Patches and updates

PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3 Defense Service Pack 1

Published: November 21, 2008


This Service Pack contains performance improvements and maintenance fixes. Please download and install this required Service Pack at your earliest convenience.


This service pack includes several tools that enhance production of Image City Map (ICM) digital and hard-copy products and Multinational Geospatial Co-Production (MGCP) data extraction. The ICM tools allow you to create Guide to Numbered Features (GNF) bookmarks, number and renumber GNF features, generate graphic map elements that contain lists of features in the ComplexOutline_A feature class or roads, and assign index numbers to features that are included as GNFs. There is also a new tool that allows you to view extraction information for a feature class subtype when it is selected as the target layer.



ESRI® is pleased to announce PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3 Defense Solution Service Pack 1. We recommend that customers download and install this Service Pack at their earliest convenience. This service pack upgrades PLTS for ArcGIS Defense Solution to version

Note: You must install the following before installing this service pack:


Issues Addressed with this Service Pack

  • 2110 - JOG that can be used between 76° and 84° have fewer ticks
  • 2112 - Treatment for positioning grid data between 14 degrees N and 14 degrees S latitude is different from other latitudes
  • 4038 - MGCP utility to launch Internet Explorer displaying TRD extraction guide help...
  • 22652 - JOG Series should read 1501A and not 1501
  • 31130 - Create Populate Default Values GP or Catalog tool
  • 32548 - Product Library locations should be clearly defined in the PLTS Help.
  • 32802 - Incorrect Symbol and Rule for for Fence in the JOG style.
  • 33048 - Create "Index to Streets" as a dynamic GTE element in the Product Library
  • 33049 - Create Dynamic Glossary for ICM
  • 33050 - Create Landmark Feature Key as GTE Element in the Product Library
  • 33051 - Update VVTs for ICM
  • 33062 - Build Representation Rules in VST for all layers for ICM
  • 33065 - Add supporting documents to the ICM Product Library
  • 33327 - Encounter Error dialog when running Height Calculator
  • 33328 - Height Calculator button remains pressed or enabled which prevents activation
  • of the tool and prevents further calculation
  • 33347 - Create Simple buildings gets deactivated after creating a feature
  • 33372 - Symbology and QA toolbar needs to be removed from the Docking manager settings
  • 33541 - 32768 needs to be changed to -32767 for PLTS_MASTER_CNT for MGCP_General_Knowledgebase_TRD2.mdb
  • 33738 - PLTS Calculate Height not appearing in Customize dialog box
  • 33744 - PLTS GDB Builder will not produce an XY tolerance of 0.000000008983153
  • 33864 - Reps missing for Pedestrian Bridge in the TLM GIFD VST
  • 33952 - The Simple Building tool assumes the AOO direction is parallel to the longest building side drawn
  • 34184 - PLTS Data comparison not working when selected
  • 35318 - Metadata items missing from TGD Data Dictionaries
  • 35319 - Operations data dictionary should be called "Operational"
  • 35364 - TLM50 and TLM100 templates are the wrong dimensions.
  • 35416 - Data Compare tool cursor needs to be hour glass while processing
  • 35424 - Jog representations have duplicates
  • 35457 - PLTS Geodatabase builder does not create default values on un subtypes features
  • 35727 - GAIT check needs to have silent option added to GUI
  • 35731 - Domain for PAHO50FUN (FUN: Condition of Facility) missing from MGCP_General_WDB_TRD2_0.xls
  • 35745 - Geonames to GDB tool needs to populate FULL_NAME and GERNERIC on Geoneames Feature class
  • 35767 - The symbol for True North and Magnetic North on the North Arrow element is pointing to the wrong font
  • 35808 - Get Unexpected Program Error after clicking Edit on Map Series Design dialog for ICM
  • 35811 - Get error retrieving records from the compile table for ICM
  • 35838 - Geonames - GDB2Geonames Country Code drop down is not being populated
  • 35898 - The TLM100.mxd MPS Atlas template references the Maplex label engine
  • 35901 - There are no PLTS Defense Solution licenses available message should not be displayed
  • 35902 - Add Elevation Guide Legends to TLM Product Library.
  • 36004 - Change Meter Reference Guide tab and element names for ICM, JOG, and TLM.
  • 36005 - Insert ICM Meter Reference Guide element not functioning.
  • 36006 - TLM Meter Reference Guide element does not meet Mil-Spec.
  • 36029 - Error when adding Table-fed glossary from the TLM Product Library.
  • 36038 - GAIT Check tool does not write the correct feature class name to ReViewer table
  • 37018 - Update SQL for Landmark Buildings in GIFD VST
  • 37022 - TLM Grid Corner Ticks need all MPS colors


