Patches and updates
PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3 Foundation Service Pack 1
This Service Pack contains performance improvements and maintenance fixes related to editing, quality control (GIS Data ReViewer), and map production (MPS-Atlas).
ESRI® is pleased to announce PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3 Foundation Service Pack 1. We recommend that customers download and install this Service Pack at their earliest convenience. This service pack upgrades PLTS for ArcGIS Foundation to version and includes all changes from patch 1.
Note: You must install the following before installing this service pack:
Issues Addressed with this Service Pack
- 1789 - Editing in Advanced Query Tool does not honor domains or subtypes
- 1909 - Font drop-down list does not recognize font files with .otf extensions
- 1985 - Grid features do not draw when using a map cache
- 3185 - Cut and Paste Features button should warn user that features will be cut from noneditable workspace
- 3944 - Isolines errors when trying to create contours in existing feature class
- 18982 - Target and Selection Tabs—Error when viewing the relationships of Carto Commander-created cartos
- 22690 - Grid Wizard—When creating a grid, show user bounding box limits after the extent has been defined
- 23385 - Feature Builder—Keyhole does not show parameters in components tab
- 25268 - Reference Latitude or Longitude functions lock up ArcMap
- 25288 - PLTS Cut Features—enhance to consider shapefiles
- 25315 - Haloed text for "GN" in the north arrow does not tiff separate
- 26769 - Cut/Paste Tool does not work when cutting from multiple feature classes with same geometry
- 28452 - Get “Failed to build Pyramids” error for certain 1-bit tiff with Foundation installed
- 29420 - PLTS Target and PLTS Selection tabs should be displayed by default
- 29537 - Double-clicking to Finish Baseline Sketch with PLTS Selection tab enabled can cause ArcMap to crash
- 29807 - Items Control Has Been Deleted error encountered while using the Selection Tab (Crashes ArcMap)
- 30207 - Selecting and deleting multiple inserted elements from the DEL crashed ArcMap
- 30282 - Changing the name of the Layers data frame causes Error [0] = Data source is invalid
- 30384 - Get Unable to get AdminWorkspace on Japanese OS and Regional and Language Settings set to Japanese
- 30920 - Deleting the data frame doesn't remove the surround elements
- 31170 - Data Model Version issues - need to have FCT and on-the-fly Batch Job validation work for multiple workspaces loaded at once in ArcMap
- 31177 - Cannot specify Feature Class 1 or 2 for Different Z at Intersection Check Properties
- 31291 - PLTS Cut Features—Coincident line segments on split operation cause target line deletion
- 31621 - Buffer does not work when a fixed rotation is applied to map series
- 31660 - Documentation—Duplicate Geometry is not returning errors when selection set option is used...
- 32002 - target and Selection tab erros on Windows 2003 server
- 32039 - Overview window area of interest not updating when zooming to different location in the map
- 32062 - PLTS Advanced Query—Add a Verify command to verify the SQL statement
- 32172 - ReViewer—Spatial Reference configuration - domain gets set incorrectly
- 32346 - Regular Expression check does not seem to return any results when using Metatcharacters
- 32479 - Allow Feature Builder to use the current edit workspace's spatial information when generating features
- 32537 - Field Configuration Editor—Unable to reorder fields by dragging them around
- 32546 - Elevation Guide element error with MPS Classic.
- 32547 - PLTS Cut Features Tool does not allow Split Option using a polyline to split a polygon
- 32593 - ReViewer Session Manager—User gets 'No Records written to ReViewer table (all were duplicates)' message when 'Do not check for duplicate' option is selected on the ReViewer Session Manager dialog box
- 32639 - The diagram in the Operation frame does not reflect selected operation when dialog is launched
- 32640 - The Apply button is enabled when I click Cut Features
- 32641 - Fill Holemessage box appears when discarding features within area
- 32660 - ReViewer Service—On the Configure Service Job dialog window the Interval Time is getting set to the current time.
- 32741 - ReViewer Session Manager—Using an SDE database as a ReViewer workspace makes Session Manager run extremely slow
- 32743 - Get error message adding records to ReViewer table after unsuccessfully adding a user-defined field
- 32803 - Views—Override Current map Settings for Scale Property does not work when Static is set to No
- 32810 - Get type mismatch error when trying to insert TLM North Arrow on a machine with Japanese OS and Regional and Language Options set to Japanese
- 33108 - Getting a column was specified that does not exist on a machine with Japanese OS and Regional and Language Options set to Japanese
- 33128 - Getting type mismatch error when using Add Grid Data on a machine with Japanese OS and Regional and Language Options set to Japanese
- 33173 - Grid Manager—Zipper grids not auto-calculating ancillary coordinate system zone
- 33199 - Visual Specification SQL queries with Attributed Relationship Classes showing red "!" in SQL builder.
