Patches and updates
PLTS for ArcGIS 9.2 Foundation Service Pack 6
This Service Pack contains performance improvements and maintenance fixes related to editing z-enabled data.
The Meter Reference Guide is now a dynamic element and various enhancements have been made to the performance of Atlas and GIS Data ReViewer.
ESRI® is pleased to announce PLTS for ArcGIS 9.2 Foundation Service Pack 6. We recommend that customers download and install this Service Pack at their earliest convenience. This service pack upgrades PLTS for ArcGIS Foundation to version This service pack includes all fixes addressed with previous PLTS 9.2 Foundation service packs and patches.
Issues Addressed with this Service Pack
- 1882TLM Meter Reference Guide—Additional boxes does not disappear on clicking No under All Inputs option.3729ClassicUpdates to TLM North Arrow19192Table to Feature Attribute check losing feature class on property window
- 24295TLM North Arrow—Grid North is not aligned with grid north when inserting TLM North Arrow
- 25224Trouble exporting PLTS Geotiff files from Map Series with any Spatial Ref.
- 25860Performance for updating source of batch job very slow for large number of checks
- 28846Meter Reference Guide text needs to be updated
- 30137Data frame with only a raster layer in it will prevent Feature Layer Dynamic Text Properties dialog from being launched
- 30282Atlas—Changing the name of the Layers data frame causes Error [0] = Data source is invalid message to appear
- 31065With ArcCatalog open and all PLTS extensions checked off a PLTS MPS Atlas license is still consumed
- 31229Unexpected Error - Can't determine if outputCS is a UTM Zone
- 32599After creating a map sheet series, layers within the table of contents move
- 32707Populate GFID has exception on duplicate GFIDs
- 32730US National Grid Box—Red Box gets bigger and bigger when looking at the element on map sheets with the incorrect scale
- 32916Running Domain Check on feature class with Geometric network causes ArcMap to crash
- 32964US National Grid displaying incorrect UTM grid value for grid zone designation 15R
- 32988Target and Section tabs not working with Attribute Only option
- 33452When you move a 3D point feature the Current Z is not applied
- 33487TopoMap National Grid Reference Guide—Descriptive text shifts when you unclick Update Dynamically
- 33511New surround elements do not delete with data frame
- 33686PLTS Selection and Target not applying Mask value of FFT when in a SDE database
- 35419Domain check does not identify errors for all subtypes
- 35477Atlas—Map sheets turn red after saving mxd
- 35828Atlas—Element Rules disappear if the mxd is closed and reopened
Files Installed with this service pack
- NoNewAtlasCommand.exe
- NewAtlasCommand.pdb
- NewCalculateBridgeOverrides_MPSAtlas.xml
- NewCDR_Base_GX.xml
- NewCDR_BaseToolVersion_GX.xml
- NewCKB_Base_GX.xml
- NewCKB_Upgrade_92.640.2.0_GX.xml
- NewCKB_Upgrade_92.640.3.0_GX.xml
- NewcsFeatureBuilder.HLP
- NewEditingCoreADF.olb
- NewEditingCoreCOM.dll
- NewEditingCoreOLB.olb
- NewEditingDesktopADF.olb
- NewEditingDesktopCOM.dll
- NewEditingDesktopOLB.olb
- NewESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.EditingCoreADF.dll
- NewESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.EditingCoreOLB.dll
- NewESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.EditingDesktopADF.dll
- NewESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.EditingDesktopOLB.dll
- NewESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Desktop.COM.dll
- Newgraphic_table_element.lif
- NewPCat_Base_GX.xml
- NewPNService.exe
- NewRESprjACPLTSToolbar.dll
- ReplaceAddFeatOnCreate.dll
- ReplaceAncillaryDataLDR.dll
- ReplaceAtlasDesktopCOM.dll
- ReplaceAttCenterExt.dll
- ReplaceBadGeometryTools.dll
- ReplaceContourEnhancement.dll
- ReplaceCreateVVTs.dll
- Replacecreating_features_in_plts.chm
- Replacecreating_features_in_plts.lif
- Replacecreating_geodatabases_with_plts.chm
- Replacecreating_geodatabases_with_plts.lif
- ReplaceDanglesAndPseudosRenderer.dll
- ReplaceDbsVPFImporter.dll
- Replaceediting_feature_attributes_plts.chm
- Replaceediting_feature_attributes_plts.lif
- Replaceediting_features_in_plts.chm
- Replaceediting_features_in_plts.lif
