Patches and updates
PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3 Nautical Solution Service Pack 1
Along with the issues addressed, this service pack includes the following enhancements:
- Significant improvements to the stability of Apply Changes and Product Refresher.
- Enhanced Visual Specifications for INT1 and US Chart 1.
- Updated HAC workflow and configuration files.
More information can be found in the "What's new in PLTS for ArcGIS Nautical Solution" help topic.
ESRIĀ® is pleased to announce PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3 Nautical Solution Service Pack 1. We recommend that customers download and install this Service Pack at their earliest convenience. This service pack upgrades PLTS for ArcGIS Nautical Solution to version and includes all changes from patch 1.
Note: You must install the following before installing this service pack:
- PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3 Foundation Service Pack 1
Issues Addressed with this Service Pack
- 1360 - Feature Builder - Add edit sketch capabilities to simple geometry functions
- 1624 - Geodatabase to S-57 - Cancel button not working on export form
- 1766 - Image added to the Feature Rectangularity Check Properties dialog
- 1772 - When DUNI = Fathoms and feet an error is display when a user enters in a value >= 6
- 3693 - S-57 to Geodatabase Import log should list number of SAF features imported
- 22881 - Feature Builder needs a "Add Row" option when manually entering coordinate for the simple geometry functions
- 26080 - SCAMIN - additional support for List field attributes needs to be added
- 26768 - Restrict users from editing a Nautical geodatabase if the nautical extension is turned off
- 28707 - Enhancement: have no operations selected on form load event
- 28708 - PLTS Cut Features - Allow free floating lines that connect at end points to clip polygon geometry
- 31643 - Product Library - New tool for setting CDR owner connection properties
- 32797 - S-57 Metadata form should Sort VDAT and SDAT fields by description
- 32933 - Relationship Manager's Auto Refresh checkbox not functioning when panning data frame
- 33118 - Geodatabase to S-57 causing ArcCatalog to exist in Task Manger after ArcCatalog is closed
- 33240 - Update Instance should display property page when CDR not set
- 33255 - Install SQL Express and setting up your database service
- 33611 - Geodatabase to S-57 - Unable to select dataset type for a second time in a row
- 33649 - Visual Specification for INT1 - additional rules added
- 33758 - Generate Linear Depth Areas - Tell the user when they click the GP tool that they need to be in an edit session
- 33759 - Generate Depth Areas - Tell the user when they click the GP tool that they need to be in an edit session
- 33767 - Visual Specification for US Chart 1 - additional rules added
- 33821 - Feature Rectangularity Check returns unnecessary record without notes when using current extent option
- 33943 - Apply Changes - When a conflict is found, Nautical Topology does not change version to the conflict version
- 34032 - Generate Linear Depth Areas - Pull Drying Height from DEPARE (area) feature class
- 34096 - Feature Display Settings Tool - Fails with S57 Topology Selected
- 34143 - Revised Managing data in an enterprise and desktop environment help topic
- 34146 - Revised Working with data in a Nautical geodatabase help topic
- 35393 - Apply Changes - NIS edits remain verified in Product
- 35744 - S-57 Metadata form blank on Greek data throws object reference error
- 35750 - Revised How to configure rounding rules help topic to cover negative intervals
- 35831 - Nautical Delete Feature classes audit fields do not update as during field modification
- 35857 - S-57 Metadata form should not allow changes to STED or SOMF fields when exporting an ER
- 36206 - Rename Representation Rule "SDC715" from US Chart 1 style to "SDC715_P"
- 36466 - Revised Creating Cartographic Data section of Charting Production Procedures
- 36472 - Revised Automating Symbology section of Charting Production Procedures
- 36630 - Feature Builder - Numbering Verticies should be added
- 36861 - Performance issue running SCAMIN with Structure option
- 37077 - Populate - Soundings assigned PLTS_COMP_SCALE value from PLTS Properties setting
Files Installed with this service pack
Please see the bottom of the page for a downloadable list of the files included with this service pack.
Installing the Service Pack
- You must have administrator privileges and ensure that ArcMap is not currently open.
- Copy the service pack to a local folder.
- Double-click the Foundation93SP1.msp file and follow the installation instructions.
Note: The service pack can be run from the command line using the following syntax:
C:\>msiexec.exe /p path\.msp
Example: C:\>msiexec.exe /p C:\temp\Foundation93SP1.msp
An article on command line installations can be found on the ESRI support site at:
HowTo: Install a .msp file that is not recognized as a patch file
Service Pack and Patch Updates
Check Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional service packs and patches.
Getting Help
Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 909.793.3774, if you have any difficulty installing this Service Pack. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.
Supporting Files
PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3 Nautical Changed and New files - PDF - 31 kb
PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3 Nautical Solution Service Pack 1 - MSP - 80675 kb
Download ID:1470
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