Patches and updates
PLTS for ArcGIS 9.2 Foundation Service Pack 5
ESRI® is pleased to announce PLTS for ArcGIS 9.2 Foundation Service Pack 5. We recommend that customers download and install this Service Pack at their earliest convenience. This service pack upgrades PLTS for ArcGIS Foundation to version This service pack includes all fixes addressed with previous PLTS 9.2 Foundation service packs and patches.
PLTS Defense Note: PLTS for ArcGIS Defense Service Pack 3 is required if you upgrade PLTS for ArcGIS Foundation to Service Pack 5.
Issues Addressed with this Service Pack
Foundation Tools:
- 24969Generate Spot Heights tool fails when trying to run more than once in ArcMap session
- 25827Can't preset attributes for networked features because no geometry is created
- 26188Clicking Post on Versioning toolbar disconnects user from favorite database
- 26724Reshape does not work as expected when feature is intersected only once
- 26726PLTS Cut Hole does not work as expected when no features are intersected
- 26729PLTS Reshape does not refresh the selected feature on finish sketch
- 27017PLTS Split Polygon sketch needs to use current z
- 28445Save Edits crashes ArcMap on save with SOCET for ArcGIS edits
- 28799Cannot delete all extra vertices on a line with the Delete Vertices tool
- 28801PLTS Erase tool creates multi-part features
- 28843PLTS Extract Data crashes ArcMap when the 'To subset the features from:' is a donut
- 28864PLTS Erase split option needs to have z interpreted from the feature
- 28893Reshape Topology Edge does not maintain current z on first edge
- 28896PLTS Split Polygon does not use current z on first feature created after split
- 29175PLTS Erase tool doesn't verify that a polygon is selected before initiating
- 29199PLTS Target tab does not display fields or values for selected target when database is Oracle
- 29215PLTS Extract Data tool creates multi part features
- 29602Populate GFIDs crashing ArcMap
- 29776PLTS Trace insert/exit points have incorrect Zs...
- 29803When you delete a feature via the tree view in the Selection Tab the Total Selected is not updated
- 29897ArcMap hangs when you expand relationships or Get Related Objects
- 29898Receive error every time an attribute is clicked in the Target or Selection tab for SDE database while utilizing an FFT
- 29922Reset button doesn't reposition correctly after a re-size
- 30030Sketch Context Menu options missing
GIS Data ReViewer:
- 26197Commit to ReViewer Table does not preserve Z value of point features
- 29730Broken link to Notepad feature in MXD crashes ArcMap
- 29808User is not prompted to save edits to ReViewer Table when user goes to File->Exit in ArcMap
- 30175 Clicking Polygon Notepad on machine with Foreign OS causes error
- 25703Add Map Sheet w/ Def Query on layer shows previous map sheet not current
- 29510PLTS 9.2 MPS Atlas install causes Oracle Drive to hang29732Dynamic Text—Data frame Scale option - does not round to whole numbers
- 30203Active Grid will not list grid chosen on a machine with Foreign OS31687Dynamic Text disappearing when going from SP2 to SP3
Files Installed with this service pack
- NewAtlasCommand.exe
- NewAtlasCommand.pdb
- NewCalculateBridgeOverrides_MPSAtlas.xml
- NewCDR_Base_GX.xml
- NewCDR_BaseToolVersion_GX.xml
- NewCKB_Base_GX.xml
- NewCKB_Upgrade_92.640.2.0_GX.xml
- NewCKB_Upgrade_92.640.3.0_GX.xml
- NewcsFeatureBuilder.HLP
- NewEditingCoreADF.olb
- NewEditingCoreCOM.dll
- NewEditingCoreOLB.olb
- NewEditingDesktopADF.olb
- NewEditingDesktopCOM.dll
- NewEditingDesktopOLB.olb
- NewESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.EditingCoreADF.dll
- NewESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.EditingCoreOLB.dll
- NewESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.EditingDesktopADF.dll
- NewESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.EditingDesktopOLB.dll
- NewESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Desktop.COM.dll
- Newgraphic_table_element.lif
- NewPCat_Base_GX.xml
- NewPNService.exe
- NewRESprjACPLTSToolbar.dll
- ReplaceAddFeatOnCreate.dll
- ReplaceAncillaryDataLDR.dll
- ReplaceAtlasDesktopCOM.dll
- ReplaceAttCenterExt.dll
- ReplaceBadGeometryTools.dll
- ReplaceContourEnhancement.dll
- ReplaceCreateVVTs.dll
- Replacecreating_features_in_plts.chm
- Replacecreating_features_in_plts.lif
- Replacecreating_geodatabases_with_plts.chm
- Replacecreating_geodatabases_with_plts.lif