- ReplaceElementsWrapper.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Display.Desktop.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.Core.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.Data.AttributionCenterExt.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.Data.ContourEnhancement.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.Desktop.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ElementLibraryManager.Engine.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ElementLibraryManager.UI.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.FoundationToolsMenu.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.FoundationToolsMenu.pdb
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ImportExport.GDBToCov.GDBToCovCommand.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ImportExport.GDBToCov.GDBToCovCommand.pdb
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.PMCMainMenu.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ValidationManager.COM.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Framework.Core.COM.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Framework.Core.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Framework.Desktop.COM.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Framework.Desktop.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Core.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Core.pdb
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Desktop.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Desktop.pdb
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Lib.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Lib.pdb
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.LibUI.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.LibUI.pdb
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.StorableLayout.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.UI.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.UI.pdb
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.GridManager.UI.CreateGridWizard.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.GridManagerVB.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.Desktop.DotNet.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.Engine.dll
- ReplaceesriPLTSReviewerDesktopCOM.dll
- ReplaceesriPLTSReviewerEngine.dll
- ReplaceFeatureCount.dll
- ReplaceFeatureDisplaySettings.dll
- ReplaceFoundationTools.dll
- ReplaceFrameworkCore.olb
- ReplaceFrameworkCoreCOM.dll
- ReplaceFrameworkDesktop.olb
- ReplaceFrameworkDesktopCOM.dll
- ReplaceGdbToShp.exe
- ReplaceGDBToXRef.exe
- ReplaceGenericCNTExtensions.dll
- Replacegetting_started_with_plts.chm
- Replacegetting_started_with_plts.lif
- Replacegis_data_reviewer.chm
- Replacegis_data_reviewer.lif
- Replacegraphic_table_element.chm
- Replacegrid_manager.chm
- Replacegrid_manager.lif
- ReplaceGridManager.dll
- ReplaceGridManager.reg
- ReplaceGteCore.dll
- ReplaceGteDesktopExt.dll
- ReplaceGteUI.dll
- ReplaceImportExportSettings.exe
- ReplaceImportExportSettings.pdb
- ReplaceImportTopoErrs.dll
- Replaceknowledge_base_creation.chm
- Replaceknowledge_base_creation.lif
- ReplaceKnowledgeBaseLoader.exe
- ReplaceMagneticCalculator_foundation.xml
- ReplaceMagneticIsolines_foundation.xml
- Replacemap_production_system.chm
- Replacemap_production_system.lif
- ReplaceMapHelper.dll
- ReplaceMapSeries92.mdb
- ReplaceMetadataExtension.dll
- ReplaceMGExtension.dll
- Replacemps_atlas.chm
- Replacemps_atlas.lif
- ReplaceMPSAddField.exe
- ReplaceMPSBridgeRenderer.dll
- ReplaceMPSCartoTools.dll
- ReplaceMPSCompileRoutine.dll
- ReplaceMPSCreateMap.dll
- ReplaceMPSDesignSeries.dll
- ReplaceMPSDistributor.exe
- ReplaceMPSICMAS.ocx
- ReplaceMPSICMBG.ocx
- ReplaceMPSICMCL.ocx
- ReplaceMPSICMMR.ocx
- ReplaceMPSImporter.exe
- ReplaceMPSJOGACG.ocx
- ReplaceMPSJOGAET.ocx
- ReplaceMPSJOGAGR.ocx
- ReplaceMPSJOGALD.ocx
- ReplaceMPSJOGAMR.ocx
- ReplaceMPSJOGARD.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLM50BG.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLM50CG.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLM50MR.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLM50MS.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLM50NA.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLM50SG.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLMAS.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLMEG.ocx
