Patches and updates
PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3.1 Defense Service Pack 1
This Service Pack is obsolete. It has been replaced with a more recent PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3.1 Defense Service Pack.
This Service Pack contains many general performance improvements and maintenance fixes.
Please see Issues Addressed for information about what is contained in the service pack.
Issues Addressed with this Service Pack
- 33113MEF tool not populating terrain fields
- 38661Create replica tool needs to be GP enabled
- 39150MGCP GDB2SHP Command Does Not Export From Connected SDE Version
- 39258PLTS Create Replica tool needs to have Extract data added as option
- 39493MEF tool to read point feature class instead of raster
- 39614On Simple Buildings the "Always create building" option is not working
- 40978PLTS Make Bridge tool only creating features with subtype = 0
- 40979PLTS Create Elevated Segment giving exception and feature not created if target layer subtype <> 0
- 41069PLTS Geonames2GDB tool should provide better messaging when trying to import invalid geonames files
- 41100On PLTS Data Comparison dialog change dropdown menus so user cannot type in
- 41101On PLTS Data Comparison dialog if parameter not set Apply still closes dialog
- 41116On PLTS GAIT Command dialog change so user cannot type in dropdown menus
- 41121On PLTS Calculate MEF dialog change dropdown menus so user cannot type in them
- 41122Disable PLTS Calculate MEF button when out of edit session
- 42190PLTS Create Replica tool does not display all available workspaces in certain cases
- 42261PLTS GDB Builder when referencing MGCP_General_WDB_TRD2_0.xls crashes or hangs ArcCatalog on Japanese OS
- 42280Duplicate BFC codes in the GIFD_D4_GDB_to_MGCP_TRD2.mdb data conversion file
- 42281PLTS_MASTER_CNT check for ROWOWNERID 12 and 13 PPO = 29 is not valid
- 42620VVT Check in VMAP1 throws an error when validating rbj. Knowledge base may require update.
- 42621VMAP2TLM Import CNT does not create check for TlmbndL
- 42622Duplicate CNT for ExtractP:SaltEvaporatorPoint in VMap0 data model
- 42945Add subtype as layer needs to not use qualified name in description
- 43042MGCP_General_WDB_TRD2_0.xls needs to be updated for MiscaeroP
- 43069Add option to "PLTS Create Replica" to change the data sources of existing layers after replica creation, like the core "Create Replica" tool
- 43163GAIT Tool fails to launch xwin after exporting TFDM shape files
- 43487Geometry Reporter does not enable Apply button on PLTS Selection tab
- 43811PLTS Create Replica tool does not replicate tables
- 43853For BarrierL, CoastA and other feature classes the PARAMETER1 value in the PLTS_MASTER_CNT needs to be changed
- 44576Add Angle fields to the Defense Options Attributes tab
- 44583Create Replica tool needs the export to work on mdb and gdb
- 44797GIFD VST needs symbols updated to new TLM50 Style
- 44798MGCP TLM VST needs symbols updated to new TLM50 Style
- 44799JOG VST needs symbols updated to new TLM50 Style
- 45360GB030, GB035, and GB065 are not valid F_Codes for AerofacA and AerofacP vvt
- 45502UVMap.xls for AerofacL the ZV2 field should not point to the UVMap_Roadl_wtc FieldDomainName
- 45503UVMap.xls for BridgeC the BSM field should not point to the UVMap_Bridgel_bcc FieldDomainName
- 45504UVMap.xls for BridgeL the BSM field should not point to the UVMap_Bridgel_bsc FieldDomainName
- 45505UVMap.xls for BridgeA the BSM field should not point to the UVMap_Bridgel_bsc FieldDomainName
- 45508UVMap.xls for RampL the VRR and WID fields should not point to the UVMap_Traill_wtc FieldDomainName
- 45509UVMap.xls for SwampA the ARE_, ARH, and EXS fields should not point to the UVMap_Swampa_smc FieldDomainName
- 45520USE_ field for uvmap_PolbndA_VVT needs to be changed to -32768 for F_CODE = FA070
- 45523HYC and PRO fields for uvmap_WellsprP_VVT need to be changed to -32768 for F_CODE = BH010 and BH170
- 45524EXS and SCC fields for uvmap_LakeresA_VVT need to be changed to -32768 for F_CODE = BH080 and BH130
