArcGIS Server Install>\MaritimeServer\Server<version>\

    • LayoutTemplates\

    • ServiceDefinitionFiles\

    • CustomPrsentationLibrary\
    • CustomSymbolMap.xml

    • Lua\
    • coalne01.lua (new)
    • lndare01.lua
    • quapos01.lua (new)
    • resare04.lua
    • sbdare02.lua (new)

    • Symbols\line\

    • N2_1_RestrictedArea.svg (new)
    • N20_NoAnchor.svg (new)
    • N21_NoFishing.svg (new)

    • Symbols\point\
    • K10_LandPoint.svg
    • Light_Flare.svg
    • Light_Flare_green.svg
    • Light_Flare_red.svg
    • Light_Flare_white.svg
    • M40_1a_Radio_calling_in.svg
    • M40_1b_Radio_calling_in.svg
    • P1_Light.svg
    • P1_Light_green.svg
    • P1_Light_red.svg
    • P1_Light_white.svg

    • S52PresentatinLibrary\
    • S52DisplayProperties.xml

    • Colcalib\
    • DAY.clr
    • DAY_BRIGHT.clr
    • DUSK.clr
    • NIGHT.clr

    • CCB\js\
    • ccbConfig.js
    • ccbConfig_i18n.js
    • ConfigurationSchema.js
    • Export.js
    • ExportProductPanel.js

    • CCB\js\nls\
    • ccbi18nljs

    • CCB\js\zh
    • ccbi18j.js

Enhancements and Issues Addressed with this Update

  • BUG-000149676: Maritime Chart Service Date Dependency Range display property is not honoring certain date ranges.
  • GIT2287: Installing Arial Unicode MS font prevents italic text from appearing in exported Custom Chart Builder products.
  • GIT2302: Add custom symbology support for national text.
  • GIT2303: Font names specified in Lua are ignored when using Custom Symbology.
  • GIT2304: Adding additional symbology collection object in Lua causes Maritime Chart Service to crash.
  • GIT2317: Update S52DisplayProperties.xml with updated display parameter descriptions with ArcGIS Pro Maritime Display Properties tooltip values.
  • GIT2336: EvelopeN value is not being set correctly in the conf.cdi when manually entering extents for mcstpk.exe.
  • GIT2349: Add support for blue light sectors.
  • GIT2363: Geoenabled notes should support point and line geometries.
  • GIT2391: Add new Lua scripts for Land objects (lndare01.lua and quapos01.lua), Coastline objects (coalne01.lua) and revised resare04.lua as well as SVG line symbols for No Fishing, Restricted Area, and No Anchoring; and SVG point symbol for Land Point.
  • GIT2392: An ampersand in the chart title causes a file path error.
  • GIT2501: Add Arabic Presentation Forms-B support for national text display using beginning, middle and end contextual forms.
  • GIT0000: Add support for Windows Server 2019 and Windows Server 2022.

Patch Updates

Check the Patches and Service Packs page periodically for the availability of additional patches. New information about this patch will be posted here.

How to identify which ArcGIS products are installed

To determine which ArcGIS products are installed, choose the appropriate version of the PatchFinder utility for your environment and run it from your local machine. PatchFinder will list products, hot fixes, and patches installed on your local machine.

Getting Help

Domestic sites, please contact Esri Technical Support at 1-888-377-4575, if you have any difficulty installing this patch. International sites, please contact your localEsri software distributor.

Download ID:8041

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