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Patches and updates

Mapping and Charting Solutions 10.5.1 Patch 3 (Desktop | Server)

Published: December 8, 2017


This patch is obsolete. All fixes have been incorporated into Mapping and Charting Solutions 10.5.1 Patch 4 for (Desktop | Server).


We recommend Mapping and Charting Solutions customers with the following solutions download and install this patch to ensure the highest quality experience.

  • ArcGIS for Aviation
  • ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry
  • ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting
  • ArcGIS for Maritime: Server
  • Esri Defense Mapping
  • Esri Production Mapping
Note: This patch is cumulative of all previously released Patches and Hot Fixes for Mapping and Charting Solutions 10.5.1.



  1. Login with a Windows Administrator account.
  2. Select and download the Mapping and Charting Solutions file.
        Checksum (Md5)
    Desktop MappingandCharting_1051Patch3.msp 738948cda2ba3483659b81ebd4c53ba0
    Server MappingandChartingServer1051Patch3.msp 89a4100e0a0aee5e85112b59fff4685f
  3. Double-click the msp file to start the install process.
  4. When Setup starts, follow the instructions on your screen.

ArcGIS for Maritime: Server, additional installation instructions:

Maritime Chart Service

  1. Login as a Server Manager by launching https://localhost:6443/arcgis/manager.
  2. Click Services.
  3. Stop the map service with Maritime Chart Service capabilities configured.
  4. Move the controlfiles folder from <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\maritimechartservice\controlfiles to a backup location.
  5. Copy the new controlfiles folder from <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\MaritimeServer\Server<version>\maritimechartservice to <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\maritimechartservice.
  6. If modifications were made to the old control files, they will need to be made to the new control files. The backup control files can be used to consolidate modifications with the new control files. For example Coordinate systems and AutoCellUpdate settings.
  7. If the map service was configured to read S-63 encrypted datasets, copy the S-63 user-permit.txt file from the backup controlfiles folder to the new controlfiles folder.
  8. Delete the .senc files from <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\maritimechartservice\sencs. The .senc files must be rebuilt after upgrading. Deleting them will significantly increase creation performance.
  9. Repeat steps 1 through 8 for each map service with the Maritime Chart Service capabilities configured.
  10. Login as an administrator by launching https://localhost:6443/arcgis/admin.
  11. Click Uploads.
  12. Click Upload.
  13. Click Choose File and browse to the MaritimeService.soe file located in <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\MaritimeServer\Server<version>\Bin.
  14. Click Upload to add the SOE to the site.
  15. Copy the Item ID for use in the Update step.
  16. Click Home.
  17. Click Services.
  18. Click Types.
  19. Click Extensions.
  20. Click Update and paste the Item ID.
  21. Click Update.
  22. Navigate to Server Manager https://localhost:6443/arcgis/manager.
  23. Click Services.
  24. Click the map service for which you want to enable the Maritime Chart Service.
  25. Click Capabilities.
  26. Verify that the datasetsDirectory, controlFilesDirectory, and workingDirectory properties point to the correct locations. For more information about these properties, see the 'Modifying Maritime Chart Service capabilities properties' section of Setting Maritime Chart Service properties.
  27. Click Save and Restart to make the Maritime Chart Service available.
  28. Confirm the Maritime Chart Service capabilities are working properly in the map service by verify that the .senc files in the sencs folder are current.
  29. Repeat steps 22 - 28 for each map service with Maritime Chart Service capabilities configured.

Products on Demand (PoD) for Maritime Server
This update is only required for existing Maritime PoD deployments. For a new deployment follow the Deploy Maritime PoD steps.

  1. Ensure Maritime Chart Service has been upgraded, see Maritime Chart Service steps above.
  2. Backup the productsondemand folder at <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\productsondemand.
  3. Copy the productsondemand folder installed by this patch at <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\MaritimeServer\Server<version>\ to <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\.
  4. Merge modifications made to the productsondemand files in the backup folder with the new productsondemand folder. This may include layout templates, etc. file update for Maritime Server: Products on Demand

  1. Navigate to the file which is typically located at <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\ maritimeserver\productsondemand\Tools. This is the shared_products_path where productsondemand will be deployed.
  2. Edit the following variables:
    • shared_products_path and output_directory: update machine name, domain and the path if you did not use default settings.
    • output_url: Use localhost for testing only otherwise, update machine name, domain and the path if you did not use default settings.
  3. Save your updates.
  4. For the Calculator service copy the file to <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\arcgissystem\arcgisinput\POD\Calculators.GPServer\extracted\v101\tools.
  5. For the Gateway service copy the file to <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\arcgissystem\arcgisinput\POD\Gateway.GPServer\extracted\v101\tools.
  6. In ArcGIS Server Manager click Services and choose Manage Services.
  7. Click Folders and choose POD.
  8. Restart your Calculator and Gateway geoprocessing services.