- 33251 - Reconcile and Post causes unloaded favorite database to reappear in target list
- 33349 - Batch Job Manager doesn't prompt you to save after making changes
- 33490 - Calculate Visual Specification GP tool fails when calling it from .NET code
- 33504 - Graphic Table Element—Table draws very slow with complex geometries
- 33728 - Creating a dynamic legend text needs to be modified
- 33737 - Table Importer/Exporter button- Importing 9.2 Reviewer table into 9.3
- 33827 - FCT causing PLTS Dissolve Error with SDE data
- 33887 - PLTS Cut Features does not work properly when other layers (shapefiles) are loaded.
- 33983 - Documentation needs to be updated for PLTS Option 1 Tutorial - Using the Knowledge Base and MPS-Atlas
- 33985 - Documentation needs to be updated for PLTS Option 2 Tutorial - Using the Product Library
- 34069 - Field alias name is not appearing in table when Show Field Aliases is checked on
- 34070 - Grid Name navigation error
- 34129 - Get Atlas.exe - Application Error when exporting and Atlas.exe will not export data in data frames
- 34273 - Exception on deleting Series, Class and Solution in PL tree
- 35172 - Atlas Command—Need to add the new Georeferenced PDF format to the Atlas Command
- 35212 - Point Notepad not working
- 35213 - Duplicate Records button on ReViewer table doesn't seem to work at all
- 35284 - Errors appearing when PLTS Contouring Tools toolbar is up in ArcMap
- 35436 - TIFF Separator—Format Configuration dialog cut off on Japanese OS
- 35530 - Older MXD's not opening
- 35606 - PLTS Symbology and QA category needs to be readded to the Customize dialog
- 35664 - Product Library—Refresh issues between connections when new items are added/deleted from product library
- 35711 - Split operation for PLTS Cut Features is not splitting features
- 35736 - C++ Runtime Library Error when editing the 'special exclusion' attribute
- 35764 - Would like to be able to zoom to features regardless of database type
- 35805 - Double-clicking on favorite causes PLTS error
- 35846 - PLTS Merge should not be enabled if you have more than one feature type selected
- 35877 - Six Exceptions thrown when opening a 9.3 Release MXD with map series
- 35925 - Populate Zs from surface does not populate point features when 'Update Z values manually' is checked on
- 36027 - PLTS elements cause PDF font formatting issues.
- 36050 - Atlas Map Series errors with Feature Layer Definition Query
- 36128 - Getting error unable to create instance of object when adding PLTS GIS Data ReViewer toolbar
- 36186 - PLTS Cut Features—Illegal Geometry error thrown in Cut features when point/line features are selected
- 36211 - QueryBuilderDialogForm is Closed instead of Hidden
- 36329 - Cut Features - Discard Clip - Cut features must overlap target layer is not being populated
- 36331 - Cut Features - Discard Clip - Cut feature must be completely contained target layer is not being populated
- 36402 - Unable to create AOI using .000 files in the product library
- 36465 - Editing a glossary text needs to be modified - NOTE: NOTE: needs to be changed
- 36517 - Updating data sources for batch jobs - Text needs to be modified
- 36633 - PLTS Dissolve does not prompt if FCT do not exist
- 36676 - TLM North Arrow – Receive “The page cannot be displayed” error
- 36715 - Monotonicity Check should not report flat z-values as errors
- 36721 - Enable CNT Run Time Validation should not fire off custom CNTs
- 36734 - Contour Tool crashes ArcMap on IMG file
- 36737 - AOIs being reshaped
- 36739 - ReViewer Service is not running the Service Job
- 36740 - Edit error and exception thrown when inserting vertices in Vertices tab
- 36786 - Steps in the 'Using the Overlay Polygon - Polyline/Point tool' help topic needs to be adjusted
- 36816 - In "Find Dangles" check, if the Dangle tolerance value is 0, the user should be prompted to enter dangle tolerance greater than 0.
