Patches and updates
PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3.1 Aeronautical Service Pack 1
This Service Pack is obsolete. It has been replaced with a more recent PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3.1 Aeronautical Solution Service Pack.
ESRI® is pleased to announce PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3.1 Aeronautical Service Pack 1. We recommend that customers download and install this Service Pack at their earliest convenience.
Issues Addressed with this Service Pack
- New Functionality
- Aeronautical Fillet allows you to place a curved connection between two existing cartographic line features.
- Profile view settings can now be accessed from the PLTS Aeronautical Terminal Procedures toolbar.
- Aeronautical Replace Geometry command allows you to replace the geometry of a cartographic line feature with new geometry you create using the Draw toolbar.
- Import AIXM to AIS and Export AIS to AIXM FME Workbenches have been added.
- PLTS Aeronautical Profile Edit toolbar contains tools to edit profile views and the individual elements within them.
- MSA Element creates a Minimum Safe Altitude element in the chart layout view.
- Enhanced Import and Export functionality of the Import AIXM to AIS and Export AIS to AIXM geoprocessing tools and FME workbenches.
- Carto Commander dialog box was updated to include product library incorporation.
- Aero Localizer Geometric Effect, along with an appropriate representation rule, allows you to customize the localizer feather while retaining the size, shape, scale, fill pattern, and line weight.
- Advanced callout/multiple text element annotation functionality now supports floating text element below the bottom text element, box style for both top and bottom text elements, “Null Color" is now an option if you use and abbreviation functionality and samples added.
- Instance Maintained dialog box can now be accessed by right-clicking the instance in the product library tree and choosing Set Instances Maintained.
Issues Addressed - 22038 Profile view tool is not drawing turnbacks
- 28952 Abbreviate Annotation errors out for ATS Routes
- 35460 Need Settings button on Terminal Procedure toolbar
- 35505 Preliminary profile should not include duplicate bearing values on procedure legs
- 35507 Context menu tools (for vertical lines) need tools in pallette
- 37793 Profile Tool UI updates
- 38016 User should have ability to manually edit the ILS or MLS feather
- 38805 Need ability to offset heading labels on procedure legs.
- 39077 Improve logic for labeling verticals.
- 39215 Update logic for vertical line symbology
- 39414 Terminals - Enhancement MSA needs update functionality
- 40161 Profile View loading time is slow all the time
- 40314 Change Reporter does not list feature classes/tables inside a feature dataset
- 40894 Problem loading ATS Routes in Update mode
- 41072 Data Import - failed to evaluate expression 'expr /2'
- 41074 Aeronautical Update fails to run updates all in one session
- 41186 Problem to loading Airspace Border in Update mode
- 41215 Aeronautical Update tool gives error if duplicate entires in PD table
- 41245 AIXM Importer & Exporter - Embed all custom transformers
- 41291 Update Selected Anno sizes gives error if selected
- 41423 Creating Feature Linked Annotation with incorrect orientation
- 41644 Schema Mapper coded value change
- 41681 HPED line weights
- 41789 Tree-View Instances to Process
- 41904 Cut Line Features Not Producing Any Results
- 41919 Abbreviate Annotation enhancement
- 42028 Update Notes field of the Reviewer table after AIXM load.
- 42208 Add ability to display a line in Navaid annotation above coordinates
- 42357 Exception thrown when running change reporter, no records written to reviewer table
- 42682 Deleted Records are not being written to the ReViewer Table.
- 42807 Missed Approach Boxes not showing Navaid Symbols in Profile View.
- 43504 Settings Button not present on the Profile Tool bar.
- 43509 Profile Tool logic update needed for GlideSlope/VDA & TCH label.
- 43514 Annotation not deleted when feature is deleted by AIXM load
- 43563 Geometry of Point features not updated after an AIXM load
- 43564 Annotation not deleted when feature is deleted
- 43685 Aero Fillet Tool for cartographic features
- 44181 ProfileView Mirror Function
- 44528 CFLA GP Tool does not work if the Annotation class or Source Feature class is in Group Layer
- 44784 Add help document and provide samples for Abbreviate Annotation
- 44822 Replace Geometry needs functionality in both data and layout view
- 45028 Aero Replace Geometry Command
- 45955 Profile View help documentation will need to be updated to include information on the new tools on the Profile Editing Palette of tools
- 46054 Custom Callouts: Allow for placement of text outside of boxes w/o having to use offset functionality
- 46410 Custom Callouts::Need to have ability for No Color in advanced code
- 46478 Extraction query not taken into account for classes not set as Product class version
- 46644 Update documentation to include information regarding using Abbreviate with Multiple Text Elements
- 46659 Update the document so that now users can edit the ILS/MLS feather.
- 46722 Add documentation for Set Instances Maintained Command available on Product Library Instance Context Menu
- 47934 Activate Masking is not working inside group layers
- 47942 Line Bypass exceptions and ArcMap crash
- 47963 Update Line Bypass Help doc
- 48070 Missed approach flight path needs relate/unrelate
- 48126 Links to ArcGIS help not working when PLTS Help is opened outside ArcMap
- 48188 Changes to Creating the Holding Pattern Entry Diagram documentation
- 48248 Node selection should take priority over line selection when the two intersect/overlap
- 48250 Improve node selection
- 48252 Update Reverse Profile message box
- 48253 Update Profile Documentation to denote the difference in appearance between node selection and line endpoint selection
- 48378 Update Profile View Help documentation to include enabling details for PLTS Aeronautical Terminal Procedures toolbar
- 48380 Profile tools should not be enabled in data view
- 48397 Add Fly Visual Arrow settings to Profile View Settings
- 48398 Add Fly Visual Arrow settings to the Profile View Settings documentation
- 48403 Add tool tip for DME tool on the PLTS Aeronautical Profile Edit toolbar
- 48426 Carto Create UI unusable on 64 bit Windows XP
- 48435 Detect Layout changes tool does not lists the result in the Reviewer table
- 48495 Error on airspaces when loading AIXM Update file
- 48506 Update tool tips, status bar messages, and command names for PLTS Aeronautical Profile Edit toolbar
- 48525 After running carto commander user must start edit session to see new featuers
- 48571 When second runway is added when there is an ILS feather it will create a second ILS feather
- 48573 Profile View::Enhanced functionality in DME editor for line breaks
Files Installed with this service pack
This service pack replaces all files previously installed with the PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3.1 Aeronautical release.
Installing the Service Pack
- You must have administrator privileges and ensure that ArcMap is not currently open.
- Save the service pack ( locally and then unzip it.
- Navigate to the Aeronautical931SP1 folder, double-click the Setup.exe and follow the installation instructions.
Service Pack and Patch Updates
Check Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional service packs and patches.
Getting Help
Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 909.793.3774, if you have any difficulty installing this Service Pack. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.
Supporting Files
PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3.1 Aeronautical Service Pack 1 - ZIP - 40229 kb
Download ID:1588
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