Configuring the Maritime Server: Products on Demand web application

  • Updated layout templates.
  • Updated or published a new map service with Maritime Chart Service enabled.
  • Updated file and restarted the Calculator and Gateway geoprocessing services.
  1. Move the pod web application folder to a backup location. For IIS it would be the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\pod folder.
  2. Navigate to <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\MaritimeServer\Server\WebApplications and copy the folder called pod to C:\inetpub\wwwroot if using IIS to deploy your web application.
  3. Optionally rename the folder pod. The folder name will be the name of the application you access over the web.
  4. Consolidate any modifications from the backup pod web application with the new pod web application.
  5. Edit your podconfig.js file located under pod\js with your published POD service:
    • Update serviceURL to the location created in step 2 of Publishing Service Definition Files. If defaults were used, then the path is
    • Update the MCSURL path, which the pod web application will use for viewing, to the map service path used in your layout template. The default location is The layout template WMS service will be used by the print service to create the chart export.
    • Optionally change the basemap from the Esri Ocean Basemap by modifying the BasemapWithMCS variable.
  6. Save your changes to the podconfig.js file.
  7. You are now ready to use Products on Demand by browsing to http://<your server>/<web application name>.

Enhancements and Issues Addressed with this Patch


ArcGIS for Aviation

  • BUG-000107597 ImportAixm4.5 runways are created incorrectly.
  • BUG-000108091 ImportAixm45 should import RWY_PROTECT_AREA features even if they have related RWY_PROTECT_GEOMETRY that is null geometry.
  • BUG-000107915 ImportAixm45 is not importing all ADHPUsageLim and ADHPUsageCond rows.
  • BUG-000108022 ImportAixm45 is not populating NavUsageLimit.LIMITATIONTYPE_CODE.
  • BUG-000108024 ImportAixm45 is not populating NavUsageLimit.REMARKS_TXT.
  • ENH-000107739 Enhance ImportAixm45 to populate ServiceOnNavaid.
  • BUG-000107729 ImportAixm45 is not creating NavSysCheckPt geometry.
  • TFS105593ImportAixm45 should populate AirspaceAssociation.TYPE_CODE.
  • TFS105207Update DOF loader to handle latest changes to the DOF specification.
  • TFS105217Update obstacle aggregator tool to exclude horizontal obstacles.
  • TFS105484VFR Summary Table Changes.
  • TFS105773Update VFR Summary Tables to omit helicopter frequency and handle direction remarks.
  • TFS105835Update Class B,C,TRSA Table to omit VFR frequency usage records.
  • TFS105892Parenthesis should be removed when ARR/DEP is abbreviated.

ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry

  • Cumulative of previous 10.5.1 patches.

ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting

  • TFS106247 TOD VPF exporter fails to write notes for the dq coverage in TOD.
  • TFS106083 Update dirimp field in IENC and INIS workspaces.
  • TFS105851 Update iunlocd in IENC product xml to UNLOCD.
  • TFS105852 Update UNSARE to group 1 in IENC and INIS product xmls.

ArcGIS for Maritime: Server

  • TFS105476 SENC files are not generated when AutoCellUpdate property is set to True.
  • TFS105476 Improved degree label placement on INT2 borders.
  • TFS106049 Added E and W values to magnetic declination element.

Esri Defense Mapping
Desktop and Server

  • GIT344Import MGCP Metadata GP tool is not importing TRD4.3 xmls.
  • GIT334Thin Spot Heights causes python.exe to crash when exiting.
  • GIT333EGB_SPOTS_P features are not visible after creating them.
  • GIT329Text should be centered in ICM and JOG Meter Reference Guide.
  • GIT306JOG Meter Reference Guide is missing vertical line.
  • GIT301Building Tool - Square Building Angles option is not correct in GCS.
  • GIT296Create Rapid Graphic for JOG-A Labels are not converted to annotation when 10.5.1 Patch 1 is applied.
  • GIT130Create Elevation Guide Data tool returns a topology error if the raster and area of interest are not coincident.

Esri Production Mapping
Desktop Data Reviewer

  • TFS106440 Custom Step : Run Reviewer batch job may fail and return error code 2.
  • TFS105079 Monotonicity check: Is not honoring Z tolerance.
  • BUG-000104459 Performance decreases when running a batch job in ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Desktop 10.4.1 compared to 10.2.2.
  • BUG-000107515 Monotonicity check: Non-monotonic line features are not flagged as errors using GCS WGS84 as the Vertical Coordinate System.
  • TFS105823 Monotonicity check: Is not honoring M tolerance value.
  • TFS105825 Invalid Event check: Events which contain NULL from/to measure values should be returned as a result.
  • TFS105826 Find Dangles Check may return processing error code 143.

Patch Updates

Check the Patches and Service Packs page periodically for the availability of additional patches. New information about this patch will be posted here.

How to identify which ArcGIS products are installed

To determine which ArcGIS products are installed, choose the appropriate version of the PatchFinder utility for your environment and run it from your local machine. PatchFinder will list products, hot fixes, and patches installed on your local machine.

Getting Help

Domestic sites, please contact Esri Technical Support at 1-888-377-4575, if you have any difficulty installing this patch. International sites, please contact your localEsri software distributor.

Download ID:7557

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