Patches and updates

PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3 Aeronautical Service Pack 1

Published: November 18, 2008


This Service Pack contains performance improvements and maintenance fixes. Please download and install this required Service Pack at your earliest convenience.


Along with the Issues Addressed, this service pack includes the following enhancements:

  • Significant improvements to the stability and functionality of Profile View.
  • Extended the AIS data model and added Task Assistant workflows to support eTOD requirements. See the "What's new in PLTS for ArcGIS Aeronautical Solution" help topic for more information.
  • Production database upgrade automatically adds all of the Service Pack 1 data model changes to the database.

Note: You must install the following before installing this service pack:


ESRI® is pleased to announce PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3 Aeronautical Solution Service Pack 1. We recommend that customers download and install this Service Pack at their earliest convenience. This service pack upgrades PLTS for ArcGIS Aeronautical Solution to version

Issues Addressed with this Service Pack

  • 1264 - Create Bypass/ Clear Bypass not working correctly for PAA 19 route
  • 11756 - Line Bypass--Clear Bypass Feature does not work correctly
  • 23395 - Aero Feature Builder Functions have issues with Parameters node on Components tab
  • 23781 - Spinning globe (ArcMap refresh does not finish)
  • 31689 - Aero Feature Builder functions have issues when spanning 180 longitude line
  • 31754 - Profile tool context-menu tools not functional
  • 32524 - Profile tool should support more generic NumSeq_Val values.
  • 32726 - Unable to edit text elements individually in Missed Approach boxes
  • 32960 - Profile View causes error when opening exported PDF.
  • 33151 - Profile View--Maltese Cross Does Not Have Halo Mask by Default
  • 33160 - Profile tool not drawing maltese cross at the Final Approach Fix
  • 33215 - Profile View--"Dashed Vertical Line" context menu item is not functional
  • 33222 - Profile View--Profile needs to account for magnetic variation in determining direction to draw
  • 33230 - Profile View--When creating text element, it always defaults to "Text" regardless of what's typed in.
  • 33307 - Profile View--Moving a vertical line re-creates a deleted flight path
  • 33314 - Profile View--Missed approach segment extends beyond profile extents
  • 33316 - Profile View--Using the Rotate tool on a flight path for profile causes ArcMap to crash
  • 33386 - Profile View--Unable to delete a tray value from the profile.
  • 33388 - Profile View--Undo/Redo Options Need to Work for Profile Edits
  • 33396 - Aero Scale Bar--Overprinting Text appears when element is added
  • 33397 - Aero Scale Bar--Unexpected Program Error when trying to resize scale bar
  • 33461 - Profile View--Node jumping off vertical if next node is higher
  • 33513 - Profile View-- No more than two flight paths can connect to a single node.
  • 33564 - Profile View--Editing one of the tray values (distances) breaks the tray's link with the verticals
  • 33617 - Profile View--Added flight path doesn't appear until layout is refreshed.
  • 33622 - Profile View--Right-click context menu tools don't work for manually added verticals
  • 33681 - Profile View--Connectivity--Can't add more than one node to a vertical
  • 33787 - Profile View--Manually added point symbology edits not sticking
  • 33992 - Custom Callouts--Scale causing issues with size of feature-linked annotation being created
  • 34012 - Graphic Table Element merge doesn’t work
  • 34097 - Profile View--Profile need to update the logic to check 0 and 360 to be treated same
  • 34112 - Carto Exceptions--Need to change the enabling step
  • 34137 - Restricted Airspace overflow box documentation needs to mention fixed extents
  • 34194 - Facility Forming Radials not getting updated
  • 34231 - Eurocontrol By-Pass Tool not working correctly
  • 35132 - AIXM 3.3 Loader loading ATS routes incorrectly
  • 35186 - Profile settings not showing actual default symbol properties when selected.
  • 35233 - Carto Exceptions--Provide fully qualified name for the instance on statistics tool
  • 35286 - Profile View--Over/Underlines not drawn correctly for some altitude labels.
  • 35442 - Custom Call-out instability/crashes and changing Roundness to zero does not work
  • 35529 - Carto Exceptions--Exception when no instance selected in Product Library
  • 35535 - Carto Exceptions--Incorrect instance name reported in statistics window
  • 35615 - Custom Callouts - Errors out when trying to Update Anno
  • 35684 - Graphic Table Element Cell Merge--Row Wise method is overprinting extra text in merged cell
  • 35685 - Graphic Table Element Merge causes font and table formatting changes in the entire table
  • 35933 - Create NFL Anno--Running tool in edit session gives error
  • 36806 - NIM034492--Any layer in map is not displayed after two joins, a definition query, and a change to the data frame's spatial reference.

