Patches and updates
Mapping and Charting Solutions 10.4.1 Patch 1 (Desktop | Server)
We recommend Mapping and Charting Solutions customers with the following solutions download and install this patch to ensure the highest quality experience.
- ArcGIS for Aviation
- ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry
- ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting
- ArcGIS for Maritime: Server
- Esri Defense Mapping
- Esri Production Mapping
- Login with a Windows Administrator account.
- Select and download the Mapping and Charting file.
Patch 1 Checksum (Md5) Desktop MappingandCharting1041Patch1.msp B773856B00BF68147338544F50E2D392 Server MappingandChartingServer1041Patch1.msp 026F431B6BAEE8C7356F5FBA199183D2 - Double-click the msp file to start the install process.
- When Setup starts, follow the instructions on your screen.
If Maritime Chart Service is installed continue with these steps:
- Login as a Server Manager by launching https://localhost:6443/arcgis/manager.
- Click Services.
- Stop the map service with Maritime Chart Service capabilities configured.
- Move the controlfiles folder from \arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\maritimechartservice\controlfiles to a backup location.
- Copy the new controlfiles folder from \MaritimeServer\Server\maritimechartservice to \arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\maritimechartservice.
- If modifications were made to the old control files, they will need to be made to the new control files. The backup control files can be used to consolidate modifications with the new control files. For example Coordinate systems and AutoCellUpdate settings.
- If the map service was configured to read S-63 encrypted datasets, copy the S-63 user-permit.txt file from the backup controlfiles folder to the new controlfiles folder.
- Delete the .senc files from \arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\maritimechartservice\sencs. The .senc files must be rebuilt after upgrading. Deleting them will significantly increase creation performance.
- Repeat steps 1 through 8 for each map service with the Maritime Chart Service capabilities configured.
- Login as an administrator by launching https://localhost:6443/arcgis/admin.
- Click Uploads.
- Click Upload.
- Click Choose File and browse to the MaritimeService.soe file located in \MaritimeServer\Server\Bin.
- Click Upload to add the SOE to the site.
- Copy the Item ID for use in the Update step.
- Click Home.
- Click Services.
- Click Types.
- Click Extensions.
- Click Update and paste the Item ID.
- Click Update.
- Click Services (Navigate to Server Manager ->https://localhost:6443/arcgis/manager).
- Click the map service for which you want to enable the Maritime Chart Service.
- Click Capabilities.
- Verify that the datasetsDirectory, controlFilesDirectory, and workingDirectory properties point to the correct locations. For more information about these properties, see the 'Modifying Maritime Chart Service capabilities properties' section of Setting Maritime Chart Service properties.
- Click Save and Restart to make the Maritime Chart Service available.
- Confirm the Maritime Chart Service capabilities are working properly in the map service by verify that the .senc files in the sencs folder are current.
- Repeat steps 22 - 27 for each map service with Maritime Chart Service capabilities configured.
Enhancements and Issues Addressed with this Patch
- ArcGIS for Aviation
- TFS88485Annotation Features with a Null MapID may be created when working in a multiuser environment.
- TFS88568Update the logic to handle variations in RunwayDesignator field name.
- TFS88703Line Bypass and Cut Line fail when run on all features.
- TFS88797Add new CGA point based rules in install directory.
- TFS88806Need to check for reverse line direction when merging Airspace & Geoborder.
- TFS89126ChangeReporter may fail with out of memory error when run on larger data sets (over 20000 records).
- TFS89482Change the mxddictionary in the Python script generator output to be ordered.
- TFS89680AIXM 5.1 importer needs to pull the RepATCCode from the data.
- TFS89681ATSRoute Calculator is slow after the new updates to the Vincenty algorithm have been added.
- TFS90028Handle arcbycenterpoint for MSA sectors.
- TFS90129Changeover point tool returns a .net error for routes with a changeover on the start segment of the route.
- ArcGIS for Maritime:Charting
- BUG-000096683The S-58 to Reviewer tool cannot process S-57 datasets with certain agency names.