- 36820 - Evaluate Polyline Length Check—Unable to build error geometry for feature class if error geometry is a part or segment of the feature
- 36872 - Polygon geometry shrinks when editing vertices in projected space
- 36887 - Series of exceptions thrown when accessing Product level Extraction settings
- 36930 - After splitting the vertices of a TreesA polygon that are coincident with the clip bdy (e.g. PolbndA) are not having their Z values interpolated
- 36950 - Foundation Tools extension information is saved within the .mxd and not within user profile or normal.mxt
- 36966 - Preserve clip causes “System.AccessViolationException Attempted to R/W protected memory” error
- 36968 - The Preserve Clip operation - text needs to be deleted
- 36976 - PLTS Cut Features Tool does not interpolate z-values on Split operation
- 36998 - Installer should not remove msstdfmt.dll on uninstall
- 37056 - 9.2 rbj with empty groups migrated to 9.3 will not display empty group or groups with checks that follow
- 37132 - Cut feature must be completely within does not work the first time you use it
- 37133 - The Split operation scenario outlined in the help is producing an exception and will not split feature
- 37135 - The Discard Clip operation - bullet text must be modified
- 37196 - ArcMap crashes on clicking "Create Contour Lines over all layers" button.
- 37209 - Preserve Clip getting unhandled exception when the cut feature is also selected in the Target Layer(s)
- 37251 - Get Automation Error when browsing to Project and Map Sheet Catalog GDB
Files Installed with this service pack
- NewEditingCoreADF.olb
- NewEditingCoreOLB.olb
- NewEditingDesktopADF.olb
- NewEditingDesktopOLB.olb
- NewESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.Core.dll
- NewESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.Data.AttributionCenterExt.dll
- NewESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.Data.ContourEnhancement.dll
- NewESRI.PLTS.Foundation.FoundationToolsMenu.dll
- NewESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.Common.dll
- NewESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.Configuration.dll
- NewESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.Desktop.ADF.dll
- NewESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.Desktop.DotNet.dll
- NewESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.Engine.dll
- NewESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.Logging.dll
- NewESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.RevCore.dll
- NewESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.ReviewerServiceController.exe
- NewESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.ReviewerServiceInstaller.exe
- NewESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.RevInterfaces.dll
- NewESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.RevServiceManage.dll
- NewESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.ServiceResources.dll
- NewESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.WinCommon.dll
- NewesriPLTSReviewerDesktopADF.olb
- NewesriPLTSReviewerDesktopCOM.dll
- NewesriPLTSReviewerEngine.dll
- NewesriPLTSReviewerEngineADF.olb
- NewMPS.9.3.1.xml
- NewResSelectAndIdentify.dll
- NewResSelectNamedFeatures.dll
- NewRevConsole.exe
- NewReviewer.9.3.0.xml
- NewReviewerServiceUninstaller.exe
- NewRevService.exe
- NewSelectAndIdentify.dll
- NewSelectNamedFeatures.dll
- ReplaceAddFeatOnCreate.dll
- Replaceadministering_the_product_catalog.chm
- Replaceadministering_the_product_catalog.lif
- ReplaceAncillaryDataLDR.dll
- ReplaceAtlas.exe
- ReplaceAtlas.pdb
- ReplaceAtlasDesktopCOM.dll
- ReplaceAttCenterExt.dll
- ReplaceBadGeometryTools.dll
- ReplaceCalculateBridgeOverrides_MPSAtlas.xml
- ReplaceContourEnhancement.dll
- Replacecreating_geodatabases_with_plts.chm
- Replacecreating_geodatabases_with_plts.lif
- ReplacecsPLTSFoundationUI.HLP
- ReplaceDanglesAndPseudosRenderer.dll
- ReplaceDbsVPFImporter.dll
- Replaceediting_feature_attributes_plts.chm
- Replaceediting_feature_attributes_plts.lif
- Replaceediting_features_in_plts.chm
- Replaceediting_features_in_plts.lif
- ReplaceEditingCoreCOM.dll
- ReplaceEditingDesktopCOM.dll