- ReplaceDanglesAndPseudosRenderer.dll
- ReplaceDbsVPFImporter.dll
- Replaceediting_feature_attributes_plts.chm
- Replaceediting_feature_attributes_plts.lif
- Replaceediting_features_in_plts.chm
- Replaceediting_features_in_plts.lif
- ReplaceElementsWrapper.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Display.Desktop.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.Core.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.Data.AttributionCenterExt.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.Data.ContourEnhancement.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.Editing.Desktop.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ElementLibraryManager.Engine.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ElementLibraryManager.UI.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.FoundationToolsMenu.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.FoundationToolsMenu.pdb
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ImportExport.GDBToCov.GDBToCovCommand.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ImportExport.GDBToCov.GDBToCovCommand.pdb
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.PMCMainMenu.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Foundation.ValidationManager.COM.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Framework.Core.COM.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Framework.Core.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Framework.Desktop.COM.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Framework.Desktop.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Core.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Core.pdb
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Desktop.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Desktop.pdb
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Lib.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.Lib.pdb
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.LibUI.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.LibUI.pdb
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.StorableLayout.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.UI.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.Atlas.UI.pdb
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.GridManager.UI.CreateGridWizard.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.MPS.GridManagerVB.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.Desktop.DotNet.dll
- ReplaceESRI.PLTS.Reviewer.Engine.dll
- ReplaceesriPLTSReviewerDesktopCOM.dll
- ReplaceesriPLTSReviewerEngine.dll
- ReplaceFeatureCount.dll
- ReplaceFeatureDisplaySettings.dll
- ReplaceFoundationTools.dll
- ReplaceFrameworkCore.olb
- ReplaceFrameworkCoreCOM.dll
- ReplaceFrameworkDesktop.olb
- ReplaceFrameworkDesktopCOM.dll
- ReplaceGdbToShp.exe
- ReplaceGDBToXRef.exe
- ReplaceGenericCNTExtensions.dll
- Replacegetting_started_with_plts.chm
- Replacegetting_started_with_plts.lif
- Replacegis_data_reviewer.chm
- Replacegis_data_reviewer.lif
- Replacegraphic_table_element.chm
- Replacegrid_manager.chm
- Replacegrid_manager.lif
- ReplaceGridManager.dll
- ReplaceGridManager.reg
- ReplaceGteCore.dll
- ReplaceGteDesktopExt.dll
- ReplaceGteUI.dll
- ReplaceImportExportSettings.exe
- ReplaceImportExportSettings.pdb
- ReplaceImportTopoErrs.dll
- Replaceknowledge_base_creation.chm
- Replaceknowledge_base_creation.lif
- ReplaceKnowledgeBaseLoader.exe
- ReplaceMagneticCalculator_foundation.xml
- ReplaceMagneticIsolines_foundation.xml
- Replacemap_production_system.chm
- Replacemap_production_system.lif
- ReplaceMapHelper.dll
- ReplaceMapSeries92.mdb
- ReplaceMetadataExtension.dll
- ReplaceMGExtension.dll
- Replacemps_atlas.chm
- Replacemps_atlas.lif
- ReplaceMPSAddField.exe
- ReplaceMPSBridgeRenderer.dll
- ReplaceMPSCartoTools.dll
- ReplaceMPSCompileRoutine.dll
- ReplaceMPSCreateMap.dll
- ReplaceMPSDesignSeries.dll
- ReplaceMPSDistributor.exe
- ReplaceMPSICMAS.ocx
- ReplaceMPSICMBG.ocx
- ReplaceMPSICMCL.ocx
- ReplaceMPSICMMR.ocx
- ReplaceMPSImporter.exe
- ReplaceMPSJOGACG.ocx
- ReplaceMPSJOGAET.ocx
- ReplaceMPSJOGAGR.ocx
- ReplaceMPSJOGALD.ocx
- ReplaceMPSJOGAMR.ocx
- ReplaceMPSJOGARD.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLM50BG.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLM50CG.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLM50MR.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLM50MS.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLM50NA.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLM50SG.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLMAS.ocx