- 45526VRR field for uvmap_SeastrL_VVT needs to be changed to -32768 for F_CODE = BB230
- 45528MCC field for uvmap_GroundA_VVT needs to be changed to -32768 for F_CODE = BA030
- 45561SSC field for uvmap_LndfrmA_VVT needs to be changed to -32768 for F_CODE = BH150, BH160, DB200, DB030, DA005
- 45597MGCP XRef files are not 931 version
- 45633REL field for uvmap_LndmrkP_VVT needs to be changed to -32768 for F_CODE = AK020, AL130, BH075, AK150
- 45634REL field for uvmap_LndmrkA_VVT needs to be changed to -32768 for several F_CODEs
- 45655HGT field for uvmap_CommA_VVT needs to be changed to -32768 for F_CODE = AT050
- 45657FCO, RRC, and RSA fields for uvmap_RailrdL_VVT needs to be changed to -32768 for F_CODE = AN010 and AN050
- 45691ACC, MED, and RTT fields for uvmap_RoadL_VVT needs to be changed to -32768 for F_CODE = AP020
- 45692ACC, MED, and RTT fields for uvmap_RoadL_VVT needs to be changed to -32768 for F_CODE = AP020
- 46066Click Apply on PLTS Create Raster Footprints produces Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component
- 46067Checking on Created Oriented Footprints produces empty footprint feature class with exception
- 46140The UUID field values are not unique in the PLTS_MASTER_CNT table of the UVMap_KnowledgeBase.mdb
- 46160PLTS Create Elevated Segment giving extra incorrect message when target layer is not loaded in TOC
- 46167CVDATE (Validation Date Stamp) has incorrect format in xml produced by PLTS MGCP Metadata Export
- 46251PLTS Create Replica: "Use existing schema" option is not initially enabled
- 46609For MGCP_General_WDB_TRD2_0.xls, for MiscaeroP, for subtype GA035, BRF is not exporting to shapefile with correct precision
- 46614MGCP GDB2Shape Tool is not exporting features to shapefile
- 47252Need to change parameter for Calc default values to use multiple layers
- 47403Calc Metrics needs to add ZVH for "z" items
- 47421GAIT tool dropdowns need to read csv list in pltsinfo.mdb
- 47446PLTS Create Replica: Does not register a checkout replica
- 47449PLTS Create Replica: Replicates all registered FCs even if "Use map document" option is selected and MXD does not contain all FCs
- 47477GAIT tool popup needs to be condensed into one message box
- 47647GAIT tool creating import file in worng directory
- 47725MGCP TLM VST needs symbols updated to new TLM50 Style
- 48002TLM50 Spring symbol needs to be 1mm
- 48106PLTS GDB Builder does not add user fields to annotation feature class
- 48243On Calculate Coordinates GP tool dialog change 3 dropdowns so user cannot type in
- 48293Make Bridge tool needs to work with subtypes
- 48314Feature class to shapefile not working with GIFD-D4 template
- 48341Fix Monoticity is not interpolating Z values for invalid values
- 48343Minor changes to Fix Monoticity dialog
- 48347Add progress bar or finish message to Fix Monotonicity
- 48483Ancillary Loader needs to be on Defense Toolbar in ArcCatalog
- 48493Calculate MEF tool always throws an exception when it runs
- 48566For Fix Monoticity add message/choice about using current selection
- 48602Adjust Calculate MEF so entire dialog is visible
- 48621PLTS Create Replica Tool crashes ArcMap with broken Feature class links
- 48691Depression index (3A010L004) and depression intermediate (3A010L005) have incorrect tick interval
- 48940GDB to Geonames needs to export new items
- 41226Need to update delivered Xrefs to 9.3.1 version
- 41227VMap1 xrefs should be updated to include annotation fields
- 41225SDSFIE blank to NULL tool freezes ArcCatalog
- 46570Update Dynamically check box unchecked
- 48197PLTS Create Replica can only extract from a personal or file geodatabase
- 48198Create Replica GP tool - Extract replica type only created for a personal or file geodatabase
- 48199Replica Name parameter should be optional
- 48241Create Replica GP tool parameter not displaying Boolean values
- 42277TLM Style changes
- 44007TLM template Legend woodland symbols should match Rep Rule symbols
- 44008Zurich fonts do not embed within and EPS export.
