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Map Viewer Showcase Application (Java) - v2006

Published: June 23, 2004


The Map Viewer Application enables users to access a wide variety of maps for the United States, Canada, Europe, and the World. The application enables users to enter a location (e.g., street address or place name) anywhere in the world and view a street map of that location. Users can then navigate the map, view a large map, or create a printable version.


The Map Viewer Application was developed using Java Server Pages (JSP), Java 1.4.x, and Dynamic HTML (JavaScript) using the Apache Axis 1.3 application framework to communicate with ArcWeb Services 2006.For more information about this application, please see the Map Viewer About this Showcase page.

Please note that because of the type of content included with the application, you will need to have a commercial services account. If you do not have a commercial services account and you would like to get a 90 day evaluation copy, go to

Supporting Files

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