Files Installed with this service pack

  • NewCalculateDefaultValues_defense.xml
  • NewGeoBase_CIP_2006_QAP_Check_93.rbj
  • NewGeofidelis_CIP.XLS
  • NewICM.scs
  • NewICM_Grid_10000_12500_15000.xml
  • NewICM_Grid_5000_7500.xml
  • Newicm_knowledgebase.mdb
  • NewICM_KnowledgeBase_93.mdb
  • NewICM_Visual_Specifications.mdb
  • NewICM_Visual_Specifications.vvs
  • NewJOGA_NE_Polar.xml
  • NewJOGA_NW_Polar.xml
  • NewMRG50_Spec_Rules.mdb
  • NewOperational_Data_Dictionary.chm
  • NewOperational_Data_Dictionary.lif
  • NewOperations_Data_Dictionary.chm
  • NewOperations_Data_Dictionary.lif
  • Newplts_defense_toc.chm
  • Newplts_defense_toolbox.chm
  • Newplts_defense_toolbox.lif
  • Newplts_defense_tools.chm
  • Newplts_defense_tools.lif
  • NewPLTS_Defense_Tools.tbx
  • NewPLTSGeoNames_Template92.mdb
  • NewPLTSGeoNames_Template92.xml
  • NewPLTSGeoNames_Template93.mdb
  • NewPLTSGeoNames_Template93.xml
  • NewSAC_CNT_Checks_93.rbj
  • NewSAC_Domain_Checks_93.rbj
  • NewSAC_InvalidGeometry_Check_93.rbj
  • NewSAC_MultiPartLine_Check_93.rbj
  • NewSAC_MultiPartPolygon_Check_93.rbj
  • NewSAC_NonLinearSegment_Check_93.rbj
  • NewSAC_PolygonRing_closed_Check_93.rbj
  • NewSAC_VVT_Checks_93.rbj
  • NewTLM.ect
  • NewTLM100_Dual_Equatorial.xml
  • NewTLM100_Single_Equatorial.xml
  • NewTLM100_Zipper_Even_Equatorial.xml
  • NewTLM100_Zipper_Odd_Equatorial.xml
  • NewTLM50_Dual_Equatorial.xml
  • NewTLM50_Single_Equatorial.xml
  • NewTLM50_Zipper_Even_Equatorial.xml
  • NewTLM50_Zipper_Odd_Equatorial.xml
  • ReplacecsPLTSDefenseSolution.HLP
  • Replacedefense_production_procedures.chm
  • Replacedefense_production_procedures.lif
  • ReplaceDefense_Settings.xml
  • ReplaceDefenseFramework.dll
  • ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Defense.Core.dll
  • ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Defense.Desktop.COM.dll
  • ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Defense.Desktop.dll
  • ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Defense.PLTSDefenseGDBBuilder.exe
  • ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Defense.SDEExportImport.exe
  • ReplaceFFD.xls
  • ReplaceGeoBase_Knowledgebase.mdb
  • ReplaceGeoFidelis_CIP_1.0_Domain_Check_Areas_93.rbj
  • ReplaceGeoFidelis_CIP_1.0_Domain_Check_Lines_93.rbj
  • ReplaceGeoFidelis_CIP_1.0_Domain_Check_Points_93.rbj
  • ReplaceGeoFidelis_CIP_1.0_Duplicate_Check_Areas_93.rbj
  • ReplaceGeoFidelis_CIP_1.0_Duplicate_Check_Lines_93.rbj
  • ReplaceGeoFidelis_CIP_1.0_Duplicate_Check_Points_93.rbj
  • ReplaceGeoFidelis_CIP_1.0_Invalid_Geometry_Check_Areas_93.rbj
  • ReplaceGeoFidelis_CIP_1.0_Invalid_Geometry_Check_Lines_93.rbj
  • ReplaceGeoFidelis_CIP_1.0_Invalid_Geometry_Check_Points_93.rbj
  • ReplaceGeoFidelis_CIP_1.0_KB.mdb
  • ReplaceGeoFidelis_CIP_1.0_Multipart_Check_Areas_93.rbj
