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ArcGIS Online Issues Addressed List - September 2017 Release

Published: September 21, 2017


This page contains a list of issues addressed in the September 2017 update to ArcGIS Online that were logged through Support Services.


Defect Number


BUG-000092956Incorrect German translation when activating Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for the ArcGIS Online organization.
BUG-000103621The printing of services using dynamic layer queries in ArcGIS Online is not consistent.
BUG-000104117Attributes of a table opened in the map viewer do not update to show new values when a refresh interval is set on the layer.
BUG-000104722The automated e-mail sent to the users when a license is assigned sends the ArcGIS account instead of suggesting to log in with their enterprise account.
BUG-000105280Time becomes enabled after making a copy of an ArcGIS Server based layer that is saved with time disabled.
BUG-000106144A KML file loads in ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Earth but does not load in ArcGIS Online.
BUG-000106245When using a custom attribute display pop-up with a hyperlink field, null values in the hyperlink field result in a link to the current web map.
BUG-000106417Unhelpful error message ("unable to create group at this time") appears when attempting to create a new group with a summary over 250 characters.
BUG-000106481When the ArcGIS Server map service which has a layer that utilizes group value symbology is added to the ArcGIS Online web map, changing the symbology of the unique values in the web map causes the web map legend to no longer respect the group value symbology settings by displaying all of the values separately in the legend.
BUG-000106612Group names with special characters (/ : * !) do not display under Featured Groups.
BUG-000106748Pressing Enter after entering a URL in the 'Sign in with Enterprise Account' method for signing into ArcGIS Online redirects the user back to the original sign in page, when signing in via a web app that is hosted outside of ArcGIS Online using the Win10 Anniversary edition and the Edge web browser.
BUG-000106811Unable to open the destination page for the hyperlink in the custom attribute display pop-up of a web scene in ArcGIS Online.
BUG-000106877When adding a KML file containing two identical styles URL in ArcGIS Online, the icon for the first style is replaced with the default push pin icon.
BUG-000106975A custom role not assigned with permissions to create,update and delete groups can see an option to Create New Group when navigating the My Groups tab in ArcGIS Online.
BUG-000106991When a new web map is created and the default basemap is a custom vector tile layer, the web map shows blank screen with broken links.
BUG-000107194KML files uploaded to ArcGIS Online display yellow pushpins instead of the correct symbology.
BUG-000107612Group invitation notification does not clear even though the member is added to the Group without requiring a confirmation.
BUG-000107749When adding an item to your Content in ArcGIS Online with a file name that is completely contained within the name of an existing file, the following error message occurs: "A file titled '[Name]' with filename '[Name].pdf' already exists in this folder. Please rename the file and try again or add the file to a different folder."
BUG-000108104Configure Layer panel freezes while trying to select Web Scenes drawing styles in ArcGIS Online when profile language is set to Lithuanian.
BUG-000099330Users cannot scroll to the bottom of the Media tab when using the Story Map Tour web application template on Android devices.
BUG-000101689Attribute fields that are subtype dependent with a domain applied do not display when editing in the Crowdsource Manager web app unless all fields in the feature layer are selected to be editable.
BUG-000101717The Swipe widget in the Public Information template of ArcGIS Online fails to appear for raster layers in a map service published to ArcGIS Server 10.5.
BUG-000104147In the Crowdsource Reporter app, the option to restrict report submission to a specific geography is not honored if the location is picked from a searched address.
BUG-000105122The Crowdsource Manager does not zoom to or select data in the map preview that does not have an ObjectID field.
BUG-000105248When the Basic Viewer template is opened for the first time, clicking the Search box to expand the box does not allow text entry roughly 50% of the time for Android users (for example, Samsung Note 5, Galaxy S7, Google Pixel XL, and Nexus 6P).
BUG-000105792The Information Lookup application displays the coded value instead of the domain description in the pop-ups of map services.
BUG-000106308Result from the Search Tool in configurable app - Edit template does not zoom to the layer.
BUG-000107441Unable to authorize Twitter credentials to access tweets in the Public Information web application.
BUG-000107464The 'Display basemap in grayscale' function does not work in the Direction application in ArcGIS Online.
BUG-000102473A table with two subtypes; one containing a domain that is related to a feature class layer by a relationship class appears empty when published to ArcGIS Online.
BUG-000107765Web Feature Service (WFS) services in ArcGIS Online do not load in Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.
BUG-000084501Altering the ItemID of a service makes the service's item details page inaccessible from a web application created using Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS.
BUG-000089193The default order of RGB is displayed inversely as BGR in a legend in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS.
BUG-000090601In Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, KMZ layers are listed twice in the layer list.
BUG-000091567When using a duplicate service in a web application from ArcGIS Online, layers fail to load if one of the layers has a broken URL.
BUG-000091871In a web application using Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, the Print widget does not print a symbol or an outline in the legend when the fill transparency is applied.
BUG-000091969Operational layers do not display in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder when the first service added to a web map from an ArcGIS for Server instance is stopped.
BUG-000093026The Layer List widget in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder shows all layers from Living Atlas services, instead of layers seen in the view of the service added in the web map that is consumed.
BUG-000093758The Layer List widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS does not honor name changes made to the sublayers of a map service in the table of contents of the web map .
BUG-000095592When using the Search widget in a web app built with Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, searching for a date in the Date field returns the values in Unix epoch time.
BUG-000097457The zoom level when using the Attribute Table widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS zooms to a different location compared to the Search widget, and it is harder to understand where the feature is located.
