Patches and updates

PLTS for ArcGIS 9.2 Foundation Service Pack 1

Published: May 31, 2007


This Service Pack is obsolete. It has been replaced with a more recent PLTS for ArcGIS 9.2 Foundation Service Pack.


ESRI® is pleased to announce PLTS for ArcGIS 9.2 Foundation Service Pack 1. This service pack upgrades PLTS for ArcGIS Foundation to version This service pack includes all fixes addressed with previous PLTS 9.2 Foundation patches.

Issues Addressed with this Service Pack

Foundation Tools :

CQ00295159Magnetic Calculator - Grid Variation field doesn't show up in the attribute table
CQ00295355Unable to get the WMM Calculator values in SDE
CQ00296331WMM Calculator - Grid Variation must only work on Lambert Coordinate System
CQ00298351WMM Calculator - Drag and drop for input fails
CQ00298612WMM Calculator - User is not warned that data may be overwritten by GP tool process
CQ00298713WMM Calculator - Tool doesn't copy features to new output FC and does not complete calculation
CQ00302598PLTS Advanced Query - Field Calculator does not honor PLTS_ACExclusion table fields
CQ00302854Magnetic Calculator - Tool does not delete duplicate feature class
CQ00303129GDB To Coverage should not launch to browse for DBS_FC_VVT dialog
CQ00303283PLTS Advanced Query - Show All button not working correctly when layer is grouped
CQ00304082Execute Button should disable for invalid input parameters
CQ00304183Units and colors not remembered when return to Sketch Halo property page
CQ00304259Product Catalog Starting Entry tree shows up to AOI
CQ00304311Magnetic Calculator - Magnetic Field Values Are Incorrect
CQ00304379Label on Create New Bookmark GDB dialog references Favorites
CQ00304391PLTS Generalize & Smooth - Error message coming when we Preview after adding a feature to selection set
CQ00305150VBScript Expression Parser returns Invalid script message if no data is present
CQ00305591PLTS Advanced Query - Field Calculator not working properly
CQ00305563Export Map - Advanced Tab under the Options menu not populated
CQ00306234WMM Calculator - Float field types should be show up in combo boxes with doubles on input FCs
CQ00307126Target tab validation always passes if database is any type of SDE
CQ00306538Product Catalog - Spatial reference property on solution not displaying correctly
CQ00304505Product Catalog Viewer is Disabled in New ArcMap Session
CQ00304513Records in Instances Maintained are duplicated
CQ00292696Feature builder does not work in projected coordinate systems
CQ00292854Geometry of polygons incorrectly portrayed by Identify tool on features created by Feature Builder
CQ00292913PLTS Feature Builder - Dropdown list need to be in sorted order
CQ00293128PLTS Feature Builder - Inconsistence behavior in case of unavailable COMPSYS library
CQ00297168PLTS Feature Builder – Some missing Coordinate formats
CQ00302595PLTS Feature Builder - Must save Scratch Dataset between ArcMap Sessions
CQ00302986PLTS Feature Builder - Create target feature - missing notification when failed
CQ00302227Close button is disabled PLTS Feature Builder
CQ00303893PLTS Feature Builder - Create Target feature - build feature in non editable scratch database
CQ00304609Tools on Feature Builder toolbar need to have consistent enabling/disabling logic
CQ00304641PLTS Feature Builder - X doesn't unselect Compass button
CQ00304716PLTS Feature Builder - Function names should not be editable in the Function Order/Visibility Dialog
CQ00304776Arc Function produces incorrect results with certain parameters
CQ00304777Execute button not enabled for Bearing Distance Calculator Function
CQ00304793Bearing Distance (Magnetic) uses parameter "Heading" instead of "Azimuth"
CQ00304796Bearing Distance (Magnetic) does not create a point at the end of the generated segment
CQ00304797Buffered Bearing has left and right backwards for buffers
CQ00304801Buffered Segment has left and right backwards for buffers
CQ00304893PLTS Feature Builder - Unable to Create Target Feature when Target is Z enabled
CQ00305091Functions list should load even if some functions are not found
CQ00305114Bearing Buffer Function fails with Square End type value
CQ00305590Bearing Buffer - incorrect output for Azimuth 45,225 with elliptic end type
CQ00305744Feature Builder not adding points correctly in Mercator projection
CQ00305981Feature Builder - Input line is deleted in Dice function
CQ00305985Feature Builder produces incorrect result for specified parameters - Arc Function
CQ00297685Circle/Circle function generates inaccurate intersection points
CQ00298153Elliptic Arc - One end point coordinates of arc is missing
CQ00306816PLTS Feature Builder - Need to re-enter input values for a subsequent operation
CQ00306817Segment Segment Intersection doesn't work
CQ00306827Circle Circle - Old values are not refreshed in output panel
CQ00306890PLTS Feature Builder - Update feature doesn't work
CQ00306891PLTS Feature Builder - Connect end points operation deletes the points
CQ00306989Arc Function produces incorrect features
CQ00307095Circle Bearing Intersection - Only one intersecting point shown for geodetic library
CQ00307038PLTS Feature Builder - Manually Entering Coordinates for Simple Functions not producing correct results
CQ00307044Can’t create features with similar coordinates using Simple Polyline or Polygon Functions
CQ00306239PLTS Feature Builder - Coordinate input grid does not register “W” to identify last point when user also has Ctrl key depressed
CQ00306363PLTS Feature Builder - MagVar is reset to 0 on changing MagVar Source
CQ00306397Circle Circle Intersection - only one intersecting point displayed in output coordinate panel
CQ00305986Feature Builder produces incorrect results for specified Circle Function