- TFS87508Extraction for MCSCL is not filtering NON-ENC products on export
- TFS87736Code in Export is changing and corrupting the spatial reference in the geodatabase
- TFS88304DNC VPF - VPF Exporter fails when encountering read-only data
- TFS88372Exported cell EDTN number not matching EDTN in PL Metadata after New Dataset Export
- TFS88377Exporter should place features in a specific order in S-57 file
- TFS88386Changes in order in FFPT and SG3D is resulting in unnecessary 'noise' in ERs
- TFS89507pre-order-traversal sequence not compliant with S-57 specifications
- TFS89920Create S-57 product GP tool does not pull Agency from cell to DSID Producing Agency metadata in PL
- Esri Defense Mapping
Desktop and Server - BUG-000097106The length of the minute tics for the MTM50 and MTM100 map products should be 5mm.
- TFS89061Update Create Spot Heights tool to properly attribute ZVH field when using a custom AOI.
- TFS90135Update Split Features to provide and error message if the features being used to split and the target features have a different spatial reference.
- TFS89499Add a values and descriptions option to GDB to Shape export.
- TFS89232Fix the crop symbol source in MGCP_TRD_4_2_MTM_Visual_Specification.
- TFS90127Update TM25,TM50 and TM100K Railway / intact / broad, standard / electrified / 1 track (curve) PS-00382.
- TFS90015SplitFeatures GP tool removes holes in the cutting polygon.
- TFS89063Refactor Create Rapid Graphic to provide better error handling and reporting.
- TFS89686Split Features does not create a hole when the cutting feature is completely contained in the feature being cut.
- TFS89746Split Features is not creating intersection vertices on cutting feature.
- TFS89060Remove the dependency on the ReferenceData\Cartography.gdb from Create Bands From Raster tool.
- Desktop
- TFS88150Update MatchAOItoGrid workflow step to run in postgres.
- TFS87802Create workflow steps to define the filter parameters when using checkout and extract.
- TFS87894The set product library steps UI should default to an existing PL when one has been configured on the schema.
- TFS88138The CONNECTION_DIR field in the JTX_QUEUE tablelength must be increased in length.
- TFS89374Update CheckExtendedPropertyStep workflow to find the extended property table if it uses a job id field named something other than job_id.
- TFS88961Set rapid graphic configuration does not include TM25 in the workflows.
- TFS90190Add new job types for Apply Metadata and Merge Production workflows.
- TFS89062Update Create Spot Heights GP tool to run on a selected contour in a personal geodatabase.
- Server
- TFS89493Production Manager should not evaluate jobs with 0 percent complete and only 1 day elapsed as being behind schedule.
- TFS88815Add logging capability to POD.
- Esri Production Mapping
Desktop and Server - BUG-000096696Data Reviewer:Execute Reviewer Batch Job GP tool is running very slow with larger data (1 Million features).
- TFS88449Data Reviewer:WMX Custom Step: Geometry on Geometry check may not return the correct results if the Changed Features Only option is selected when using Run Reviewer batch job.
- TFS86299Graphic Table Element sourced to SDE crashes ArcMap.
- TFS88834ProductionCustomStepsPostInstall.exe fails with error Exception from HRESULT: 0x800503F7 on postgres database.
- TFS89675Delete Dangles: Not honoring compare Compare_Features if angle is specified.
- TFS90121Generalize Shared Features: fails with invalid SQL error.
- Desktop
- New:The Production Dissolve geoprocessing tool adds the ability to dissolve features in the input feature class without producing a new output feature class.
- BUG-000094428Receive 'WFS server is not currently available' when attempting to add a WFS through HTTPS using Add WFS Server.
- TFS88572Node Renderer: will not render dangles for layer when data frame is projected or unprojected
- BUG-000097139Attempting to add WFS Server connection using a service with hundreds of layers causes ArcMap to crash with a serious application error.
Patch Updates
Check the Patches and Service Packs page periodically for the availability of additional patches. New information about this patch will be posted here.
How to identify which ArcGIS products are installed
To determine which ArcGIS products are installed, choose the appropriate version of the PatchFinder utility for your environment and run it from your local machine. PatchFinder will list products, hot fixes, and patches installed on your local machine.
Getting Help
Domestic sites, please contact Esri Technical Support at 1-888-377-4575, if you have any difficulty installing this patch. International sites, please contact your localEsri software distributor.
Download ID:7399
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