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ArcGIS Online Issues Addressed List - October 2019 Release

Published: October 3, 2019


This page contains a list of issues addressed in the October 2019 update to ArcGIS Online that were logged through Support Services.


Defect Number


BUG-000104201 If the 'Update all items in the group' check box is checked when a group is created, the group ownership is only transferrable to other default administrators in the organization.
BUG-000119327 The 'Search by Layer' option in ArcGIS Online web map does not reflect the renamed layer in grouped layers.
BUG-000093678 The Safari browser on iPad crashes or refreshes repeatedly when opening a web map or web application containing a feature service from ArcGIS Server with many features and halo on labels.
BUG-000093906 Web maps that display a hosted feature service including numerous labels with halos are unable to load in iOS devices, and instead, are reloaded with the error message, "A problem occurred with this webpage so it was reloaded."
BUG-000124239 Adding members hangs when members are added by role without the 'Manage Licenses' privilege in Administrative Privileges.
BUG-000124709 Upgrading the User Type from Creator to GIS Professional Advanced in ArcGIS Online does not display ArcGIS Pro and Pro Extensions under New Members Defaults.
BUG-000122623 Features are disappearing when setting View Definition through the Visualization tab in ArcGIS Online.
BUG-000120066 An error is returned when users join the ArcGIS Online organization using a Google account.
BUG-000122007 ArcGIS Online checks for the case sensitivity of the KML file inside of a KMZ and produces an error or warning if the KML file has an uppercase extension.
BUG-000123284 A specific Web Feature Service (WFS) does not draw polygons in ArcGIS Online but the field names load in the attribute table.
BUG-000123769 A specific Web Feature Service (WFS) does not draw polygons in ArcGIS Online but the field names load in the attribute table.
BUG-000123983 The Microsoft Edge browser keeps refreshing after accessing a Survey123 for ArcGIS form and returning to the ArcGIS Online Home page.
BUG-000124022 Members with the Custom role and the Administrator privileges to view all members and reassign ownership of the content are unable to change the item owners.
BUG-000110449 Pop-ups are not present for LAS dataset points when published as a web scene layer to ArcGIS Online.
BUG-000123939 Publicly shared SceneLayer from Portal for ArcGIS still prompts for authentication in ArcGIS Online if it is shared and published to the portal site.
BUG-000123856 In a web scene, the same tile layer has a reduced resolution when displayed on some elevation surfaces.
BUG-000124533 In the Public Information web app in ArcGIS Online, media layers are not displayed when using Google Chrome.
BUG-000119488 In the Crowdsource Reporter template, setting the application logo with a large width causes unexpected application layout issues.
BUG-000121980 The 'Sign In' button does not appear on mobile devices factor for the Minimal Gallery application.
BUG-000122073 The Crowdsource Reporter app fails to load the Submit Report form if the web map used in the app contains ArcGIS Server services and vector tile basemaps.
BUG-000120659 The Crowdsource Reporter application redirects to the Crowdsource Reporter template when pressing the Enter key in the Text Field section, if there is one Domain field and one Text field configured to Submit the Report.
BUG-000124100 Enabling the 'Include the search address as a label on the map' option does not display the address label on the map as expected.
BUG-000123879 In Crowdsource Reporter, labels for non-editable layers are displayed beneath features.
BUG-000124170 The Compare configurable app does not render the app header title. The title flashes briefly and disappears.
BUG-000125145 Adding a CSV layer as a table from the web does not return the warning message, "Features will not update if referenced CSV changes" if no location data is present in the CSV data.
BUG-000120968 Appending a comma-separated values text file (.csv) in Survey123 for ArcGIS feature layer does not display the appended data in the web map.
BUG-000112974 When hosted feature layers have settings where the 'Keep track of created and updated features' option is enabled and the 'Enable Sync' option is disabled, edits cannot be applied and returns the error message, "Error code: 1000, description: Invalid object name."
BUG-000120607 The attribute index creation times out intermittently when publishing to ArcGIS Online.
BUG-000124408 Unable to delete a field from a hosted feature service layer if the field has a default value applied and the service is created by publishing from ArcGIS Pro or uploading a file geodatabase to ArcGIS Online.
BUG-000123385 Layers published to ArcGIS Online with subtypes do not load after downloading a web map in Collector for ArcGIS.
BUG-000123829 A set Visibility Range is not maintained when using OpenStreetMap as a basemap in ArcGIS Online.
BUG-000122793 Unable to search attribute information in the Query widget when searching a map service field information using lower case beyond 1000 records.
BUG-000120991 Text formatting errors in the About widget when used with the Plateau theme in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS.
BUG-000110071 When a web app on ArcGIS Online is accessed using an enterprise login, the icons for custom basemaps do not display unless the web application is shared publicly. This includes sharing the web map (and all contents) to the entire organization.
BUG-000110254 The error message, "This layer has no editing capabilities" is displayed for an editable layer in the Cost Analysis (Beta) widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS.
BUG-000097452 When the Edit widget is opened in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, the symbology of the editable layer defaults to the original symbology until the Edit widget is closed.
BUG-000113215 In Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, the Smart Editor widget truncates the read-only Text data type fields due to the static size of the display box.
BUG-000096945 The Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS Edit widget does not show the same feature template as Map Viewer.
BUG-000098825 Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS reverts to the original feature template symbology when editing.
BUG-000095118 The attribute table of an operational layer created by the Query widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS does not respect the date or number field configuration settings of the layer's attribute table.
BUG-000123408 The Collapse option (for Group layers) from the Layer List widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS is disabled after changing the basemap.
BUG-000118826 Unable to tab between fields when using the Smart Editor widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS.
BUG-000124772 The Apply button is unavailable to change the input or output coordinate system to GARS, GEOREF, MGRS, USNG, UTM, and UTM (H) within the Coordinate Conversion widget.
BUG-000118607 In ArcGIS Online Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, when using selection drawing tools in the Public Notification widget to select polygon features, the desired polygons and the partially overlapping polygons are selected.
BUG-000123523 The Attribute Table widget in ArcGIS Online does not display the ongoing process of loading features when the 'Filter by map extent' option is deselected.
BUG-000124497 Thumbnail images break in the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS Basemap Gallery widget when using the ArcGIS Enterprise login.
BUG-000124233 Custom roles in ArcGIS Online are unable to use Create Viewshed, Create Watershed, and Trace Downstream tools in the Analysis widget of web apps.
BUG-000124279 The Tab key is contained in the embedded Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS app and unable to work in the host web page.
BUG-000124645 The Distance and Direction widget does not work on iOS devices.

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