GIS Data ReViewer :
CQ00288977Add ReViewer Code/Type description fields into ReViewer table
CQ00302342Intersection on Geometry check needs to include the "NOT" option
CQ00303128Attributes displayed in Regular expression editor are not of selected Subtype
CQ00303154Commit Feature to Rev Table does not write subtype value to table
CQ00304067Line or Path Closes on Self - The Unclosed or closed option is not written to the Parameters field in the ReViewer table
CQ00304340Cutbacks - Getting error message then not getting the results window
CQ00304429CNT Check - Subtypes are not staying checked on the properties form
CQ00304578Evaluate Polyline Length: = and <> options are returning the opposite results
CQ00304824Intersection on Geometry - Wrong subtype being written to ReViewer table
CQ00304836Intersection on Geometry Check not working with Where Clauses or Subtypes
CQ00304913Duplicate Check is allowing Find Dangles check to be run on polygon feature classes
CQ00304917Duplicate Check is allowing Orphan check to be run on polygon feature class
CQ00304939Different Z at Intersection - Allows minimum to be greater than maximum
CQ00304943Different Z at Intersection - Check does not work correctly with where clauses
CQ00304948Different Z at Intersection - Returning different results with different extents
CQ00305317CNT Check - Should write all failing CNT error messages to the ReViewer Table
CQ00305348Geo on Geo - Error when specifying a Subtype in the second feature class input
CQ00305564Reviewer Session Default Check Error
CQ00305872Table not found in workspace error while running Table to Feature Attribute check tool
CQ00306340Polygon Grid Wizard - Error message should be modified when row and column values are 0 and 1 under Create Polygon Grid Wizard - 3
CQ00306433Import Topology Errors - The point topology errors are not written to the ReViewer table when Topology Rule Type or Topology Rule option is used
CQ00306437Import Topology Errors - Error occurs when tried to Import topology exceptions with Errors to the ReViewer table
CQ00306998ReViewer Batch Validate - Only the first check or CNT is being executed when all have been selected to run
CQ00303523Choose Product Class Versions is empty when CKB is connected as read only
CQ00303529CKB does not refresh itself if it is connected to the same databases with different workspace and different privileges
CQ00305413Setting CKB workspace in ArcMap is not reflected in ArcCatalog
CQ00302763CDR - Upgrading db to valid CDR is not working for read-only CDR
CQ00305012Product Catalog Viewer issues after setting new CDR

