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Geodatabase Spatial Domain Calculator

Published: January 28, 2005


The free download is an ArcGIS Engine application that allows you to visualize and configure appropriate spatial domain settings for the geodatabase. UPDATED 2/16/05


The purpose of this application is to help you choose an appropriate spatial domain for geodatabase data. This application supplements the help topic Building a geodatabase > Creating new items in geodatabases > Setting an appropriate geodatabase spatial domain in the ArcGIS Desktop Help documentation. Specifically, this tool is useful if you are considering Approaches B and C outlined in that help topic.


To install the tool, download and unzip Then double-click CalcLoadingParams9.exe. This will start an install wizard that will create a shortcut in your Start menu at Start > All Programs > ArcGIS > Developer Samples > Spatial Domain Calculator. This tool requires that you have ESRI ArcGIS 9 Desktop (ArcView, ArcEditor, or ArcInfo) licensed and installed on your system. includes the installation program and ReadMe.pdf. contains the VB6 source files and data for this application.

Updates from February 16, 2005 to the spatial domain calculator include the following:

  • Fixed license check to check out an appropriate ArcGIS Desktop license
  • Added Help menu
  • Enabled application to be minimized

Supporting Files

Download ID:949

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