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US 2016 Data Install Fix

Published: February 1, 2017


Add Business Listings will fail for some customers who have installed US 2016 data from a USB Drive Back Up Media.



Add Business Listings will fail for some customers who have installed the US 2016 data update from a USB drive due to corrupt files in the back up media.  Customers who have downloaded and installed the data via will not experience this issue. 

Customer who are experiencing this issue will see two files (BusinessesIndex_58.bin, BusinessesIndex_59.bin) with a file size of 0 located in the following directory:
\ArcGIS\Business Analyst\US_2016\Data\Business Data\BusinessesIndex\

These files will need to be updated if this issue is encountered.

To correct this issue you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Download the compressed BusinessesIndices folder from the Supporting Files section.
  2. Extract the contents of the folder.
  3. Copy the two files; BusinessesIndex_58.bin and BusinessesIndex_59.bin to the BusinessIndex folder. On a typical C: drive installation, the path would be as follows:
    C:\ArcGIS\Business Analyst\US_2016\Data\Business Data\BusinessesIndex

Once the files are copied into this folder the issue will be resolved.


Supporting Files

Download ID:7475

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