MPS-Atlas :
CQ00290911Table Design - Add access data source & table field dialogs from table design
CQ00290938Item to Column - Elements need to rotated to be horizontal not vertical
CQ00301235Set Data Source - Change Version & Change Data Source should be disabled until row is selected
CQ00301914PLTS Views toolbar (Combo Box) interferes with other toolbars (file)
CQ00301970Feature Layer Def Query - Feature Layer Field Name and Map Sheet Field Name dropdown lists are not being populated
CQ00302097GP Tools (Calc VS and Drop VS) need to prepopulate CKB location
CQ00302179Setting Regional and Language Options to Danish produces dynamic text that is not at specified size
CQ00302247Calc'ed TXS should have "virtual field" like Calc'ed REPs have "virtual rep"
CQ00302315Add ability to have views stored managed external to CKB
CQ00302477Adding Views toolbar when CKB path is blank crashes ArcMap
CQ00302529Updates to "Update Feature Class" check box
CQ00302708Save View doesn't override/update preexisting view
CQ00302764Visual Specifications - CKB Path not known after Apply
CQ00302786Changing CKB through Calculated Representations tab is not updating correctly
CQ00302788If change VST table location and create new specification at the same time specification is save to the wrong location
CQ00302789Visual Specifications - Move Down option for processing order actually moves to the bottom
CQ00302894Visual Specifications - Can't add attributed relationship classes in query builder
CQ00302974VST edit extension not recalculating when edit is made on joined table
CQ00303135Unable to set PreCode or PostCode attribute
CQ00303172Element ID Manager does not properly track pre-grouped elements
CQ00303175Expression Parser crashes ArcMap for feature classes with no features
CQ00303316Clicking the Save View button creates a new duplicate view
CQ00303323End User unable to implement custom Pre and Post code components
CQ00303399Visual Specifications - Query Builder does not support Table aliases
CQ00303679Column alias not used properly in Expression Parser
CQ00303681New field for Calculated Text String should have default value
CQ00303698Select Name Field button should be disabled until they choose a Name.
CQ00304001Views database path not refreshing if database is deleted
CQ00304052Changing the Map Page Size for a single map sheet alters the layout for shared map sheets
CQ00304068When changing the Storage to Individual Map Documents the individual MXDs do not represent the correct AOI
CQ00304236Only one north arrow is created although both the zones are specified in the TOPO North Arrow properties dialog
CQ00304360Visual Specifications - Some incorrect queries return all features instead of nothing
CQ00304368Copy/Paste option does not create new record in views table
CQ00304400Visual Specifications - Query on Date fields are invalid
CQ00304633Visual Specifications - Copy/Paste option does not create specification
CQ00304635Calculate Specifications options do not obey Cancel operation
CQ00304636Tooltip of PLTS Visual Specification icon changes once you set the Visual Specification table location
CQ00304700Unknown Coordinate System message comes up even when I have defined a coord system
CQ00304794Visual Specifications - Select All and "Clear" options should be there for Column Order dialog
CQ00304825Specification rules and representations are not deleted
CQ00304842Buffer isn't working with intersection area of interest
CQ00304921Extent setting for view settings does not work as desired after saving the view
CQ00304923Layer Order setting for view settings does not work as desired after saving the view
CQ00305053MXD with all layers with broken data source creates empty view
CQ00305207Visual Specifications - Query Builder doesn't display coded value descriptions
CQ00305280Cannot select Batch command for Apply View or representation GP tools
CQ00305296Views with Annotation feature classes can't be reapplied
CQ00305341Scroll bar and Sorting in "Values" section of SQL editor
CQ00305410Copy/Paste Spec rules from different database removes existing rules
CQ00305479Setting parameter issues in batch mode (Page Layout)
CQ00305510Feature Display Settings Tool - Definition Queries - Does not Work on Annotation Classes
CQ00305521Map Sheet Errors not turning red
CQ00305522Select Area of Interest should open wizard page with Feature Layer if you have features pre-selected
CQ00305523Print and Export - The Map Sheets settings are not persisted if I go and make a change in either of the Setup menus
CQ00305528Element disappears when I make map sheet single
CQ00305531When I add a new data frame manager it should give it the name of the data frame it is for
CQ00305580Visual Specifications - Add validation messaging when editing spec rule base
CQ00305666Layout Sharing through Map Sheet Properties
CQ00305794Feature Layer Field Name setting not persisting each time you open Data Frame Manager Properties
CQ00305918Visual Specifications - Advanced view doesn't allows editing of SQL or VBScript with workspace and FC
CQ00306027Views - Setting path to CKB severely degrades ArcMap performance
CQ00306300New view is not created when creating view for the very first time using the New View button
CQ00306344Disable Save view and Delete view icons when no view exist
CQ00306404Visual Specifications - Change tree view node in query builder to "Target Feature Class"
CQ00306436Sheet Refresh Issue when switching layout sharing
CQ00306492Calculate Visual Specifications GP tool not honoring layer definition queries
CQ00306648Calculate Visual Specifications tool: The Only calculate selected features condition doesn’t work
CQ00306744Expression parser failing to retrieve all related records
CQ00306815Edit extension setting is not persisted between MXD sessions
CQ00306874View restoring data with Annotation crashed ArcMap
CQ00306875Calc Vis Spec and Drop Vis Spec GP tools do not work with Standalone Tables
CQ00306903Specification rules and representations are not deleted on existing spec
CQ00306912Unable to rename a view in the first attempt
CQ00306913Unable to rename a specification in the first attempt
CQ00306959Rep rules previews not shown when style is not referenced in styles manager
CQ00306971Copy/Paste view does not work as desired
CQ00306972The copied view should have the name as copy_of_view name
CQ00306993Set Map Sheet as Single breaks map sheet. Setting all sheets to single breaks TOC
CQ00306996Spec is only applied with edit extension after initial calc with layer property page
CQ00307014Choosing Dynamic Scale for Scale and Extent produces map series with show error information