- ReplaceMPSUSGS75NA.ocx
- ReplaceMPSUSGSState.ocx
- ReplaceOverviewWindow.dll
- Replaceplts.awa
- Replaceplts.chm
- Replaceplts.chw
- Replaceplts.lif
- Replaceplts_foundation_production_procedures.chm
- Replaceplts_foundation_production_procedures.lif
- Replaceplts_foundation_toolbox.chm
- Replaceplts_foundation_toolbox.lif
- Replaceplts_foundation_tools.chm
- Replaceplts_foundation_tools.lif
- Replaceplts_mpsatlas_toolbox.chm
- Replaceplts_mpsatlas_toolbox.lif
- Replaceplts_mpsatlas_tools.chm
- Replaceplts_mpsatlas_tools.lif
- ReplacePLTS_MPSAtlas_Tools.tbx
- ReplacePLTS_PAAT.dll
- ReplacePLTS_PAATCalcs.dll
- ReplacePLTSAttCenterTabs.dll
- ReplacePLTSAttCenterTabs.reg
- ReplacePLTSCreateAOI.ocx
- ReplacePLTSDataLoader.exe
- ReplacePLTSDatePicker.ocx
- ReplacePLTSDesktopAdmin.exe
- ReplacePLTSDesktopLicense.dll
- ReplacePLTSExtractData.dll
- ReplacePLTSFdInstall.dll
- ReplacePLTSFdSolInstall.dll
- ReplacePLTSFoundation.bat
- ReplacePLTSFoundationUn.bat
- ReplacePLTSGacUtil.exe
- ReplacePLTSImageAccessLib.dll
- ReplacePLTSMapGridToFeatureClass.dll
- ReplacePLTSMPSAtlasTools_TOC.chm
- ReplacePltsMpsInstall.dll
- ReplacePLTSNavTextFile.ocx
- ReplacePLTSOutputExtensions.dll
- ReplacePLTSOutputExtensionsUI.dll
- ReplacePLTSPickList.ocx
- ReplacePLTSRenderer.dll
- ReplacePLTSRenProp.dll
- ReplacePLTSSubRenProp.dll
- ReplacePMC.dll
- ReplacePMCReportWord.dll
- ReplacePMCSourceBuilder.dll
- ReplacePMCTitleInformation.ocx
- ReplacePreLoadValidate.exe
- ReplacePreProcessUMLModel.exe
- ReplaceprjACPLTSToolbar.dll
- ReplaceprjFeatureOnSubtype.dll
- ReplaceprjSampling.dll
- ReplaceRefreshToggle.dll
- ReplaceRevFrequency.dll
- ReplaceSeeSpotColor.exe
- ReplaceSelectAndIdentify.dll
- ReplaceSelectNamedFeatures.dll
- ReplaceShowExceptions.xml
- ReplaceStorableLayoutCore.dll
- Replacesymbolizing_data_in_plts.chm
- Replacesymbolizing_data_in_plts.lif
- ReplaceSymQA.dll
- ReplaceTOCManager.dll
- ReplaceValidationManager.dll
- ReplacevbTree2.dll
- Replacevisual_specifications_tool.chm
- Replacevisual_specifications_tool.lif
- Replacewhat_s_new_in_plts_for_arcgis.chm
- Replacewhat_s_new_in_plts_for_arcgis.lif
- Replaceworking_with_cartographic_elements_in_plts.chm
- Replaceworking_with_cartographic_elements_in_plts.lif
- ReplaceXML_Format.pdf
Installing the Service Pack
- You must have administrator privileges and ensure that ArcMap is not currently open.
- The CD or network location PLTS was originally installed from may be required. For instance, if PLTS was installed from a CD, the CD must be available during the SP6 install. Copy the service pack to a local folder and have the PLTS software CD in the CD drive while installing SP6. If PLTS was installed from a network location the location must be available during SP6 install.
- Save localy and unzip it.
- Navigate to the PLTSFoundation92.msi and double click it. Follow the installation instructions.
Note: If the .msp extension is currently being used by another program and double clicking the .msp does not start the install process the service pack can be run from the command line.
Launching the service pack from command line:
- At a DOS command prompt, type 'msiexec.exe' to see if msiexec.exe can be found without specifying its full path.
- If Step 1 returns a message box from the Windows Install, proceed to Step 3. If it is not found, search your computer for 'msiexec.exe', usually found in the system32 folder, and note the full path when found.
- At a DOS command prompt use the following syntax to run the .msp file directly:
C:>\path\msiexec.exe /p path\.msp /qf
C:>\msiexec.exe /i C:\temp\PLTSFoundation92.msi /qf
Service Pack and Patch Updates
Check Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional service packs and patches.
Getting Help
Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 909.793.3774, if you have any difficulty installing this Service Pack. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.
Supporting Files
PLTS for ArcGIS 9.2 Foundation Service Pack 6 - ZIP - 93191 kb
Download ID:1463
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