Files Installed with this service pack

  • New AERONAUTICAL.9.3.1.xml
  • NewAIS_Upgrade_9.3.1.0_GX.xml
  • NewCartoFeatMigration.dll
  • NewCartoFeatMigration.reg
  • NeweTOD.pdf
  • NeweTOD_Tasks.xml
  • NewResCartoFeatMigration.dll
  • ReplaceAero_CKB_Base_GX.xml
  • ReplaceAeroAnchorPointMover.dll
  • ReplaceAeroAnno.dll
  • ReplaceAeroAnnoRotation.dll
  • ReplaceAeroATSAnnoHider.dll
  • ReplaceAeroATSRouteHider.dll
  • ReplaceAeroBoundaries.dll
  • ReplaceAeroCharting.dll
  • ReplaceAeroCommander.dll
  • ReplaceAeroDBSynch.exe
  • ReplaceAeroLibrary.dll
  • Replaceaeronautical_information_system_ais_.chm
  • Replaceaeronautical_information_system_ais_.lif
  • Replaceaeronautical_information_system_ais_production_procedures.chm
  • Replaceaeronautical_information_system_ais_production_procedures.lif
  • ReplaceAeronauticalDesktop.olb
  • ReplaceAeronauticalDesktopCOM.dll
  • ReplaceAeronauticalEngine.olb
  • ReplaceAeronauticalEngineCOM.dll
  • ReplaceAeroPostLoad.dll
  • ReplaceAeroRegister.exe
  • ReplaceAeroUpdate.dll
  • ReplaceAirBoundaryLines.dll
  • Replaceais_data_dictionary.chm
  • Replaceais_data_dictionary.lif
  • ReplaceAIS_GX.xml
  • ReplaceAISCharting_GX.xml
  • ReplaceAIXMLoader.dll
  • ReplaceAIXMProvider.dll
  • ReplaceAnnoAbbrIt.dll
  • ReplaceBufferedPolygonRenderer.dll
  • ReplaceCreateCartoFeatures.dll
  • Replacecreating_features_with_feature_builder.chm
  • Replacecreating_features_with_feature_builder.lif
  • Replacedepartment_of_defense_dod_.chm
  • Replacedepartment_of_defense_dod_.lif
  • Replacedepartment_of_defense_dod_chart_production_procedures.chm
  • Replacedepartment_of_defense_dod_chart_production_procedures.lif
  • ReplaceDVOF.dll
  • ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Aeronautical.Desktop.COM.dll
  • ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Aeronautical.Desktop.dll
  • ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Aeronautical.Desktop.pdb
  • ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Aeronautical.Engine.COM.dll
  • ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Aeronautical.Engine.dll
  • ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Aeronautical.Engine.pdb
  • Replaceeurocontrol.chm
  • Replaceeurocontrol.lif
  • Replaceeurocontrol_chart_production_procedures.chm
  • Replaceeurocontrol_chart_production_procedures.lif
  • ReplaceExportLizard.dll
  • ReplaceExportMap.dll
  • ReplaceHideMidSegAnno.dll
  • ReplaceHideShowAnno.dll
  • ReplaceMabas.dll
  • ReplaceMaskingToggle.dll
  • ReplaceMetaGDBImporter.dll
  • ReplacempsAeroElements.dll
  • ReplaceMultiAirZones.dll
  • ReplaceMultiFeatures.dll
  • ReplaceMultiNavaids.dll
  • ReplaceNGAChangesReporter.exe
  • ReplaceOverflowBox.dll
  • ReplacePCatControl.ocx
  • ReplacePointOffsetRenderer.dll
  • ReplacePointOnOffRoute.dll