- ReplaceElementsWrapper.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Display.Desktop.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.Desktop.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.EditingCoreADF.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.EditingCoreOLB.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.EditingDesktopADF.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.EditingDesktopOLB.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ElementLibraryManager.Engine.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ElementLibraryManager.UI.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.FoundationToolsMenu.pdb
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ImportExport.Core.COM.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ImportExport.Desktop.COM.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ImportExport.Desktop.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ImportExport.GDBToCov.GDBToCovCommand.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ImportExport.GDBToCov.GDBToCovCommand.pdb
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.PMCMainMenu.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ValidationManager.COM.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Framework.Core.COM.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Framework.Core.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Framework.Desktop.COM.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Framework.Desktop.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Core.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Core.pdb
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Desktop.COM.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Desktop.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Desktop.pdb
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.GTE.Core.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.GTE.DesktopExt.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.GTE.UI.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Lib.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Lib.pdb
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.LibUI.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.LibUI.pdb
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.StorableLayout.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.UI.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.UI.pdb
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.GridManager.UI.CreateGridWizard.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.GridManagerVB.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.Engine.ADF.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.Engine.DotNet.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.RevUpdateCore.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.UpdateResources.dll
- ReplaceFeatureCount.dll
- ReplaceFeatureDisplaySettings.dll
- ReplaceFoundationTools.dll
- ReplaceFrameworkCore.olb
- ReplaceFrameworkCoreCOM.dll
- ReplaceFrameworkDesktop.olb
- ReplaceFrameworkDesktopCOM.dll
- ReplaceGDBToXRef.exe51
- ReplaceGenericCNTExtensions.dll
- Replacegetting_started_with_plts.chm
- Replacegetting_started_with_plts.lif
- Replacegis_data_reviewer.chm
- Replacegis_data_reviewer.lif
- Replacegraphic_table_element.chm
- Replacegraphic_table_element.lif
- Replacegrid_manager.chm118
- ReplaceGridManager.dll
- ReplaceGteCore.dll
- ReplaceGteDesktopExt.dll
- ReplaceGteUI.dll
- ReplaceImportExportCoreCOM.dll
- ReplaceImportExportDesktopCOM.dll
- ReplaceImportExportSettings.exe
- ReplaceImportExportSettings.pdb
- ReplaceImportTopoErrs.dll
- ReplaceInstallXMLSupport.exe
- Replaceinterop.msscript.dll
- Replaceinterop.riched20.dll
- Replaceinterop.scrrun.dll64
- ReplaceKnowledgeBaseLoader.exe
- Replacemap_production_system.chm
- Replace map_production_system.lif
- ReplaceMapHelper.dll
- ReplaceMapSeries93.mdb
- ReplaceMetadataExtension.dll
- ReplaceMGExtension.dll
- ReplaceMPSAddField.exe
- ReplaceMPSBridgeRenderer.dll
- ReplaceMPSCartoTools.dll
- ReplaceMPSCompileRoutine.dll
- ReplaceMPSCreateMap.dll
- ReplaceMPSDesignSeries.dll
- ReplaceMPSDistributor.exe
- ReplaceMPSICMAS.ocx
- ReplaceMPSICMBG.ocx
- ReplaceMPSICMCL.ocx
- ReplaceMPSICMMR.ocx
- ReplaceMPSImporter.exe
- ReplaceMPSJOGACG.ocx
- ReplaceMPSJOGAET.ocx
- ReplaceMPSJOGAGR.ocx
- ReplaceMPSJOGALD.ocx
- ReplaceMPSJOGAMR.ocx
- ReplaceMPSJOGARD.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLM50BG.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLM50CG.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLM50MR.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLM50MS.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLM50NA.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLM50SG.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLMAS.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLMEG.ocx