BUG-000097879Field values for related tables do not appear in the custom pop-up when opening the pop-up from the Query widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS.
BUG-000098771The Delete button of the Bookmark widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS provides different functionality, depending on whether bookmarks are created during setup or within the application, with no message to notify users why the different functionality exists.
BUG-000099349Searching for a location in a Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS application does not retain the search result point when used on a mobile device.
BUG-000099922If both the options, 'Output may have different schema, use dynamic schema instead of predefined' and 'Add result as operational layer', are selected in the Geoprocessing widget, no operational layer is added to the map for the output.
BUG-000103656When using the Situation Awareness widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS to draw buffers, the Safari mobile browser draws the buffers smaller than the actual expected size to be drawn.
BUG-000103909The Basemap Gallery Widget documentation is unclear about which types of services (tiled versus dynamic, and image services versus map services) are supported.
BUG-000103983When using the Near Me widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS with an unchecked layer in the web map, the features stay on the map after the widget is closed.
BUG-000104015The related table is visible in the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS Layer List widget even though the associated feature layer is not shared with the user viewing the application.
BUG-000104209When editing a web map within Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, an inaccurate warning message is returned for reconfiguring the widgets.
BUG-000104807Applying the 'find' URL parameter in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS fails to display related fields in the pop-up window compared to the Search widget in the normal URL.
BUG-000105164The on-screen keyboard on Android devices displays briefly then disappears when clicking text fields of a widget in a Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS application configured with the Plateau theme.
BUG-000105273In Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, setting the search layer of the Near Me widget to a tiled map service breaks the widget and all subsequent Near Me widgets that are added to the same application.
BUG-000105518When clicking on the results of the Query widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, the error message, "No Attachments Found" is displayed even though attachments are not enabled on the feature service.
BUG-000105709The unique values drop-down list in the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS Filter widget does not recognize the layer filters that are configured in an ArcGIS Online web map.
BUG-000105771When viewing a web app in Safari on an iOS device, expanding the Near Me widget window does not resize the text box properly.
BUG-000105776When using the Near Me widget in an app on a mobile device, the results window does not resize properly when choosing a point in one device screen orientation and viewing the results in the other screen orientation.
BUG-000105779When viewing a web app on a mobile device, minimizing multiple widgets causes them to overlap at the bottom of the app viewer with no way to switch between the minimized windows.
BUG-000106234The font style of the text in the Draw widget's text preview and when drawn on the map in Web Appbuilder, the style does not match.
BUG-000106309Level 1 users are unable to edit the public hosted feature services from the Smart Editor widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS.
BUG-000106319The Situation Awareness widget in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS freezes with a large number of features.
BUG-000106430Keyboard disappears on android devices when trying to edit attributes from the Smart Editor widget of a Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS application using the 'Plateau' theme.
BUG-000106431The Situation Awareness widget does not work in full screen mode in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS.
BUG-000106446The Time Slider widget does not display the correct date when the cursor is hovered away from the selected dates in the ArcGIS Online Web AppBuilder.
BUG-000106554Layers in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS do not draw correctly after the Swipe widget is used and toggled off.
BUG-000106671When creating a new related record for a feature in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, the incorrect domain drop-down is populated when selecting a subtype other than the default.
BUG-000106778Having the Near Me widget configured in a Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS application triggers all layers to be turned on in the Internet Explorer web browser, even if the layers are configured to be turned off in the web map.
BUG-000106788Certain living atlas layers display wrong legends in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS.
BUG-000106941The Situation Awareness widget fails to load data in the Weather tab.
BUG-000106994My Location widget is unable to detect client physical location when consuming a Web Scene in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS.
BUG-000107354Error: The time slider in the WebApp Builder shows wrong time/date.
BUG-000107448The Time Slider in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS displays a wrong date and time when paused. The date and time are also inconsistent when the cursor is moved.
ENH-000102686Allow application creators to enable/disable the ability to add or delete bookmarks within the widget when using Web App Builder.
ENH-000104668Collapse the filters by default when the filter widget is opened in a web application built using Web App Builder
ENH-000107047Web AppBuilder: Need the "Filter by extent" option in Infographic widget to enable when the Web Map had enable the editing option.
ENH-000107148ArcGIS Online- Grid Overlay disable when enable any other widget in Web AppBuilder.
ENH-000107233More detail and error fixed for Infographic Widget in Web App Builder (WAB) Documentation
BUG-000102524The ArcGIS REST API documentation states the wrong URL on the 'Administering ArcGIS Online hosted services' page.
BUG-000095990When the Story Map Tour application is translated into French and viewed on a mobile device, 'Element multimedia' on the right overlaps with 'Carte' in the center.
BUG-000105264The Story Map Shortlist uses an SQL reserved word 'NUMBER' to order points within the application.
BUG-000106771Creating a Shortlist Story Map using a web map that contains a vector tile basemap causes points to be duplicated.
BUG-000106890Images can keep being uploaded onto the upload window of the Story Map Series application in ArcGIS Online but only 50 images are visible.
BUG-000107060The Story Map Shortlist Builder does not work correctly in Internet Explorer.

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