- 46811Verify VST symbology for TLM and MGCP
- 46905Aqueduct (qanat/kanat/karez tunnel with shafts) need symbol updated
- 46993Pedestrian Bridge TLM symbol needs changes
- 47488Add "Offset Tangent" geometric effect Bridge Rep Rules
- 47626Add Suppress Outline geometric effect to appropriate TLM50 symbols
- 47944Create Grid XML for the Elevation Guide Box
- 48358TLM templates and Product Library updated and saved without PLTS fonts.
- 48682Add Road Destination graphics to TLM database elements in PL
- 48913TLM Zipper Grids missing UTM division line
- 40786Rename to to match VST and product name.
- 44363Create MDG templates
- 47234Add Settlements to MGCP (MDG) Legend
- 47235Add Glossary to MGCP template MXD.
- 47489Add "Offset Tangent" geometric effect Bridge Rep Rules
- 47570Change Watermill & Gristmill to landmark building symbol in the MGCP for TLM VST.
- 47580QA: Verify MGCP rep rule symbols match MGCP version-1.0 spec.
- 47627Add Suppress Outline geometric effect to appropriate MGCP symbols
- 48544Update the MGCP_Polygon_Ring_Closed_Areas.rbj to point to Z enabled feature classes
- 42873Text needs to be revised in the TLM50 Grid XML Structures.doc and TLM100 Grid XML Structures.doc
- 43821Creating simple building features - text needs to be changed for this topic
- 46438Defense Data Dictionaries need Intro for the reserve key word issue.
- 46444Update command names to match ToolTips
- 48547Update the DFEG_polygon_ring_closed_check.rbj to point to Z enabled feature classes
- 32756Adjust spacing in GNF Index and Index to Streets for title
- 38877MGRS Calc tool - Add control over number of digits.
- 38878MGRS Calc tool - Remove anno class dependency.
- 39161GNF Index not pulling coded-value domain descriptions by value
- 48539Create Visual Specification Rules for every feature class in ICM data model
- 48540Create a "White Color Image Burn-in" Visual Specification for ICM Representations and VST
- 48541Change the thickness of the circle used for landmark feature representations
- 48579ICM Schema missing "BLACKWHITE" field on DepthCurve_L feature class
- 48546Update the SAC_PolygonRing_closed_Check.rbj to point to Z enabled feature classes
- 48765JOG-A1_Template has incorrect trim size
- 47396UFI to NFI tool needs to work with new items
- 43893GridDefinintions folder for VMap2TLM needs to be changed to GridDefinitions
- 45050Registry still has 2 keys left after uninstalling Defense Hotfix
Files Installed with this service pack
This Service Pack upgrades all PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3.1 - Defense Solution files.
Installing the Service Pack
- You must have administrator privileges and ensure that ArcMap is not currently open.
- Save the service pack ( locally and then unzip it.
- Navigate to the Defense931SP1 folder, double-click the Setup.exe and follow the install instructions.
Service Pack and Patch Updates
Check Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional service packs and patches.
Getting Help
Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 909.793.3774, if you have any difficulty installing this Service Pack. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.
Supporting Files
PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3.1 Defense Service Pack 1 - ZIP - 125967 kb
Download ID:1587
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