  • ReplaceRangeMarkers.dll
  • ReplaceRASOverflowBox.dll
  • ReplaceReportPointIndex.dll
  • ReplaceResAeroAnchorPointMover.dll
  • ReplaceResAeroAnno.dll
  • ReplaceResAeroAnnoRotation.dll
  • ReplaceResAeroATSAnnoHider.dll
  • ReplaceResAeroATSRouteHider.dll
  • ReplaceResAeroBoundaries.dll
  • ReplaceResAeroCommander.dll
  • ReplaceResAeroDBSynch.dll
  • ReplaceResAeroLibrary.dll
  • ReplaceResAeroPostLoad.dll
  • ReplaceResAirBoundaryLines.dll
  • ReplaceResAIXMLoader.dll
  • ReplaceResAIXMProvider.dll
  • ReplaceResAnnoAbbrIt.dll
  • ReplaceResBufferPolyRenderer.dll
  • ReplaceResCreateCartoFeatures.dll
  • ReplaceResDVOF.dll
  • ReplaceResExportLizard.dll
  • ReplaceResExportMap.dll
  • ReplaceResHideMidSegAnno.dll
  • ReplaceResHideShowAnno.dll
  • ReplaceResizeAnnotation.dll
  • ReplaceResMabas.dll
  • ReplaceResMaskingToggle.dll
  • ReplaceResMetaGDBImporter.dll
  • ReplaceResmpsAeroElements.dll
  • ReplaceResMultiAirZones.dll
  • ReplaceResMultiFeatures.dll
  • ReplaceResMultiNavaids.dll
  • ReplaceResNGAChangesReporter.dll
  • ReplaceResOverflowBox.dll
  • ReplaceResPCatControlProj.dll
  • ReplaceResPointOffsetRenderer.dll
  • ReplaceResPointOnOffRoute.dll
  • ReplaceResRangeMarkers.dll
  • ReplaceResRASOverflowBox.dll
  • ReplaceResReportPointIndex.dll
  • ReplaceResResizeAnnotation.dll
  • ReplaceResRotateToGrid.dll
  • ReplaceResRouteProcessingTool.dll
  • ReplaceResRouteRenderer.dll
  • ReplaceResSUARenderer.dll
  • ReplaceResTestAnnoGeometry.dll
  • ReplaceResUCOverAndUp.dll
  • ReplaceRotateToGrid.dll
  • ReplaceRouteProcessingTool.dll
  • ReplaceRouteRenderer.dll
  • ReplaceSUARenderer.dll
  • ReplaceTestAnnoGeometry.dll
  • ReplaceUCOverAndUp.ocx
  • Replacewhat_s_new_in_plts_for_arcgis_colon_aeronautical_solution.chm
  • Replacewhat_s_new_in_plts_for_arcgis_colon_aeronautical_solution.lif
  1. Installing the Service Pack

    1. You must have administrator privileges and ensure that ArcMap is not currently open.

    2. Copy the service pack to a local folder.

    3. Double-click the Aeronautical93SP1.msp file and follow the installation instructions.

      Note: The service pack can be run from the command line using the following syntax:

      C:\>msiexec.exe /p path\.msp

      Example: C:\>msiexec.exe /p C:\temp\Aeronautical93SP1.msp

    An article on command line installations can be found on the ESRI support site at:
    HowTo: Install a .msp file that is not recognized as a patch file

    Service Pack and Patch Updates

    Check Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional service packs and patches.

    Getting Help

    Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 909.793.3774, if you have any difficulty installing this Service Pack. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.


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