- ReplaceMPSUSGS75NA.ocx
- ReplaceMPSUSGSState.ocx
- Replaceplts.awa
- Replaceplts.chm
- Replaceplts_mpsatlas_tools.chm
- Replaceplts_mpsatlas_tools.lif
- ReplacePLTS_MPSAtlas_Tools.tbx
- ReplacePLTS_PAAT.dll
- ReplacePLTS_PAATCalcs.dll
- ReplacePLTSAttCenterTabs.dll
- ReplacePLTSCreateAOI.ocx
- ReplacePLTSDataLoader.exe
- ReplacePLTSDatePicker.ocx
- ReplacePLTSDesktopAdmin.exe
- ReplacePLTSDesktopLicense.dll
- ReplacePLTSExtractData.dll41
- ReplacePLTSFdInstall.dll8
- ReplacePLTSFdSolInstall.dll
- ReplacePLTSFoundationTools_TOC.chm
- ReplacePLTSFoundationTools_TOC.chm
- ReplacePLTSGacUtil.exe
- ReplacePLTSGDB2Shape.exe
- ReplacePLTSImageAccessLib.dll
- ReplacePLTSMapGridToFeatureClass.dll
- ReplacePLTSMPSAtlasTools_TOC.chm
- ReplacePLTSNavTextFile.ocx
- ReplacePLTSOutputExtensions.dll
- ReplacePLTSOutputExtensionsUI.dll
- ReplacePLTSPickList.ocx
- ReplacePLTSRenderer.dll
- ReplacePLTSRenProp.dll
- ReplacePLTSSubRenProp.dll
- ReplacePMC.dll
- ReplacePMCReportWord.dll
- ReplacePMCSourceBuilder.dll
- ReplacePMCTitleInformation.ocx
- ReplacePreLoadValidate.exe
- ReplaceprjACPLTSToolbar.dll
- ReplaceprjFeatureOnSubtype.dll
- ReplaceprjSampling.dll
- ReplaceRefreshToggle.dll
- ReplaceResBadGeometryTools.dll
- ReplaceResCreateAOI.dll
- ReplaceRESCreateVVTs.dll
- ReplaceResDbsVPFImporter.dll
- ReplaceResFeatureCount.dll
- ReplaceResFeatureDisplaySettings.dll
- ReplaceResFrequency.dll
- ReplaceResGDBToShp.dll
- ReplaceResGDBToSpec.dll
- ReplaceResImportTopoErrs.dll
- ReplaceResJOGElements.dll
- ReplaceResKBLoader.dll
- ReplaceResMetadataExtension.dll
- ReplaceResMGExtension.dll
- ReplaceResMPSAddField.dll
- ReplaceResMPSBridgeRenderer.dll
- ReplaceResMPSCartoTools.dll
- ReplaceResMPSCompileRoutine.dll
- ReplaceResMPSCreateMap.dll
- ReplaceResMPSDesignSeries.dll
- ReplaceResMPSDistributor.dll
- ReplaceResMPSGenericElements.dll
- ReplaceResMPSImporter.dll
- ReplaceResMPSTLMElements.dll
- ReplaceresMPSUSGS75NA.dll
- ReplaceResOverviewWindow.dll
- ReplaceResPLTSAttCenterTab.dll
- ReplaceResPLTSDataLoader.dll
- ReplaceResPLTSDesktopAdmin.dll
- ReplaceResPLTSExtractData.dll
- ReplaceResPLTSRenProp.dll
- ReplaceResPLTSSubRenProp.dll
- ReplaceResPMC.dll
- ReplaceResPMCTitleInformation.dll
- ReplaceResPMCWordReport.dll
- ReplaceResPreProcessUMLModel.dll
- ReplaceRESprjACPLTSToolbar.dll
- ReplaceResRefreshToggle.dll
- ReplaceResSampling.dll
- ReplaceResSeeSpotColor.dll
- ReplaceResSourceBuilder.dll
- ReplaceResSymQA.dll
- ReplaceResValidateData.dll
- ReplaceRevFrequency.dll
- ReplaceRevRBJMigrate.exe
- ReplaceRevRBJUpdate.exe
- ReplaceSeeSpotColor.exe
- ReplaceSpotEPS.dll
- ReplaceStorableLayoutCore.dll
- ReplaceSymQA.dll
- ReplaceSystemInfo.exe
- ReplaceTOCManager.dll
- ReplaceValidationManager.dll
- ReplacevbTree2.dll
- Replacevisual_specifications_tool.chm
- Replace visual_specifications_tool.lif
- Replacewhat_s_new_in_plts_for_arcgis.chm
- Replace what_s_new_in_plts_for_arcgis.lif
- Replaceworking_with_cartographic_elements_in_plts.chm
- Replaceworking_with_cartographic_elements_in_plts.lif
- Replaceworking_with_the_product_catalog.chm
- Replaceworking_with_the_product_catalog.lif
Installing the Service Pack
- You must have administrator privileges and ensure that ArcMap is not currently open.
- Copy the service pack to a local folder.
- Double-click the Foundation93SP1.msp file and follow the installation instructions.
Note: The service pack can be run from the command line using the following syntax:
C:\>msiexec.exe /p path\.msp
Example: C:\>msiexec.exe /p C:\temp\Foundation93SP1.msp
An article on command line installations can be found on the ESRI support site at:
HowTo: Install a .msp file that is not recognized as a patch file
Service Pack and Patch Updates
Check Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional service packs and patches.
Getting Help
Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 909.793.3774, if you have any difficulty installing this Service Pack. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.
Supporting Files
PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3 Foundation Service Pack 1 - MSP - 39413 kb
Download ID:1466
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