  • ReplaceGeoFidelis_CIP_1.0_Multipart_Check_Lines_93.rbj
  • ReplaceGeoFidelis_CIP_1.0_Overlap_Check_Areas_93.rbj
  • ReplaceGeoFidelis_CIP_1.0_Sliver_Check_Areas_93.rbj
  • ReplaceGeoFidelis_CIP_1.0_Subtype_Check_Areas_93.rbj
  • ReplaceGeoFidelis_CIP_1.0_Subtype_Check_Lines_93.rbj
  • ReplaceGeoFidelis_CIP_1.0_Table_Check_Areas_93.rbj
  • ReplaceGeoFidelis_CIP_1.0_Table_Check_Lines_93.rbj
  • ReplaceGeoFidelis_CIP_1.0_Table_Check_Points_93.rbj
  • ReplaceGIFD_D4_DFEG.xls
  • ReplaceGIFD_D4_GDB_to_MGCP_TRD2.mdb
  • ReplaceGIFD_TLM_Visual_Specifications.mdb
  • ReplaceICM.Style
  • ReplaceICM.xls
  • Replaceicm_data_dictionary.chm
  • Replaceicm_data_dictionary.lif
  • ReplaceMGCP_General_KnowledgeBase_TRD2.mdb
  • ReplaceMGCP_General_TRD1_1_SHP_to_MGCP_General_TRD1_1_GDB.mdb
  • ReplaceMGCP_general_TRD20_SHP_to_MGCP_general_TRD20_GDB.mdb
  • ReplaceMGCP_General_WDB_TRD1_1.xls
  • ReplaceMGCP_General_WDB_TRD2_0.xls
  • ReplaceOperational_3_2.xls
  • ReplaceOperational_Topology_GD.xml
  • Replaceplts_defense_solution.chm
  • Replaceplts_defense_solution.lif
  • ReplacepltsDefenseDesktopCOM.dll
  • ReplaceResDefenseFramework.dll
  • ReplaceSAC2_1.xls
  • ReplaceStrategic_3_2.xls
  • ReplaceStrategic_Data_Dictionary.chm
  • ReplaceStrategic_Data_Dictionary.lif
  • ReplaceStrategic_Topology_GD.xml
  • ReplaceTactical_3_2.xls
  • ReplaceTactical_Data_Dictionary.chm
  • ReplaceTactical_Data_Dictionary.lif
  • ReplaceTactical_Topology_GD.xml
  • ReplaceTLM100.mxd
  • ReplaceTLM50.mxd
  • ReplaceUrban_3_2.xls
  • ReplaceUrban_Data_Dictionary.chm
  • ReplaceUrban_Data_Dictionary.lif
  • ReplaceUrban_Topology_GD.xml
  • ReplaceUVmap.xls
  • ReplaceVBA.dll16
  • ReplaceVITD.xls
  • ReplaceVM2T_D4.xls
  • ReplaceVmap0.xls
  • ReplaceVmap1joga.xls
  • ReplaceVmap2TLM.xls


Installing the Service Pack

  1. You must have administrator privileges and ensure that ArcMap is not currently open.

  2. Copy the service pack to a local folder.

  3. Double-click the Defense93SP1.msp file and follow the installation instructions.

    Note: The service pack can be run from the command line using the following syntax:

    C:\>msiexec.exe /p path\.msp

    Example: C:\>msiexec.exe /p C:\temp\Defense93SP1.msp

An article on command line installations can be found on the ESRI support site at:
HowTo: Install a .msp file that is not recognized as a patch file


Service Pack and Patch Updates

Check Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional service packs and patches.


Getting Help

Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 909.793.3774, if you have any difficulty installing this Service Pack. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.



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Download ID:1469

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