Patches and updates
If you use the PROJECTGRID command on ArcInfo Workstation 8.0.1 for Windows (NT and Alpha), you'll need this software update.
The executable projectgrid.exe (which drives the command PROJECTGRID) is missing from the release media for ArcInfo Workstation 8.0.1 for Windows NT -Intel and Windows NT -Compaq Alpha. If you need to use the PROJECTGRID command, please download the executable and copy it into the %ARCHOME%\bin directory. Once you have done that, you can use the command. No other changes to your environment are required.
- Download and unzip the PROJECTGRID update for Windows NT -Intel (ZIP format, 920kb).
- Download and unzip the PROJECTGRID update for Windows NT -Compaq Alpha (ZIP format, 1,176kb).
Download ID:87
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