Documentation :
CQ00302096Documentation should advise user to use PLTS Start Editing when editing features with PLTS tools
CQ00304624Add detail to the Intersection on Geometry help entry
CQ00304644Defining specifications using VBScript topic needs to show rep rule syntax
CQ00304849Symbolizing data - Remove tip
CQ00304852Changes required under How to use the PLTS Views dialog box to manage views?
CQ00304922No help document available for Delete view icon
CQ00305268Configuring the coordinate display settings - hyperlink cannot be accessed
CQ00305324Add additional information for Selecting Bad Geometry
CQ00305326Add additional information for Simplifying Bad Geometry
CQ00305434XML Format Text PDF needs to be updated
CQ00305496Topic Topo MPS Elements - text needs to be revised
CQ00305659Search tab is referencing 9.1 help topics
CQ00305671Add separated tiff help to foundation
CQ00305752When new rev tables created (session 1)...update message box text
CQ00305781Missing word in Configuring the coordinate display settings
CQ00305783Bad grammar in Tables in the central knowledge base
CQ00305785Text needs to be deleted in geoprocessing help
CQ00305788Two comments on Calculate Visual specification help
CQ00305905ReViewer Correction information
CQ00305925Add documentation describing the difference between WMM (what our tools use) and IGRF
CQ00306236About visual specification - text needs to be changed
CQ00306237Visual specification workflows - text needs to be changed
CQ00306238Creating calculated representation specification rules - text needs to be changed
CQ00306242Defining specifications using VBScript - text needs to be changed
CQ00306294Setting and viewing settings - text needs to be changed
CQ00306295Using the Views tool to manage the map views - text needs to be changed
CQ00306320Copying specification rules - text needs to be changed
CQ00306321Setting the current representation - text needs to be changed
CQ00306322Deleting representations - text needs to be changed
CQ00306325Viewing the visual specifications properties - text needs to be changed
CQ00306327Viewing the visual specifications properties - text needs to be changed
CQ00306333Deleting specification rules across specifications - text needs to be changed
CQ00306337Modifying specification rule properties - text needs to be changed
CQ00306345Toggling tab visibility in the Layer Properties dialog box - screenshot needs to be revised
CQ00306346Toggling tab visibility in the Layer Properties dialog box - text needs to be changed
CQ00306408Defining SQL statements for visual specifications needs a note that definition queries are not honored
CQ00306525Adding a new data frame manager help page needs to be updated for 9.2
CQ00307069Visual Specifications—Update SQL statements and definition queries
CQ00307222PLTS Feature BuilderDocumentation - Clear Scratch Dataset Button
CQ00307223PLTS Feature Builder Documentation - Screenshot needs to be clear

Files Installed with this service pack


Installing the Service Pack

1.You must have administrator privileges and ensure that ArcMap is not currently open.

2.The CD or network location PLTS was originally installed from must be available. For instance, if PLTS was installed from a CD, the CD must be available during the SP1 install. Copy the service pack to a local folder and have the PLTS software CD in the CD drive while installing SP1. If PLTS was installed from a network location the location must be available during SP1 install.

3.Double-click the PLTSFoundation92_SP1.msp and follow the installation instructions.

Note: If the .msp extension is currently being used by another program and double clicking the .msp does not start the install process the service pack can be run from the command line.

Launching the service pack from command line:

1.At a DOS command prompt, type 'msiexec.exe' to see if msiexec.exe can be found without specifying its full path.

2.If Step 1 returns a message box from the Windows Install, proceed to Step 3. If it is not found, search your computer for 'msiexec.exe', usually found in the system32 folder, and note the full path when found.

3.At a DOS command prompt use the following syntax to run the .msp file directly:

C:>\path\msiexec.exe /p path\.msp

C:>\msiexec.exe /p C:\temp\PLTSFoundation92_SP1.msp

An article on command line installations can be found on the ESRI support site at:
HowTo: Install a .msp file that is not recognized as a patch file

Service Pack and Patch Updates

Check Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional service packs and patches.

Getting Help

Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 909.793.3774, if you have any difficulty installing this service pack. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.


Supporting Files

Download ID:1295

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