Patches and updates
Military Overlay Editor 9.1 Service Pack 2
- Introduction
- MOLE 9.1 Service Pack 2 Release Notes
- System requirements
- Installing this Service Pack
- Installing MOLE Manually for Non-Administrative Users
- Files Installed or Changed by this Service Pack
- Service Pack Updates
- Getting Help
We recommend that all Military Overlay Editor 9.1 customers download and install this Service Pack, at their earliest convenience, to ensure the highest quality experience when working with Military Overlay Editor 9.1.
Note that this service pack contains all the fixes that were part of SP1.
MOLE 9.1 Service Pack 2 Release Notes
For additional release notes, see the readme.htm file that installs with MOLE.
Enhancements and changes
- MOLE now uses True Type fonts by default for MOLE labels. When layers are first added in MOLE, they will now use True Type fonts for MOLE labels. Previously, MOLE graphic text was used by default. This change resolved memory leak issue CQ00283981. In MOLE code you develop, it is recommended you use True Type fonts to display MOLE labels. For more information about using True Type fonts, refer to the graphic and attribute text samples in the MOLE software developer kit (SDK). MOLE labels are also known as attribute data, attribute labels, and modifiers.
- In ArcGlobe, use True Type fonts when you want to control MOLE label color (text color). To do this, use an existing custom style or create a new custom style, then specify the text color for it using the Text Symbol option in the Item dropdown list. Make sure Use Text Fonts is checked. The Item dropdown list and the Use Fonts checkbox are in the Style area of the Symbols tab in the MOLE Layer Properties dialog box for force elements (CQ00284016).
- The way MOLE renders direction of movement indicators for non-ground force elements has changed. Now the arrow stem originates from the center of the graphic instead of from the center of the bottom border. For more information on direction of movement indicators, see page 24 of MIL-STD-2525B (CQ00279418).
- The names of the stacking rules (ArcMap: MOLE Layer Properties dialog for force elements, Stacking tab) were modified to match the names of the leadering rules (CQ00280484).
- The memory leak caused by a MOLE layer or graphic being refreshed has been fixed (CQ00279078).
- Improvements were made with MOLE in ArcEngine to improve performance when loading/saving .mxd files.
- MOLE should no longer freeze when its database can't be opened. MOLE creates the file MOLE.log in its bin folder and adds a line of text to that file indicating the molecore database failed to open. Developers can use the IMoleCoreHelper function get_MoleWorkspace to determine if the molecore database is accessible. If there is a problem accessing the database, then the workspace pointer returned will be NULL; otherwise it should be a valid IWorkspace pointer to the appropriate workspace object--personal geodatabase, ArcSDE database, and so on (CQ00280103).
- It is recommended you use the WGS-84 geographic coordinate system to avoid possible display problems, such as warped point tactical graphics and disappearing force elements. Adding new force elements with the sketch tool while in a projected coordinate may cause an error and prevent newly created symbols. Adding a MOLE layer into an ArcMap session with a projected coordinate system may cause ArcMap to close. (CQ00281525, CQ00281514, CQ00281553).
- Additional localization preparatory steps have been taken this release (CQ00274856, CQ00274945, CQ00279817).
- You can now run the Add MOLE Fields geoprocessing tool on an empty shapefile to create a MOLE geodatabase; before, the shapefile had to have at least one record in it (CQ00273638).
- Minor refresh issues have been addressed (CQ00283545, CQ00284166).
Known issues
- Added 5/10/06 for CQ00289936.Developers: ArcGIS Engine applications may crash when adding tactical graphics with certain Symbol ID codes. For details and the hotfix download, see Military Overlay Editor (MOLE) 9.1 Service Pack 2 hotfix
- Some actions may cause ArcMap to close, including adding an .mxd file with MOLE layers in it when MOLE is uninstalled (CQ00277031), removing a MOLE layer during an edit session (CQ00285198), and adding a force elements layer that has no Parent field in it (CQ00286005).
- MOLE uses a P (instead of an R) as the 5th character of precipitation Symbol ID codes (CQ00281559).
- Navigation buttons (for example, pan and fixed zoom in) may not work after you use the Zoom to Layer command on a group layer for a tactical graphic point layer. You may have to click the Full Extent button to reactivate the navigation buttons (CQ00283654).
- Echelon modifiers may appear to change when changing scales or refreshing the display (CQ00285523).
System requirements
MOLE system requirements did not change from MOLE 9.1 to MOLE 9.1 Service Pack 2. You can review MOLE 9.1 system requirements by opening the readme.htm file installed by MOLE 9.1 to <ArcGIS Installation Directory>/MOLE/Documentation. This requirements list will also be installed with this service pack's readme.htm file, which is installed to the same location.
