Patches and updates
ZIP Code Demography Table for Nationwide Five-Digit ZIP Code Boundaries
This ZIP Code demography table for the five-digit ZIP Code boundaries for the United States was inadvertently left off the PC version of the ESRI Data & Maps 1 CD-ROM.
This file contains the demographic attributes only. The shapefiles associated with this data are on the ESRI Data & Maps CD-ROM and should be installed from there.
This file is self-installing and will install the missing file (zipdemog.dbf/10.8 MB) to your hard drive. This install is for PCs ONLY; both the UNIX and Macintosh versions of the CD have the correct data.
Installation Instructions:
Download the ZIP Code Demography Table (zipdemog.exe) program (2.5 MB) and double-click on it to start the setup program. Follow the directions on the screen and select where to install the data.
Supporting Files
- ZIP Code Demography Table - EXE - 2646 kb
Download ID:514
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