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Patches and updates

Mapping and Charting Solutions 10.5 Patch 3 (Desktop | Server)

Published: August 5, 2017


This is a general cumulative maintenance patch for the Mapping and Charting Solutions including; ArcGIS for Aviation (Desktop), ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry (Desktop), ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting (Desktop), ArcGIS for Maritime: Server, Esri Defense Mapping for (Desktop, Server), and Esri Production Mapping for (Desktop, Server). Please download and install this patch at your earliest convenience.


We recommend Mapping and Charting Solutions customers with the following solutions download and install this patch to ensure the highest quality experience.

  • ArcGIS for Aviation
  • ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry
  • ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting
  • ArcGIS for Maritime: Server
  • Esri Defense Mapping
  • Esri Production Mapping

Note: This patch is cumulative of all previously released Patches and Hot Fixes for Mapping and Charting Solutions 10.5.



  1. Login with a Windows Administrator account.
  2. Select and download the Mapping and Charting Solutions file.

        Checksum (Md5)
    Desktop MappingandCharting105Patch3.msp b3149a5ee80c71e5002773f61f1a3ba0
    Server MappingandChartingServer105Patch3.msp 1a48c69a22e4bb277416230c2c244d63
  3. Double-click the msp file to start the install process.
  4. When Setup starts, follow the instructions on your screen.

If Maritime Chart Service is installed continue with these steps:
  1. Login as a Server Manager by launching https://localhost:6443/arcgis/manager.
  2. Click Services.
  3. Stop the map service with Maritime Chart Service capabilities configured.
  4. Move the controlfiles folder from <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\maritimechartservice\controlfiles to a backup location.
  5. Copy the new controlfiles folder from <ArcGIS Install Directory>\MaritimeServer\Server\maritimechartservice to <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\maritimechartservice.
  6. If modifications were made to the old control files, they will need to be made to the new control files. The backup control files can be used to consolidate modifications with the new control files. For example Coordinate systems and AutoCellUpdate settings.
  7. If the map service was configured to read S-63 encrypted datasets, copy the S-63 user-permit.txt file from the backup controlfiles folder to the new controlfiles folder.
  8. Delete the .senc files from <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\maritimechartservice\sencs. The .senc files must be rebuilt after upgrading. Deleting them will significantly increase creation performance.
  9. Repeat steps 1 through 8 for each map service with the Maritime Chart Service capabilities configured.
  10. Login as an administrator by launching https://localhost:6443/arcgis/admin.
  11. Click Uploads.
  12. Click Upload.
  13. Click Choose File and browse to the MaritimeService.soe file located in <ArcGIS Install Directory>\MaritimeServer\Server\Bin.
  14. Click Upload to add the SOE to the site.
  15. Copy the Item ID for use in the Update step.
  16. Click Home.
  17. Click Services.
  18. Click Types.
  19. Click Extensions.
  20. Click Update and paste the Item ID.
  21. Click Update.
  22. Click Services (Navigate to Server Manager ->https://localhost:6443/arcgis/manager).
  23. Click the map service for which you want to enable the Maritime Chart Service.
  24. Click Capabilities.
  25. Verify that the datasetsDirectory, controlFilesDirectory, and workingDirectory properties point to the correct locations. For more information about these properties, see the 'Modifying Maritime Chart Service capabilities properties' section of Setting Maritime Chart Service properties.
  26. Click Save and Restart to make the Maritime Chart Service available.
  27. Confirm the Maritime Chart Service capabilities are working properly in the map service by verify that the .senc files in the sencs folder are current.
  28. Repeat steps 22 - 27 for each map service with Maritime Chart Service capabilities configured.

Enhancements and Issues Addressed with this Patch

ArcGIS for Aviation

  • BUG-000105680: The ImportAIXM45 function fails when using an update message containing unsupported data.
  • TFS103050: ImportAIXM45 Navaid Import has been updated.
  • TFS103051: ImportAIXM51 Import Notes connected to different classes.
  • TFS103052: ImportAIXM51 will not run sequentially.

ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry

  • No updates since 10.5 release.

ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting

  • TFS102133: Export Geodatabase To S-57 GP tool is writing the wrong PROF value for ERs.
  • TFS102356: Features are out of order when collections are deleted in an update.
  • TFS102505: DNC Tools: Notes Editor: When adding new notes to TOD data an error is returned.
  • TFS102506: TOD VPF Enhancement: Need the ability to batch export TOD file geodatabases.
  • TFS102603: AML 2.1/1.0 conversion is not modifying all the necessary values for the typewk attribute.

ArcGIS for Maritime: Server

  • Cumulative of previously release 10.5 patches and hot fixes.

Esri Defense Mapping Desktop and Server

  • BUG-000105880: Extract And Clip Data GP tool returns an error when using a projected coordinate systems and does not clip the data.
  • BUG-000105881: Extract And Clip Data GP tool does not clip the data when using a geographic coordinate systems other than GCS NAD83 and the data is not clipped.

Esri Production Mapping Desktop

  • Issue166: Fields defined as type date with the format CCYYMMDD do not display correctly in the Feature Manager Update Attributes window.
  • TFS103031: Data Reviewer: Running the Geometry on Geometry Check on Shapefiles returns an error.
  • TFS102142: Data Reviewer: The Duplicate Features Check is ignoring the Changed Features Only setting.

Desktop and Server

  • Issue153: VPF To Geodatabase GP tool should populate TOD library number during TOD VPF import.

Patch Updates

Check the Patches and Service Packs page periodically for the availability of additional patches. New information about this patch will be posted here.

How to identify which ArcGIS products are installed

To determine which ArcGIS products are installed, choose the appropriate version of the PatchFinder utility for your environment and run it from your local machine. PatchFinder will list products, hot fixes, and patches installed on your local machine.

Getting Help

Domestic sites, please contact Esri Technical Support at 1-888-377-4575, if you have any difficulty installing this patch. International sites, please contact your local Esri software distributor.

Download ID:7524

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