Patches and updates

ArcGIS Location Referencing 10.5.1 Announcement

Published: June 8, 2017


This page contains the list of issues addressed at the release of ArcGIS Location Referencing 10.5.1 specific to Esri Roads and Highways.


Desktop and Server

  • TFS52127ExportNetwork GP service does not return the latest state of network routes after route edits have been made by another client but before the GP service has been recycled/restarted.
  • TFS53667Relocate Events GP tool reports event measures past end of route.
  • TFS53668Relocate Events GP tool reports event measures past end of route for cartographically realigned route.


  • TFS49138Reassign route event behaviors do not correctly split and snap events if calibrate route behavior is set to retire.
  • TFS51740Translate Events from LRM to LRM GP tool fails when Source and Target RouteIDs are different lengths.
  • TFS51811Realigning a route to create a concurrency then retiring the other route to eliminate the concurrency on the same date results in the snapped events getting the incorrect measures.
  • TFS51854Reassigning/Reversing a middle portion of a route results in step of 0 gap calibration method being applied to downstream portion of route no matter what was configured in network properties.
  • TFS52348Generate Routes GP tool fails with error "This type of cursor does not support this operation. For example, calling UpdateRow on a read-only cursor." when run on networks where any of the routes need to be updated.
  • TFS52370Change wording in Network Creation wizard in ArcMap to better translate to languages other than English.
  • TFS52597Update Intersections GP tool fails with "Unable to generate intersection points. Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error when the intersection name is .
  • TFS52895Creating an ALRS with an XYZ tolerance different than the default for the selected spatial reference results in the resolution remaining with the default value.
  • TFS53090Identify LRS Route Locations causes heavy memory consumption in certain situations and can cause ArcMap to run out of memory and crash.
  • TFS53113Calculate Route Concurrencies GP tool fails with Underlying DBMS error when using SQL Server on certain lollipop route types.
  • TFS53120Editing a Calibration Point upstream of a physical gap on a route with multiple time slices results in recalibration not being applied to calibration points from the beginning of the gap to the end of the route.
  • TFS53166Gap calibration rules not honored for gaps introduced during reassignment and retirement on certain routes.
  • TFS53172Editing multiple non-adjacent Calibration Points on the same route with recalibrate downstream option checked results in incorrect upstream and downstream calibration behavior.
  • TFS53230Editing a calibration point on a route with multiple time slices results in downstream calibration not being applied.
  • TFS53232Overlay Route Events GP tool uses the incorrect time slices of routes in the network with certain time based definition queries applied.
  • TFS53289Realigning a route then cartographically realigning the portion of the route in the pre realignment time slice results in downstream events shifting and having incorrect measures applied.
  • TFS53310Overlay Route Events GP tool output includes retired events that fall outside the temporal view date applied to the input layers.
  • TFS53315Adding calibration points with different start dates to the same route at different locations then applying updates results in non-monotonic route.
  • TFS53410Detect Gaps in Linear Events GP tool is not returning records for an event with a gap slightly larger than the tolerance.
  • TFS53441Identify LRS Route Locations shows EventID for RouteID column for Roads and Highways events.
  • TFS53485Identify LRS Route Locations fails if the network feature class participates in a join with a gdb-registered object.
  • TFS53659Running Launch ArcMap step in Workflow Manager results in data layers from Roads and Highways ALRS being renamed and definition queries being set to default in MXD.
  • TFS53848Overlay Route Events GP tool generates field names with extra characters, which breaks Roadway Reporter.


  • TFS53093Event Editor: Incorrect transformation between (NAD_1983_HARN_StatePlane_Arizona_Central_FIPS_0202_Feet_Intl) and Web Mercator in Event Editor.
  • TFS53279Event Editor: The number of decimals in event attribute table and identify attributes do not match for the event measures.
  • TFS53360Roadway Reporter: Mileage Report fails when run summarizing on network layer that has GlobalID field.
  • TFS53445Event Editor: Attribute set results display <null> for From Measure field when measure is smaller than tolerance but not 0.
  • TFS53746Event Editor: Coincident events incorrectly merged in add linear events widget when attribute set does not contain all columns in an attribute.


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