- ReplaceMPSTLMEG.ocx
- ReplaceMPSUSGS75NA.ocx
- ReplaceMPSUSGSState.ocx
- ReplaceOverviewWindow.dll
- Replaceplts.awa
- Replaceplts.chm
- Replaceplts.chw
- Replaceplts.lif
- Replaceplts_foundation_production_procedures.chm
- Replaceplts_foundation_production_procedures.lif
- Replaceplts_foundation_toolbox.chm
- Replaceplts_foundation_toolbox.lif
- Replaceplts_foundation_tools.chm
- Replaceplts_foundation_tools.lif
- Replaceplts_mpsatlas_toolbox.chm
- Replaceplts_mpsatlas_toolbox.lif
- Replaceplts_mpsatlas_tools.chm
- Replaceplts_mpsatlas_tools.lif
- ReplacePLTS_MPSAtlas_Tools.tbx
- ReplacePLTS_PAAT.dll
- ReplacePLTS_PAATCalcs.dll
- ReplacePLTSAttCenterTabs.dll
- ReplacePLTSAttCenterTabs.reg
- ReplacePLTSCreateAOI.ocx
- ReplacePLTSDataLoader.exe
- ReplacePLTSDatePicker.ocx
- ReplacePLTSDesktopAdmin.exe
- ReplacePLTSDesktopLicense.dll
- ReplacePLTSExtractData.dll
- ReplacePLTSFdInstall.dll
- ReplacePLTSFdSolInstall.dll
- ReplacePLTSFoundation.bat
- ReplacePLTSFoundationUn.bat
- ReplacePLTSGacUtil.exe
- ReplacePLTSImageAccessLib.dll
- ReplacePLTSMapGridToFeatureClass.dll
- ReplacePLTSMPSAtlasTools_TOC.chm
- ReplacePltsMpsInstall.dll
- ReplacePLTSNavTextFile.ocx
- ReplacePLTSOutputExtensions.dll
- ReplacePLTSOutputExtensionsUI.dll
- ReplacePLTSPickList.ocx
- ReplacePLTSRenderer.dll
- ReplacePLTSRenProp.dll
- ReplacePLTSSubRenProp.dll
- ReplacePMC.dll
- ReplacePMCReportWord.dll
- ReplacePMCSourceBuilder.dll
- ReplacePMCTitleInformation.ocx
- ReplacePreLoadValidate.exe
- ReplacePreProcessUMLModel.exe
- ReplaceprjACPLTSToolbar.dll
- ReplaceprjFeatureOnSubtype.dll
- ReplaceprjSampling.dll
- ReplaceRefreshToggle.dll
- ReplaceRevFrequency.dll
- ReplaceSeeSpotColor.exe
- ReplaceSelectAndIdentify.dll
- ReplaceSelectNamedFeatures.dll
- ReplaceShowExceptions.xml
- ReplaceStorableLayoutCore.dll
- Replacesymbolizing_data_in_plts.chm
- Replacesymbolizing_data_in_plts.lif
- ReplaceSymQA.dll
- ReplaceTOCManager.dll
- ReplaceValidationManager.dll
- ReplacevbTree2.dll
- Replacevisual_specifications_tool.chm
- Replacevisual_specifications_tool.lif
- Replacewhat_s_new_in_plts_for_arcgis.chm
- Replacewhat_s_new_in_plts_for_arcgis.lif
- Replaceworking_with_cartographic_elements_in_plts.chm
- Replaceworking_with_cartographic_elements_in_plts.lif
- ReplaceXML_Format.pdf
Installing the Service Pack
- You must have administrator privileges and ensure that ArcMap is not currently open.
- The CD or network location PLTS was originally installed from must be available. For instance, if PLTS was installed from a CD, the CD must be available during the SP5 install. Copy the service pack to a local folder and have the PLTS software CD in the CD drive while installing SP5. If PLTS was installed from a network location the location must be available during SP5 install.
- Double-click the PLTSFoundation92_SP5.msp file and follow the installation instructions.
Note: If the .msp extension is currently being used by another program and double clicking the .msp does not start the install process the service pack can be run from the command line.
Launching the service pack from command line:
- At a DOS command prompt, type 'msiexec.exe' to see if msiexec.exe can be found without specifying its full path.
- If Step 1 returns a message box from the Windows Install, proceed to Step 3. If it is not found, search your computer for 'msiexec.exe', usually found in the system32 folder, and note the full path when found.
- At a DOS command prompt use the following syntax to run the .msp file directly:
C:>\path\msiexec.exe /p path\.msp
C:>\msiexec.exe /p C:\temp\PLTSFoundation92_SP5.msp
An article on command line installations can be found on the ESRI support site at:
HowTo: Install a .msp file that is not recognized as a patch file
Service Pack and Patch Updates
Check Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional service packs and patches.
Getting Help
Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 909.793.3774, if you have any difficulty installing this Service Pack. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.
Supporting Files
PLTS for ArcGIS 9.2 Foundation Service Pack 5 - MSP - 72163 kb
Download ID:1399
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