Patches and updates
GPT 3.1 - Channel Editor, Build
GPT 3.1 was released with build 3.1.21 of the Channel Editor. When working with this build, the Channel Editor opens Tomcat sessions, but does not release them. Using the Channel Editor for an extensive number of operations will create a large number of open sessions and will slow Tomcat down significantly. This patch offers a new build of the Channel Editor, where this problem is fixed. We recommend GPT 3.1 users to download and install this patch at their earliest convenience.
In the released GPT 3.1 Channel Editor (build 3.1.21), each operation with the channel editor opens up a new Tomcat session that then does not get released. Login, Check-out, Check-in, and Log out all cause new sessions to be opened. Working with the Channel Editor on successive channel check-outs and check-ins causes the number of open sessions to quickly reach a very high number, and causes Tomcat to slow down significantly. This patch offers a new build of the Channel Editor, where this problem is fixed. We recommend GPT 3.1 users to download and install this patch at their earliest convenience.
Supporting Files
- GPT 3.1 Channel Editor, Build - ZIP - 5756 kb
Download ID:1364
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