Installing this Service Pack
At 9.1, ESRI service packs are not full installations of an ESRI software application. It is for this reason you must have a major release version of a product installed before you can install that product's service pack.
- Ensure you have one of the following versions of MOLE installed:
- MOLE 9.1
- MOLE 9.1 QFE 1
- Ensure you have system administrator privileges on the machine on which you plan to install and use the service pack. If you want a non administrator user to use MOLE, reinstall MOLE 9.1 manually as described in Installing MOLE Manually for Non-Administrative Users, below, then continue to step 3 of this procedure.
- Make sure your machine meets the MOLE system requirements. Be sure to review the full release notes listing in the readme.htm file that gets installed with this service pack.The readme.htm is installed to <MOLE Installation Directory>/Documentation.
- Download the following file, which contains the MOLE application, to a location other than <ArcGIS Installation Directory>.
- Navigate to the directory in which you saved the downloaded .msp file, then double-click the file to start the MOLE installation.
If double-clicking on the .msp file does not start the installation, you can start it manually by using the following command:
msiexec.exe /p [location of service pack]\ArcGISMOLE91sp2.msp REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=omus
You may not be able to install this service pack directly from any removable media; you may need to copy the service pack installation file (the .msp file) locally or to a location on your network prior to starting the installation.
If you're installing on a Linux or Solaris system, you may need to, as a root user, open the ArcGIS directory to which you intend to install MOLE, then change ownership of that directory to a new user. Next, open that directory as the new user (do not install MOLE as the root user) and run setup.exe against the ArcGIS directory.
- The MOLE installation wizard starts up, and its first panel, the ArcGIS Military Overlay Editor Setup panel, appears.
- Follow the instructions in the installation wizard until you get to the final panel, then click Finish.
Note: At 9.1, minor changes were made to the MOLE schema. These changes are documented in the 9.1 release notes and in the documentation that comes with this service pack.
You are ready to begin using this release of MOLE or developing with this release of MOLE.
To uninstall MOLE, modify your installation by clicking Start, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, then ArcGIS Military Overlay Editor 9.1, then click Remove. Follow the on-screen instructions to remove MOLE.
Installing MOLE Manually for Non-Administrative Users
If you want a non-administrator user to be able to use MOLE, install (or reinstall) MOLE 9.1 manually using this procedure.
To manually start the wizard, enter the following command in the Windows Run dialog (Start < Run):
MSIEXEC.exe /I <path to setup program>\<name of setup program> ALLUSERS=1
- Path to setup program is the file path to setup.exe.
- Name of setup program is the name of the MOLE installation program (setup.exe).
An example: if you are installing MOLE 9.1 on Windows and you extracted its .zip file to C:\Temp, your syntax would be:
MSIEXEC.exe /I C:\temp\setup.exe ALLUSERS=1
For additional information
A technical paper, Deploying Managed ArcGIS 9 Setups, is available to provide information on deploying ArcGIS and Service Packs. This white paper discusses the deployment of ArcGIS 9.1 setups and Service Packs using Microsoft® Systems Management Server (SMS) and Group Policy, including additional system requirements, suggestions, known issues, and Microsoft Software Installation (MSI) command line parameters. Deployment in a lockdown environment is also covered.
Files installed or Changed by this Service Pack
Files updated in <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\MOLE\Bin:
- MoleClassExtensions2.dll
- MoleCore2.dll
- MoleCoreRules2.dll
- moleCoreUI9.dll
- MoleDDD.dll
- MoleFeatureRenderers.dll
- moleMxCommands9.dll
- moleMxEditCommands9.dll
- MolePropertyPages.dll
- MoleTacticalRenderers2.dll
- MoleUICommands.dll
- MoleUIControls.dll
- Formations.mdb
- moleCore.mdb
Updated files in <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\com:
- esriMOLE.olb
- esriMOLEUI.olb
Updated files in <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\MOLE\DeveloperKit:
- esriMOLE.chm
- MOLEObjectModel.pdf
Updated file in <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\MOLE\Documentation:
- readme.htm
Updated files in <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\java:
- arcgis_mole.jar
- ArcGIS_moleui.jar
Service Pack Updates
Check the Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional patches. New information about this MOLE service pack or additional MOLE service packs and minor releases will be posted here.
Getting Help
If you have difficulty installing this service pack, contact ESRI Technical Support at 909.793.3774 if you are a domestic site. If you are an international site, contact your local ESRI software distributor.
Download ID:1119
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